Satan tried many and different ways to obstruct God's work, but met with failures and he became so miserable. Considering your referral to the 2013 edition of The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures as "the Jehovah's Witnesses' special translation of the Bible", here is a suggestion for your next subject of research; Which Bible most accurately translates the original languages. The Alchemist follows the journey of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the truth, and it is devastating my religious beliefs. It contains translations of texts that were initially written in ancient Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. And the name Jehovah has not been 'put into' the JW Bible translation - instead, the name Jehovah has been removed from other translations and replaced with Lord, etc. JW's are a progressive people. Google that. No one can stop this! Also generally speaking the point I wanted to make initially is that at the time of this writing, this website - - is translated into 887 languages. This is an evidence of Jehovah's backing in line with Jesus statement at Acts 1:8, you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you, you will be witnesses of me to the most distant part of the earth. we ensure dat everyone has the privilledge of understanding the bible in his/her own mother's language since the word of God was written not for the Jews/Greeks alone but for everyone seeking to understand basic truths about God. Thank you for noticing! I actually do claim that high school is a dangerous place to be, but not because of my experience with that person, but more so with the lies and bullying that went on that also helped wreck my innocence. This magazine, first published in 1879, attempts to connect contemporary themes with Biblical prophecies. So, thank you for this article. And, if you have a scientific way of thinking, like me. Friday 20th November 2020 And not to mention how inSANLY accurate the translations are! Pinocchio dreams of one day loosing his strings and becoming a real boy. 05 June 2014. The bible is full of warnings about hypocrisy and JW's are constantly warned/counciled about was in our weekly bible study, just this week. Would you state that NOT having a database would be safer? Jesus said we would be objects of hatred. and let anyone thirsting come;let anyone who wishes take life's water free." Which goes back to what you were saying about the importance of translation – most people wouldn’t discover this great literature if translation didn’t exist. And we should welcome investigations by the authorities of the land. “Please,” asks the boy, “draw me a sheep.” Throughout their time stranded in the desert the pilot and the Little Prince illustrate a clever and captivating tale of the importance of life. Matthew 24:14 also it is done so they can learn the true religion which is different from false religions as if they were all doing what the bible teaches there would be only one religion at the same spiritual table . Therefore Jehovah's Witnesses are proclaiming the message of God's Kingdom earthwide in over 800 languages. I don't think you dislike us, I think you just misspoke what you were trying to say, or could have just not be give the true facts. Always appreciate "the facts” in an article. You can see it on YouTube. Yet the law enforcement did nothing. This poetic tale, accompanied by watercolor illustrations by the author, is a whimsical tale in which the narrator, a pilot, becomes stranded in the Sahara desert. It is filled with vivid and complete human portraits of each of its characters. The effort made, may seem tremendous. If you pray to Jehovah for help, he WILL answer you! The main religious text of Islam, the Quran, is believed by Muslims to be the word of God as related to the Prophet Muhammad through the Archangel Gabriel. 05 June 2014. It only makes sense since the bible speaks about "every nation, tribe and TONGUE" would know the truth. Sorry your article came with some negative comments that had nothing to do with "Most Translated Website." Their actions are despicable and they deserve the hate they receive. But why Jehovah’s Witnesses is the most translated website in the world? I think anyone that makes the effort will be pleasantly surprised. Let it speaks for itself, if it can? This is more proof that the only true God of the universe "Jehovah" is really backing the true religion and his people on earth, Jehovah's Witnesses. I’m proud to be called by his name. Matthew 24:14 is undergoing fulfillment. I had a case that was really haunting me. With a nose that grows when he tells lies, this puppet cannot become human until he changes his ways. I wonder how difficult it is to change the meaning of the word 'generation' into something completely different in all those languages. The Watchtower & Awake magazines ARE the most widely distributed magazines and IS, by far, the most translated website (as attested to above/now 994 languages). Years later, I ended up studying many other religions and even looked to science for the answers. READ Acts 1:8 BACKS UP OUR EFFORTS TO REACH SO MANY IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. Since it is easier to understand ones mother tongue and a more accurate statement, I suggest the part about "must be able to read" be changed to, "to be able to easily understand what they are reading the publishers feel a need to translate into many languages to reach the heart of each individual." Why are so many Jehovah's defending this article. has achieved... Any professional translator will tell you that translating a website into 5 or 10 languages, and managing translation and publication is no easy task. I know this site JW.ORG. 1 parent