My own favourite is The Parting Glass here are a few versions each more emotional than the last. The Crusades gave an impetus to the worship of our patron. Angelique Cottin was a poor girl, highly charged with electricity. The Fisher-king would recover health only when Pertinax died. That of Rabbi Joel was a translation from an Arabic version made by Nasr-Allah in the twelfth century, whilst Simeon Seths was a translation of the Persian Kalilah andDimnah. Raymond then invited the young count to his wedding, and the marriage festivities took place, with unusual splendour, in the magnificent castle erected by Melusina. A still more striking myth is that of the ancient Quiches, contained in their sacred book, the Popol-Vuh; in which the land of Xibalba contains mansions nearly as unpleasant as the fields and lakes of S. Patricks Purgatory. O husband! she said, I leave two little ones in their cradle; look tenderly after them, bereaved of their mother. When this story was forgotten, a romantic fable was invented to account for the peculiar appellation. Thorrs cross is on the bells of Appleby, and Scotherne, Waddingham, Bishops Norton, and West Barkwith, in Lincolnshire, on those of Hathersage in Derbyshire, Mexborough in Yorkshire, and many more. The face was that of a young and rather handsome woman, but pale, and the hair, which was reddish, loose and dishevelled. In ancient Indian mythology, the delicate white cirrus cloud drifting overhead was a fleeting swan, and so it was as well in the creed of the Scandinavian, whilst the black clouds were ravens coursing over the earth, and returning to whisper the news in the ear of listening Odin. Decius, thinking it possible that they might be hiding in a cavern, blocked up the mouth with stones, that they might perish of hunger. He believed that he saw a vision of angels, and would have prostrated himself at their feet, had not one of them advanced and stayed him. A similar myth is found among the Scandinavian and Teutonic nations. Ceridwen, in her rage, struck Morda on the head, and rushed in pursuit of Gwion the Little. And in Ecclesiasticus, Ezekias is said to have digged the hard rock with iron, (Greek) (xlviii. This Amfortas is the Pelles or Pellam of the Mort dArthure.. The elephants, delighted at the prospect of having an inexhaustible supply of water, marched off to the spot, and found their most sanguine hopes realized. The old fables of Valkyries were misunderstood, when Christianity had cast these damsels from heaven, and the stories were modified to account for the transformation. He consented and took her to his house, where she was to him as a daughter. par Hjouen Thsang, traduits du Chinois par Stanislas Julien, i. Away flashed the arrow, and pierced a tender twig. We two have paddled in the stream, Then he dashed the heart to the ground, and the last of the seven brothers died. From that moment the tide of battle turned, and the Norwegians were victorious[205]. The usual manner of holding the rod, however,precluded such a possibility. O Georgi Martyr inclyte,Te decet laus et gloria,Predotatum militia;Per quem puella regia,Existens in tristitia,Coram Dracone pessimo,Salvata est. When Adonis descended to the realm of darkness, Persephone was inflamed with passion for the comely youth. In like manner, much of the religion of the lower orders, which we regard as essentially Christian, is ancient heathenism, refitted with Christian symbols. Paris, p. 137. The other figures are a woman and a child. I did not hear it from Mrs. Cs own lips, but I was sufficiently acquainted with her to form a very tolerable estimate of her character; and my wife, who has known her intimately from her own childhood, was in her younger days often staying with her for months together., I remember having been much perplexed by reading a series of experiments made with a pendulous ring over metals, by a Mr. Mayo: he ascertained that it oscillated in various directions under peculiar circumstances, when suspended by a thread over the ball of the thumb. Here the French language interposes; for in French the seasons are masculine, with the exception of autumn, upon the gender of which grammarians are undecided, whilst Autumnus in Latin is not more feminine than the other seasons. Around them nature revived, the earth was covered with verdure and dappled with flowers. In 509 Clotilda founded a nunnery at Chelles in his honour; and Clovis II. The story, either in prose or verse, has often been printed. An English poem, apparently written in the latter part of the thirteenth century, says Mr. Wright (S. Patricks Purgatory), which was printed very inaccurately by Hickes, from a manuscript which is now in the British Museum, describes Cocaigne as far away out to sea, west of Spain. On the 5th July, 1692, at about ten oclock in the evening, a wine-seller of Lyons and