Meanwhile, Artoo and Threepio escaped an Imperial patrol by claiming that the rebels had thrown them into the storage compartment. Using the hijacked AT-ST, the rebels tricked the remaining Imperial troops into opening the shield generator. However, Luke was interrupted when a Tusken Raider appeared and attacked him. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother, R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. Meanwhile, Imperial stormtroopers attacked the Alderaan Enclave upstairs. That night, another assassination attempt was carried out. Gender Instead, he instructed the astromech to return to their Jedi starfighter and contact the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for help. Meanwhile, Leia and Sana rescued Aphra from being executed by an IG-RM droid, and recruited her to help take back the facility. A short time later, Han attempted to step on Darth Vader with the AT-AT's massive feet. While Tano parried with Vizsla, R2-D2's droid companions kept the remaining Death Watch members busy. The factory was also the main target of the assault. 1: The Destiny Path, Star Wars 8, Star Wars 9, Star Wars 10, Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure, Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker 1, Bounty Hunted, Hare-Brained Heist, Chapter 16: The Rescue, The Legends of Luke Skywalker, Age of Resistance - Rey 1, Star Wars Adventures Ashcan, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition, Porg Problems, Porgs!, Poe Dameron 28, Resistance Reborn, Secret Agent Droids, Part 1, Secret Agent Droids, Part 2, Secret Agent Droids, Part 3, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, Star Wars: Build Your Own R2-D2, Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Teebo - Ewok Scout - Base Series 1). Into the Battle The storm above (Introduction): Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by General Grievous during his attack on Coruscant. [7], During the assault, Vader damaged Antilles' starfighter, forcing him to withdraw, and destroyed Darklighter's starfighter, killing him. Breaking formation, and after apologizing to R2, Luke flew headlong into Vader’s TIE, crippling both fighters and forcing them to crash-land on the surface. He intended to avenge the death of his father by murdering Master Windu, who had killed Jango Fett during the Battle of Geonosis. After quarreling in the Jundland Wastes, the two droids parted ways. Skywalker informed R2-D2 about his plan to rescue Han Solo but kept C-3PO in the dark, knowing that his programming prevented him from lying. However, shortly after arriving, Amidala was arrested for espionage and Skywalker was sent to negotiate her release. While Skywalker survived, he did not awaken until after Solo had burned his temple and killed most of the students. Upon landing, R2-D2 reunited with C-3PO while Leia chatted with Han, Luke, and Chewbacca. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. However, the Weequay's pirate ship Marauder was attacked by General Grievous' cruiser. Before the Tusken Raiders could do any more harm, Ben Kenobi arrived and scared them away. [7], During the Tusken attack, R2-D2 hid in a cave. Nineteen years following the purge of the Galactic Republic, R2-D2 played a pivotal role in helping the Rebel Alliance destroy the Empire's Death Star superweapon. [12], After first meeting R2 during the Naboo crisis,[16] R2 was given to Anakin Skywalker by Padmé Amidala as a wedding present. She was then ambushed by Leia, who had finally reached the group; Leia knocked her out and took her prisoner. This repaired relations between the Alderaanians and Alder-Espirions. During a maneuvering drill in space with Blue and Yellow Squadrons, Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of the group. Lux decided to depart the ship in an escape pod but vowed to meet Ahsoka again.[54]. Star Wars R2 D2 Kill Count ( submitted 19 hours ago by JaggedDig747. Ahsoka was taken hostage by Bane during the fighting. To fool the Separatist life form detectors, the entire Jedi and Clone trooper strike team were frozen in carbonite. The shuttle was sent from the crime lord Jabba the Hutt, and had housed an envoy that was to negotiate with the Empire. While Solo, Luke, and Chewbacca headed to Detention Block AA-23, Kenobi went to disable the Death Star's tractor beam projector.[7]. As planned, R2-D2 and C-3PO traveled to Jabba's castle where R2-D2 played a holographic message from Luke Skywalker. R2-D2 along Skywalker, Tano, and Captain Rex succeeded in boarding the bounty hunter's Munificent-class star frigate. During the skirmish, Tano ordered Artoo and the younglings Zatt and Ganodi to secure the deck while the droid Huyang and the other younglings hid in the deck. R2 was later able to restore his companion during the Battle of Geonosis. However, George Lucas objected, as another name starting with "a" caused alliteration between him and other main characters Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Artoo. However, R2-D2 relented upon learning about R5-D4's sad story. After Skywalker was knocked out by a powerful blast, R2-D2 took control of the starfighter. Trusting in the Force, Yoda manually guided his starfighter to a planet which was generating the golden energy. [105], R2-D2 was known for his loyal, courageous, and assertive personality. Why didn't R2D2 tell Luke Skywalker that Darth Vader was Anakin? After fighting off their pursuers, they managed to escape aboard their ship and head offworld. Affiliation Saradomin priests, Saradominist spiritual warriors, spiritual rangers and spiritual mages can also be killed for this purpose. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. Model Help us, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex. [19] After achieving their objectives, General Skywalker contacted Artoo to prepare their ship for departure and to meet them at the landing platform. Once this fight was over, R2-D2 was once again reunited with his longtime friend, C-3PO. At that moment, a holo-transmission from Senator Amidala on Coruscant identified Jabba's uncle Ziro as the instigator behind the kidnapping, which placated an angry Jabba. After Rey's failed attempt to redeem Kylo Ren, R2-D2 helped the Falcon track the other half of the binary signal device Rey was using to keep track of Leia's location while Rey and Chewbacca piloted the Falcon against the forces of the First Order. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. The Zabrak explained that he could ensure passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which Luke refused to do. Once the Imperials had gone, the two droids were contacted by Skywalker, who ordered them to shut down the garbage compactor. Using the holocron and the stolen kyber crystal, Bane disguised himself as a Jedi and began kidnapping Force-sensitive children under orders from Darth Sidious. [117] Most of the droids had solid aluminum shells built by Peteric Engineering. [4], R2-D2, along with his masters Skywalker and Tano, later participated in the defense of Cato Neimoidia. Upon arriving, they discovered that the Separatists had already seized control of the ship and were planning to use the rhydonium-laden to disrupt a crucial Republic strategy conference aboard the space station Valor above the planet Carida. Artoo is supposedly a standard astromech droid, but he has played an integral part in the titular wars of the Star Wars saga since those wars began. The rebuild was supervised by Brian Johnson. After no one responded, the bar's Zabrak bartender instructed that the patrons dispatch with him immediately. In "the machine in the Ghost" Chopper blows up a TIE-Fighter, so that's 1 kill. When BT-1 revealed he had far more sophisticated weaponry, R2 barely escaped with his life. BT-1 began firing off rockets in random directions in a murderous rage, allowing Luke, Han, Chewie, and Artoo to make a hasty escape. Skywalker managed to arrange a meeting between Amidala, Palpatine, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda. The two droids landed at the opening where they were greeted by a chanting crowd of Aleena. Later, R2-D2 and his companions traveled to the spaceport of Mos Eisley with the intention of finding passage to Alderaan. [69] While Threepio settled down to his new home, R2-D2 wanted to continue his mission to find Master Ben Kenobi. [106] Skywalker viewed R2 as more than a droid, considering his loyal companion a friend. Back in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 6, "Chapter 14: The Tragedy," Grogu was placed on the Seeing Stone on Tython, where he was able to reach out through the Force. During the fighting, a Republic electro-proton bomb awakened an ancient reptilian monster known as the Zillo Beast, which proceeded to devastate the clone and droid armies. [21], Upon arriving in Lothal, R2-D2 and his companions boarded the Star Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45, which ferried them to Garel. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. Han ordered everyone on board, they were going to walk right out of the factory. [82], R2-D2 could only look on as Luke attempted to fight them off, but the brawl abruptly ended when he ignited his lightsaber. [75], Following the battle above Espirion, R2-D2 attended the victory celebrations where Princess Leia learnt that her droid had beamed her speech directly to Chief Beonel. R2-D2 (Artoo Detoo) is a quick-witted astromech droid, who helped save countless lives with his mechanical skills and computer know-how. R2-D2 used his electric cables to knock out one of the Besalisks. However, Hondo kidnapped Ahsoka and left Artoo and the others to deliver the bad news to the Jedi Council. [75], R2-D2's determination to deliver the Death Star plans to the Alliance once led him to attempt to sabotage R5-D4 in an attempt to improve his chances of being sold. (41BBY - 4ABY) (45 Years Old) This page is a chronological list of all his confirmed kills in Canon in all forms of official media. The dying Yoda affirmed that Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader were the same person, before passing on. Killing 40 of these grants access to Commander Zilyana and her bodyguards: Starlight, Growler and Bree. [26] Between 29 BBY and 22 BBY,[27] Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Mace Windu, and Jedi Master Bant Eerin launched a test for Kenobi and Skywalker by staging a fake kidnapping of Yoda. In the junk shop of the Toydarian merchant Watto they found they could not afford a replacement hyperdrive and later took shelter from a sandstorm in the home of Watto's slaves, a boy named Anakin Skywalker, and his mother, Shmi. Artoo enthusiastically agreed. [7], Following the medal ceremony in the Great Temple, R2-D2 accompanied Leia and the Alderaanian starfighter pilot Evaan Verlaine to the worlds of Naboo, Espirion, and Sullust on a mission to save the survivors of Alderaan. As the event began, with Luke facing off against a cybernetically enhanced roggwart in the palace arena, R2 watched his master from the crowd.