a JW, the other not. But that is the total number of languages in which either the web site is available, OR literature is available for download. It was originally written in Ngũgĩ’s native language Gikuyu, it was translated into 54 languages for Jalada Africa’s translation issue. I Prayed. Arabic: it is also considered to be a macrolanguage just as Chinese. What a clear indication that Jehovah’s people are following the first commandment by loving Jehovah, with their whole hearts, whole souls and whole minds. As per our enthusiasm, no one can stop us to express our happiness! A website? :). This tale plays with logic giving it popularity with both adults and children alike. Michael Jacksons dad was not a witness. All glory and honor goes to Jehovah. I knew WWW.JW.ORG was the most translated website before I did the search. It’s absolutely mind blowing! Kempis lived in a monastery and dedicated much of his time to the production of this manuscript, which was initially published in the early 15th century. We are well aware that bad things and people exist and happen in every religion and that makes that wrongdoer the bad one, not the whole religion. There will never be an Armageddon. Isaiah60:22 NWT, Well done Tomedes for a wonderful article! The Watchtower (public edition) is the most widely circulated magazine on earth . All praise and glory goes to our Grand Creator!! This is what unites them and God blesses their work. 6 years later, in 1684, Bunyan published a sequel (also titled The Pilgrim’s Progress) depicting instead of a male’s pilgrimage, a female’s. If you want to find it, you must study with Jehovah's Witnesses. Sincere people who love the truth will find it because it is God's will for them. The numbers are astonishing. Who else can organize such a program in such a common language if not people who care for and want others to learn about God. Amazon, n.d. I became social phobic as there were no children in my Kingdom Hall to associate with my school friends were turned away at the door. While worrying about his dilemma he is approached by a very serious little boy with blonde hair. It would be greatly appreciated and make the accuracy of this articles correctness if the part about having to read the watchtower where removed we as Jehovah’s witnesses have the watchtower as a tool to further our Bible Understanding the Bible is our authority and where it says we use our own Bible is not incorrect but off base other religions have completely different books they follow we just Have a modern accurate translation of the Bible where gods personal Name Jehovah is restored where it was originally removed we for years used and taught the same truths from King James Version Bible psalms83:18 this article highlits very amazing work and thought that your website would since it focuses on accuracy to correct that small portion of incorrectness. And its worth noting that the translation work did not start yesterday, my father read watchtower in his own language since 1974. This is Jehovah's organisation, no doubt that. As a young adult living on my own, I hated God, if there was one, and I especially hated JW's. Written by Italian Carlo Collodi in 1883, this children’s book has been translated into 260 languages. They too had been broken from this world. and that is what they are doing. Org. It was written in ancient Arabic and has been translated into 112 languages. Its easy to check if more have been added: go to, open language box (top right) and check updated number! This collection contains many cherished tales such as “The Little Mermaid”, which tells the tale of a young mermaid who sacrifices everything for love and “The Princess and the Pea”, which tells the tale of a young woman whose royal identity is established by a test of her physical sensitivity. children was limited to school. He loves people and wants everyone to get this urgent message in these critical last days. 05 June 2014. Translated works' and authors' database at the UNESCO website '50 of The World's Most Translated Books', infographic prepared by The Translation Company Group (full list of sources included) The Most Translated Authors in the World; Which is the world’s most translated book? You went off focus from the article. There is a reason why the Witnesses are the only ones called by God's name, Jehovah. I don't know if links work here, but here is one to our website [url=][/ulr] if that dosen't work, type this in I must agree with you that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion and the only real christians. AS OF TODAY NOV 9, 2020, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ARE PREACHING AND TEACHING AND CONDUCTING FREE HOME BIBLE STUDIES IN EVERY ISLAND, COUNTRY, AND TERRITORY ON THE PLANET- EVEN ANT-ARCTICA - IN 1024 LANGUAGES, Good work, Tomedes Psalm 83:18 May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth. I just went to JW.ORG and counted 80 different sign languages on the site. However, guess who came to my door the very next morning? . Most all people in show business do things that are generally considered unchristian or unreligious. It is worrying that this religions propaganda is reaching those in poorer countries who already suffer enough. He, as the only begotten son of Jehovah God poured out his precious blood which, in turn provided a opportunity for honest hearted men and women to gain everlasting life without satanic influence on a cleansed, paradise right here on earth. Thanks for the information :). See Mathew 24:14, bueno el que hagan esto no es prueba contundente de que tengan la aprobacion de dios ya lo dice el libro de genesis 11:6 cuando los hombres o mujeres se unen con un objetivo en mente todo lo pueden lograr y en cuanto al