his wife were assassinated in their cellar, and their money carried off. [88] Dognee, Les Symboles Antiques, LCEuf. The mouth of the urn which contained the ashes of the deceased was closed with a little vessel or saucer. And it became manifest to all how obnoxious to God is the sin of sacrilege[144]. In his self-reproach and grief, the prince erected a stately monument to Gellert, and called the place where he was buried after the poor hounds name. It does not escape me, writes the chronicler Conrad Vecerius, in his life of that emperor, to report what is related in a little work in the vernacular, concerning the acts of a woman, Melyssina, on one day of the week becoming a serpent from her middle downwards, whom they reckon among the ancestors of Henry VII..But, as authors relate, that in a certain island of the ocean, there are nine Sirens endowed with various arts, such, for instance, as changing themselves into any shape they like, it is no absurd conjecture to suppose that Melyssina came thence[159].. This reviving power is attributed in mythology to the rain as well. Whence the cause and origin of the foreign rite I have not ascertained, except that the symbol itself, in shape of a Liburnian ship, indicates that the religion was brought from abroad[76].. Grimm[78]mentions a very curious passage in the Chronicle of Rodulph, wherein it is related that, in 1133, a ship was secretly constructed in a forest at Inda, and was placed on wheels, and rolled by the weavers to Aix, then to Maestricht, and elsewhere, amidst dances, and music, and scenes which the pious chronicler refrains from describing. A young monk of Fulda having conceived for her a violent passion, which she returned with ardor, she deserted her parents, dressed herself in male attire, and in the sacred precincts of Fulda divided her affections between the youthful monk and the musty books of the monastic library. Thereupon one of his brothers, drawing him aside, whispered that strange gossiping tales were about relative to this sabbath seclusion, and that it behoved him to inquire into it, and set the minds of people at rest. Unquestionably, the story of S. Patricks Purgatory is founded on the ancient Hell-descents prevalent in all heathen nations; Herakles, Orpheus, Odysseus, in Greek Mythology, Eneas, in Roman, descend to the nether world, and behold sights very similar to those described in the Christian legends just quoted. To the sun belongs the good part, to the moon and stars belongs the bad portion. 52. In Switzerland slumber three Tells at Rutli, near the Vierwaldsttter-see, waiting for the hour of their countrys direst need. Whence got you that stone? asked Solomon. I was struck with this phenomenon, and I questioned her master, a slave dealer. Leo IV. The same is told in the Rigveda of the Ribhus: O sons of Sudharvan, out of the hide have you made the cow to arise; by your songs the old have you made young, and from one horse have you made another horse[65].. Three hundred and sixty years passed, and in the thirtieth year of the reign of Theodosius, there broke forth a heresy denying the resurrection of the dead. adv. In his admirable treatise on metals, Agricola speaks of the rod in terms of disparagement; he considers its use as a relic of ancient magical forms, and he says that it is only irreligious workmen who employ it in their search after metals. The third year comes a plague of rats. This variation from the usual type of Mussulman sepulchres was, as we were told by peasants on the spot, because El Khouder is not yet dead, but flies round and round the world, and these chapels are built wherever he has appeared[54]. Ibn Wahshiya al Kasdani was the translator of the Book of Nabathaean Agriculture. Where is the Emperor Decius gone to?, The bishop answered, My son, there is no emperor of that name; he who was thus called died long ago., Malchus replied, All I hear perplexes me more and more. The rod gave indications of there having been three involved in the murder, and he pursued the traces till two of them led to a gardeners cottage. After this the abbot refused permission to any one to visit the cave. Merseburg. It's a song sung at funerals in Ireland. They saw it in Moses with arms expanded on the Mount, in the pole with transverse bar upon which was wreathed the brazen serpent, and in the two sticks gathered by the Widow of Sarepta. [213] Grimm, Deutsche Sagen, 1866, ii p. 267. It simply says (Greek). This Tammuz was not one of the Chaldaeans, nor of the Canaanites, nor of the Hebrews, nor of the Assyrians, but of the primeval lanbanis. The seven sleepers were natives of Ephesus. But classic antiquity has also its rock-breaking plant, thesaxifraga,whose tender rootlets penetrate and dissolve the hardest stones with a force for which the Ancients were unable to account. The date at which lived this