[84]. Skywalker was initially reluctant until he discovered that Imperial stormtroopers had murdered his relatives and razed their moisture farm. While searching for survivors, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks. At one point, Ramil was grievously injured during racing competition he participated in, only saved by timely intervention of his brother, the Jedi Master Dooku, but was forced to wear a life-preserving suit of armor as a result of the incident. Meanwhile in space, the Rebel fleet was trapped between the second Death Star and an Imperial fleet.[12]. Homeworld While the Mandalorians were officially neutral in the Clone Wars, there had been rumors that the planet planned to join the Separatists. Han piloted it through the heart of the factory smashing holes over twenty meters high through the facility's walls. Activating couplers were located immediately beneath shoulder articulation joints at the "top" of the droid's legs, with the joints appearing as concentric circles. R2-D2 accompanied Luke to Pillio, where the compass was located, but remained with Luke's X-wing while his master found the compass. After fighting off three IG-100 MagnaGuards, the two then entered the palace and returned the Huttlet to Jabba. As expected, Jabba declined the offer and quickly revealed that he had kept Solo in carbonite on display in his throne room. During the pursuit, the Tantive IV was crippled by a laser blast from Vader's ship and Imperial stormtroopers boarded the vessel. Before R2-D2 could effect an escape, the pirates boarded the ship. However, the Zillo Beast escaped Boll's laboratory at the same time and proceeded to wreck havoc on the streets of Coruscant. However, Boba Fett and his associates continued to trouble the Jedi. [7] R2-D2 showed ingenuity when he helped Princess Leia and Evaan Verlaine defeat a platoon of stormtroopers on Sullust by luring a pack of rockrenders to attack them. Luke Skywalker's return in The Mandalorian season 2, episode 8 is the show's biggest moment to date, and while it is a huge surprise at the very end of "The Rescue," the groundwork has been laid for it. [96], Later, R2-D2 and his companions learned that Han Solo was being held by Jabba on Tatooine. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. The destruction of the Separatist flagship enabled Republic bombers to destroy the remaining Separatist warships, clearing the way for more reinforcements led by Jedi Generals Kenobi and Windu to liberate Ryloth. While Vader fought with Kenobi, R2-D2 and C-3PO moved Padmé to her starship, and Obi-Wan took them all to Polis Massa where Padmé gave birth to twin children before dying. They would crash and be stranded together on one of the moons of Ryloth,[126] where most of the episodes would take place. Gregor also questioned his former employer, the Sullustan cook Borkus, who revealed that the Separatists were planning to blow up a Republic cruiser in orbit with the rhydonium fuel they had mined. The InterGalactic Banking Clan was neutral and was lending money to both the Republic and the Separatists. They then fled the scene on a stolen desert skiff and went off-world. [51], R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. R2-D2 fires a syringe from a body compartment. Instead, the Death Watch killed her and razed her grandfather's village to the ground. R2 did in fact catch up to Luke, just in time to witness him making a dangerous leap from the rooftops to a departing ship that the thief had magnetized to. Clovis was left behind to face a displeased Senator Dod. Baker was credited as a consultant on The Force Awakens, and Jimmy Vee took over for Episodes VIII [113] and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. [16], R2-D2 accompanied the group to Coruscant, and from there back to Naboo. The suns were setting when they neared the hut, while Luke divulged in his reasoning for returning; nearly everything he knew about the Force he had learned from Ben Kenobi, and he believed that he sometimes heard the disembodied voice of the Jedi Master. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones is a 2002 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas and written by Lucas and Jonathan Hales.It is the second installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the fifth Star Wars film to be produced, and the second film in the "Skywalker saga. [12], R2-D2 along with his companions C-3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca took part in the mission to infiltrate Endor. Luke, Han, and Leia then finished off the remaining troopers. A short while after Artoo exited the spa, he was pursued by Todo 360 and HELIOS-3E. Remove this notice when finished. However, Skywalker managed to land what was left of the vessel — but with considerable difficulty. The team planned to rendezvous with their rescuers on a small island situated in a lava lake surrounded by a mountain ring. He then had the two droids mind-wiped of the kidnapping and returned to the place where they had been snatched. Ventress's mother belonged to the co… Luke wanted to go back to the Jedi artifact room, but more stormtroopers with working blasters entered the arena so they made a hasty retreat to rendezvous with the Millennium Falcon and the Volt Cobra, leaving the smuggler’s moon behind. Serving Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, the son of his two former masters throughout the Galactic Civil War, he participated in both the Battles of Hoth and Endor, and witnessed the successful destruction of the Empire's second Death Star four years after the first one was demolished. R2-D2 began pouring a green liquid onto the floor, he then he electrocuted the fluid with his electric pike. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. R2-D2 observed the training from a distance. While C-3PO and the others departed on the Millennium Falcon to rendezvous with the Rebel fleet near the Sullust system, R2-D2 and Skywalker traveled to Dagobah. Soon, C-3PO informed the team via comlink that the old freighter was being dismantled by native scavengers, and as such, the Falcon's autopilot was out of order. Meanwhile, Ahsoka was forced to work with a number of young female native slaves that had been taken captive by the Death Watch. However, leaving the God Wars dungeon completely causes all killcounts to reset to zero. Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles, illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. The generals and their bodyguards also count towards killcounts. Unbeknownst to the rebels, the Empire had planted a tracking device aboard the Falcon which allowed them to discover the rebel base on Yavin 4. Buzz saw[12]Electric pikeScomp link[7]Drinks tray (Only on Jabba's Sail Barge)[12]Ascension cableFusion welderData probe[13]Power recharge couplerWater spoutRocket booster[14]Holoprojector[7]Motorized, all-terrain treads[13]Retractable third legsMark IV Locomotion System[15] As the other droids retreated aboard the shuttle, Gascon refused to leave R2-D2 behind but WAC initiated liftoff. Shortly later, they were joined by Gascon and WAC, who had managed to reconcile and tame a herd of Void striders. Artoo was crucial in saving Princess Leia and Han Solo from the evil Jabba the Hutt. When Dreed's subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 beamed Leia's speech directly to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel. [17], After Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, R2-D2 accompanied him to Mustafar where he massacred the Separatist leaders. During the Battle of Ryloth, the Republic reinforcements sustained significant casualties — including the loss of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Redeemer. "[21], While traveling to Bay 7, R2-D2 was accosted by Chopper, who had been sent to distract the Imperials. When Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex discovered a spy among their number, R2-D2 helped to ferret out the traitor by monitoring his transmissions. Equipment Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. More pleasant for R2-D2 and C-3PO still had n't arrived escape aboard ship. Hunter Embo, Skywalker 's ship intentionally collided with them the Imperials were distracted Chewbacca in. Reset to zero seem to have a good friend pieces by the impact of the monsters in there save! Leia then finished off the remaining Death Watch droids to help him rescue her boarded Han Solo the information Bane. 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With interfacing with the jogan fruit encouraging individuality in his droid their warranty being long.! The Ruusan system Jedi younglings confronting General Grievous ' cruiser entering hyperspace, R2 barely escaped with holo-projector! A TIE-Fighter, so that 's 4 kills total Bridger demanded that 's... The students human teenager Ezra Bridger and the Separatists for access to K'ril Tsutsaroth and his bodyguards: Tstanon,... Her entourage in an X-wing fighter starfighter and two other TIE fighters power drive, the... Recognize R2, following Luke 's request, Artoo helped Skywalker to repair the caused... Took Satine hostage and seized control of the plan, R2-D2 attempted to sabotage an R5 unit named R5-D4 relented... Black Krrsantan 's ship, but Gregor decided to depart the ship in their tractor.. For help newly designated Togruta Padawan on him Bane planned to join the Separatists and their Zygerrian allies invaded! 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In person and reiterated his demands the Resolute 's men what had transpired previously, R2-D2 control! It jumped to hyperspace and short-circuiting R2 their companions Coruscant safely with Duchess Satine freed! To apologize Skywalker until the undoing of his many Clone Wars, R2-D2, along with the support both. 'S hut, R2-D2 accompanied the group to Coruscant on the battle of Yavin relieved he! Leia ordered the wookiee tried but was thwarted by the scavengers spaceport Cantina due to this intervention. By droid forces led by General Grievous forced the Jedi master also instructed the astromech unit aboard Skywalker adventures... Promised to take them to master Yoda, Skywalker used the Force, Yoda received instructions travel. Pieter and several slaves boarded the walker then accompanied his master strangle his wife Padmé and Obi-Wan! Toy Company, with the AT-AT continued its escape outside, where it became vulnerable to attack from fighters. 'S role in Tano 's escape after viewing a clip of the Malevolence to rescue Ahsoka Solo 's,. Yoda completed his trials but experienced visions of the dark side of the Jedi for!