proselitismo la verdad es que lo hacen pero muy bien camuflajeado y como dijo cierto escritor no hay mejor esclavo que aquel que no lo reconoce en realidad son una granja muy pero muy bien controlada. In order to do that, it is important to have access to the Bible in whatever format a person can use. In order for people to participate in the religion, they have to be able to read the Watchtower's publications, and translating their publications into believers' own language is necessary for them to belong to the religion." and please, make sure to visit for live saving truths. Bible readers know what Isaiah 60:22 says, but many do not know what it means. Update from 11 June 2017: OK, I found a website that has more languages that Jehovah’s Witnesses: Jesus Film Project. I can't fault my parent for that. If left up to all other religions his name would never be known because they don't use it. True, we came out of a dark time. Harry Potter 67 translations … The Awake is the second most distributed magazine on earth. God's purpose is that we grow despite the hatred. People hated Jesus because he went against the grain of his day...hated mostly for exposing the religious wickedness that existed, and Its the same today, but truth always prevails. As they hip their lies and hatred about us, sincere people can visit our website and see through their exaggerated stories and lies about us. , Brothers. I know someone who went to the same KH as the Jacksons. A digital online journal for translators, interpreters, and interested friends of the translation industry. It is, of course, also a Christian website. It unbelievably depicts Satan's spirit of rebellion. I know I did...and I was amazed. There are many other religions that will make that same proclamation of being "The Only One True Religion". So it does matter how we serve God, it certainly mattered to jesus.god has a name and he wants it to be known. Most Bible scholars agree that the New World Translation is in fact THE most accurately translated Bible ever printed. This is proof that Jehovah's Witnesses is the one true religion Matt 24:14. Michael Jackson's life as a Witness was not what "damaged" him. Religion in of itself is a works-based system no matter how you cut it. I'm writing though to thank you Ofer Tirosh for your unbiased and informed piece of reporting. Democracy, the so called government BY the people, FOR the people and OF the people, is like the blind leading the blind. You have different possibilities to get the biggest magazines in the world (Watchtower and Awake) for free. The Awake... Video Translation at It’s Peak. I would encourage you to study the bible with one of JWs if you got a chance or would invite you to attend a meeting at a Kingdom Hall near your place. Everyone is entitled to their opinion to us, JW's. Hi Sharon, Thank you :) Can you share with us here the source? It is not surprising, our God whose name is Jehovah is our Backer. Let just continue with our fine works. The magazine offers in-depth articles covering geography, history and culture, aiming at unraveling the mysteries of the 4,000 year old Middle Kingdom. MT 24:14, Anyone can google that information on line, No coincidences. There is no paid clergy. It is true Jose that Jehovah's Witness elders have often failed to report alleged child molesters to the police...but consider how that would affect the reputation of Jehovah if the world knew how much of this goes on in the congregations. Our translation work makes this possible. (If you go to language change icon, it shows 1003 now). 30 I will show wonders in the heavens Yes, he erred and messed my life up in many ways, along with others who attempted the same thing. The Imitation of Christ has been translated into 95 different languages. Whether you like the work of Jehovahs Witnesses or not, believe the propaganda of those who hate it, or not, an important fact remains: this is not about religious dogma but a sincere bible education work. (Over 700 languages). Over 100 more languages than this article initially stated. before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. The Bible is a collection of ancient religious texts and is considered to be the word of God in both Christianity and… And only with Jehovah we could have done it!♥️❕. These translations is a great asset for this purpose. Just ignore that i start making research about God and His purpose. Thank you again sir. Thank you so much for your article. You're successfully persuading me to change my religion, and I haven't gotten to the end of this thread yet. Since they are smaller and less difficult to translate accurately, these are available in more languages than the New World Translation. I am so blessed to have access to this amazing site and to the jw app which is also in a lot of languages! And what about forgiveness? There is only one truth in God's word. Admirable! Just think of the convention arrangement this year, about 30 different conventions will take place in Nigerian pidgin(a kind of English spoken by unlettered and ordinary people in Nigeria) with all the videos and songs translated as well. What is the Most Translated Document? Using the UNESCO Index Translation Database, which categories novels, plays, magazines and other literary forms by the quantity of languages they have been translated into, we present to you (from 20-1) the most translated texts in the world. When Jehovah executes the wicked, unrepentant mankind. it always astonishes me that so many languages are catered for, worldwide, and that new languages are added seemingly every month. Thanks to the efforts of Witnesses like the Tavolaccis, The Watchtower is the most widely distributed magazine in the world, with a circulation of more than 25 million. We can only motivate our hearts, if our brains are instructed in the language of our hearts ... if you are deaf - then bible truths in sign language touches your heart - if you speak English but are of a sub dialect that perhaps speaks pigeon English - then the bible truths in pigeon English would reach deeper into the heart than just English. “Top 20 Most Translated Books in History.”, Index Translationum – World Bibliography of Translation.”, Canadian Bilingual Packaging Requirements. My education suffered as higher education is frowned upon. The i come to the final conclusion to study Bible with jw. October 1, 2019, marks the 100-year anniversary of the Awake!magazine. The fact that it is the most translated website in Satan's world shows that the backing must come from a higher source. 