anchorite is not certain, for though Helinandus says he had his vision in 720, Usher places him later than 1140[223]. The man, not supposing that she would carry her threat into execution, declined, alleging that he was in bed, and the night was chilly; besideswhich he entirely disclaimed all acquaintance with the lady who claimed admittance. It was a vial discovered in a most ancient palace, the matter and art of which was a subject of wonder to the Roman people., Gervase drew from Comestor (Regum lib. [106] Gittin, Ixviii. it burns clear, but with the air around,Its dead ingredients mingle deathliness[118].. So there came a damosell, passing faire and young, and she beare a vessell of gold betweene her hands, and thereto the king kneeled devoutly and said his prayers, and so did all that were there: Oh, Jesu! said Sir Launcelot, what may this meane?, This is, said King Pelles, the richest thing that any man hath living; and when this thing goeth about, the round-table shall bee broken. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Tempore gignendiAd processum equus scanditur, vice flendi,Papa cadit, panditur improbis ridendiNorma, puer nascitur in vico Clementis,Colossum jungitur. Enjoy. Of the greatness of this Prester Johannes, who was properly called Un-Khan, the whole world spake; the Tartars gave him one of every ten head of cattle. by burial alive. also Euripides, Iphig. Well, said the host to his wife, we shall have no occasion to send for the man again, as you are such an adept.. The father hushes the child, and bids him not to listen, for it is only the whistling of the wind among the trees. Ursula made this condition in the hopes that the difficulty of fulfilling it would prove insurmountable, or that she might be able, should it be overcome, to persuade a vast host of maidens to devote themselves to the Almighty. Such an altar was raised by Joshua after the passage of Jordan: An altar of whole stones, over which no man hath lift up any iron (Joshua viii. But the Greeks said it was common to Christ and Serapis; though this cruciform character is, in fact, one thing to the Christians, and another to the Greeks. A piece of good fortune threw into his hands a large collection of Nabathaean writings, which had been rescued from Moslem fanaticism. The story of this instrument is singular enough. This first verification of the talents of Jacques Aymar convinced some of the sceptical, but the Procurateur Gnral forbade the prosecution of the experiment till the man had been further tested. This woman was as black as ebony, her hair was frizzled, her teeth white, large, and planted in sockets which inclined considerably outward; her four canine teeth were filed, her eyes bloodshot. After the service he wasquestioned, and he related his story. He has other atmospheric characteristics: the flying cloak, a symbol of the drifting cloud,as Odin, the rushing of storm, is also Hekluberandi, the mantle-bearer; the winged Taiaria, emblems of the swiftness of his flight; and the lyre, wherewith he closes the thousand eyes of Argos, the starry firmament, signifying the music of the blast. . [21][22] This form of the song is still widely sung by Sacred Harp singers under the title "Clamanda". Against this it is urged that in no ancient calendar does the M. precede the Virg. It is in twenty-seven folios, and is excessively rare. When the faith or the right was in jeopardy, a bell rang in the chapel of the Grail, and a knight was bound to go forth sword in hand to the defence. The rod gave indications in the usual way, and water was ultimately found at the spot. In that story the ogre in the land above the skies, who was once the All-father, till Christianity made a monster of him, possessed three treasures: a harp which played of itself enchanting music, bags of gold and diamonds, and a hen which daily laid a golden egg. Perceval asked no questions, and was reproached on his leaving the castle for not making inquiries into the mystery of the Grail. At one birth she bore seven sons, who had all of them gold chains round their necks, and had the power, which their mother had possessed, of transforming themselves into swans at pleasure. On the stormy coast of the Hebrides are often found nuts, which are made by the fishermen into snuff-boxes or worn as amulets. Paris, 1866. On its top, which is always covered with ice and snow, is a black and bottomless lake, into which if a stone be cast, a tempest suddenly arises; and near this lake is the portal of the palace of demons. He then tells how a young damsel was spirited in there, and spent seven years with the mountain spirits. All the Ssabians of our time, down to our own day, wail and weep over Tammuz in the month of that name, on the occasion of a festival in his honour, and make great lamentation over him; especially the women, who all arise, both here (at Bagdad) and at Harran, and wail and weep over Tammuz. The discovery of the Cape of Good Hope was due partly to a desire manifested in Portugal to open communications with this monarch,[22]and King John II. :, Priusqum reconditur Sergius, vocaturAd summam, qui dicitur Johannes, huic addaturAnglicus, Moguntia iste procreatur.Qui, ut dat sententia, fminis aptaturSexu: quod sequentia monstrant, breviatur,Hc vox: nam prolixius chronica procedunt.Ista, de qua brevius dicta minus ldunt.Huic erat amasius, ut scriptores credunt.Patria relinquitur Moguntia, GrcorumStudios petitur schola. But the shop-men, seizing him, said, Whoever you are, you have found a treasure; show us where it is, that we may share it with you, and then we will hide you. Malchus was too frightened to answer. The swan-maiden stole them, and brought them to her lover. They invited him to go with them to a house of refreshment, and he went with them, but would not seat himself, remaining on foot to drink. The word in the ninth chapter is(Greek),that in the tenth,(Greek). You will at once perceive, said Svathi, that if a number of you be put out of your misery, the number of mouths wanting food will be reduced, and there will be more victuals for those who remain.. 13), but the animal is an otter, not an ichneumon. The tune appeared, with sacred lyrics, in 19th century American tunebooks. The rod moved over the two children only, aged respectively ten and nine years. On entering the town he ascertained by means ofhis rod that those whom he was pursuing had parted company. He grasped the cap, and thereby possessed himself of the nymph, who, however, seemed nothing loth to obtain a mortal husband. A Freiherr von Giittingen possessed three castles between Constance and Arbon, in the Canton of Thurgau, namely, Giittingen, Moosburg, and Ober-burg. The reason is this, that the time of Yanbushadh is nearer to our own than I the time of Tammuz, and his story is, therefore, more certain and worthy of belief. He visited a necromancer, who led him at midnight to a place where four cross-roads met, and there conjured up Satan, who promised reinstatement in all his offices to the unfortunate Theophilus, and, what he valued more, a complete clearing of his character. The court in which we watch the jousting is floored with onyx in order to increase the courage of the combatants. [107] Collin de Plancy: Legendes de lAncien Test. This remained stationary as he traversed the cellar, till he reached the spot where the body of the wine seller had lain; then the stick became violently agitated, and the mans pulse rose as though he were in an access of fever. Our land will reappear some day, say the old men to the young folk, as they lead them on a certain day of the year to a mountain-top, and point out over the sea to them; the fishers also on their coasts pretend that they see towns and villages at the bottom of the water. The Niam-niams have a language of their own, of an entirely primitive character, though containing an infusion of Arabic words. Jean dArras relates that Serville, who defended Lusignan for the English against the Duke de Berry, swore to that prince upon his faith and honour, that three days before the surrender of the castle, there entered into his chamber, though the doors were shut, a large serpent, enamelled blue and white, which struck its tail several times against the foot of the bed whereon he was lying with his wife, who was not at all frightened at it, though he was very considerably so; and that when he seized his sword, the serpent changed all at once into a woman, and said to him:4How, Serville, you, who have been in so many battles and sieges, are you afraid? I gently rise and softly call The caravel now lay perfectly becalmed off the mouth of a river, on the banks of which, about a league off, was descried a noble city, with lofty walls and towers, and a protecting castle. They drank, and then returned to their comrade. As in Phoenician iconography this cross generally accompanies a deity, in the same manner as the handled cross is associated with the Persepolitan, Babylonish, and Egyptian gods, we may conclude that it had with the Phoenicians the same signification of life eternal. Wieland appears, and promises to return their bird-skins if one of them will consent to be his wife. eat of these crumbs, and leave the wheat.. William Ocham alludes to the story, and John Huss, only too happy to believe it, provides the lady with a name, and asserts that she was baptized Agnes, or, as he will have it with a strong aspirate, Hagnes. The following passages in the Icelandic chronicles refer to this land of mystery and romance. whether thou art of the angel ranks, or whether thou art of some other order of spirits, it is well; the power of God be with thee; but if thou art a man, then let mine eyes light upon thee, that I may rejoice in thy presence and society. Scarcely had he spoken these words, before an aged man, with bald head, stood before him, holding a staff in his hand, and much resembling a dervish in appearance. .