958 languages as of August 2018 to reach people in all over the world and to help them to understand the Bible and the Creator of the universe! The magazine is circulated in both English and traditional Chinese editions. I appreciate their hard work! Jehovah's Witnesse's are spreading Bible in most of the languages, and based on Bible scriptures lovingly giving out millions of beautify, and very knowlegebly prepared literatures through out the whole Planet Earth. What do you think? Digital Online Journal - Established 1997. Hey, you haven't wrote that all this translation work is made by voluntaries non payed!!! Along the way he meets a lone alchemist who teaches him the secrets of alchemy. There is only ONE organized, world wide religion on the the planet who teaches the truth about God, Jesus, death, etc...and that is Jehovah's Witnesses. Do anyone remember that Jesus talked about a narrow road and wide one, That fact that all major platforms say Jehovah's witnesses is not the mainstream religion when they talk about them is it now changing the way you see things, Judge for your self. We did not know. Just Amazing!!! The inspired Bible that JWs preach and teach tells all mankind that history is moving to a resolution .So every spark of beauty,worth and meaning that we experience in this wicked world,glimmers as a relic of a good world that still bears marks of its original design. Noah's antitypical ark is still actively gathering many a soul under its roof. is now translated in 1000 languages. One thing I didn't see any one else mention was that we also publish in braille, for the blind. How many times have organisations like the UN or charitys like save the children been complemented on there work, people don't always bring up the mistakes they make. The main goal in the translation work is to fulfill Bible prophecy, namely Mathew 24:14. I say yes on both counts!!!! The Witness publications also excel in translation. Disobedient, prone to telling lies and getting into mischief, Pinocchio finds it difficult to be good. This is an amazing fete and a great benefit to those who are illiterate for whatever reason. Politicians, worldly kings, the higher levels of society, and news writers that do not explore for truth in search of heritage will mix things up -- so our publications open the Bible up to the truth about the heritage we have in Adam, Seth, --all along the blood line to Noah, and after, thru Abraham and Sarah -- with Jesus as the perfect heir...we will all live again in the blood of Christ -- because we will inherit his blood --perfection...the resurrection of the unrighteous is in our near future. Nothing more, nothing less. I have noted through the years, the only time a person's actions in life are blamed on his religion, are when the person is known to be a JW. And yes, I too, have studied with the Jehovah's Witnesses for many years but never really made a full commitment in becoming one of them. I see it for what it was now. Awake! I too am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I truly appreciated your article. This series of seven fantasy novels chronicles the adventures of a young wizard, Harry Potter, along with his close friends Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. Thanks for doing this. I feel like English has become my mother toungue since I process "most" of information in English, but there is something about Spanish that still reaches my heart more than English ever will. (Matthew 24:14), @Nora Yes! I knew we had so many translations, but I never knew we had the most! Even the biggest stations, sites and newspapers today write articles that have their personal opinions at its core while they strategically wrap information and 'facts' around that opinion. No matter how much you do for this religion it wants more. Would you be happy for someone who is wrongly accused to be drawn and quartered for a crime that they didn't commit? Isn't it obvious that Hold on tight everybody!! I told him that the Royal Commission was on CNN and hundreds of newspapers and he said because he doesn't have children himself that it's not a big deal to him. This is very clearly indicated by Revelation 14:6,7. Of course, not in every place is this spruiked, nor posted on a witch-hunt to the unmerciless people quick to draw and quarter, but that database covers all cases of even an allegation. Love is the key word, love for our God Jehovah!!! Poor Linda. 0 comments do I claim that a police station is a dangerous place for children be... Enormous undertaking thread yet many times we only hear the bad things people who love the!. Ill- informed about Jesus ' teaching of a modern day miracle approval of Jehovah God 24:14... Attitude among them see something written about this group that appreciates its accomplishment in way! Engage in it belt, eh Governing Body December 2015, we came out of a mere but! 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