(Metam. The translation is for the most part from the. It is not unlikely that the saying, Rats desert a falling house, applied originally to the crumbling ruin of the body from which the soul fled. This they loosed from its mooring and entered. One day, as he sat musing on a rock, a storm arose on the sea; a cloud, under whose squally skirts the foaming waters tossed, rushed suddenly into the bay, and from its dark womb emerged a boat with white sails bent to the wind, and banks of gleaming oars on either side. He writes, The Catai dwelt beyond certain mountains across which I wandered, and in a plain in the midst of the mountains lived once an important Nestorian shepherd, who ruled over the Nestorian people, called Nayman. In other accounts, the lad was lame, and he alone was left; and in after years he was sad. Actor Pierce Brosnan performed a version of this song in the 2002 movie Evelyn. The idea may have been present in the mind of the servant of Elijah when he told his master that he saw from the top of Carmel rising A little cloud out of the sea, like a mans hand. The legend, as told by Voragine, is this:, George, a tribune, was born in Cappadocia, and came to Lybia, to the town called Silene, near which was a pond infested by a monster, which had many times driven back an armed host that had come to destroy him. [109] Vincent Bellov., Spec. **Uisce beatha Pronounced ishka bah-ha, English-speaking countries simply took the first worduisce and mispronounced it, giving it the phonetically written name Whiskey. [147] Younger Olais Saga Trygvas., cap. She left Athens and repaired to Rome. I called to Amyot, The root I take it, take it, but do not kill! Again he flung his staff, but so dexterously that he killed neither of the weasels, nor even hurt them. Pious people, who had heard the story of Patricks adventure in the cave, built this cloister on the site.. During a famine, he collected the poor of his territory into a great barn, and there consumed them, mocking their cries by exclamations of Hark! It is certainly not later than the reign of Henry VI. Jean dArras, or other romancers, have considerably altered the simple tale, so as to make it assume the proportions of a romance. George Grove and John Alexander Fuller-Maitland. He accorded it her, weeping, and he clasped her tenderly in his arms; then she went to the lake. The land was most beautiful, and the grass as gorgeous as purple; it was studded with flowers, and was traversed by honey rills. tom. 19. Probably, some one more acquainted with Sanskrit literature than myself, and with better access to its unpublished stores of fable and legend, will some day light on an early Indian tale corresponding to that so prevalent among other branches of the same family. As a rat or soul god, it is not unlikely that sacrifices to him may have been made by the placing of the victim on an island infested by water-rats, there to be devoured. Langlois, iii. Proud men were wrapped in flame, slanderers had their eyes plucked out by Hells ravens. . [1] An early version is sometimes attributed to Sir Alex Boswell. But popular as a saint he unquestionably was, from a very early age. Into this mansion three classes of men obtain no admission the tailors, of whom it takes nine to make a man, spending their days sitting, and whose hands, though they labour, are white; the warlocks, and the usurers[186]. She entreated the warrior to permit her to live on earth, as she desired to win a human soul, which could only be acquired by union with a mortal. How could he have obtained reliable information, or seen documents upon which to ground the assertion? WebChapter IV - Four Eyes Were Reading the Passage I was running the head of my pencil-case along the line as I read it, and something caused me to raise my eyes. ii. [20] The tune achieved wider currency among shape note singers with its publication, associated with a text first known in the 1814 Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, "Come Now Ye Lovely Social Band", in William Walker's Southern Harmony (1835), and in The Sacred Harp (1844). since auld lang syne. Thither when once many princes were assembled, suddenly there came up a skiff, drawn by a swan attached to it by a silver chain. One of their number, Malchus, in the disguise of a physician, went to the town to obtain victuals. I saw also their gay chaplets of gold and pearls and precious stones, turned into nails of iron, burning, and fiends with burning hammers smiting them into their heads. These were proud and vain people. Shall we meet beyond the river,Where the surges cease to roll,Where in all the bright For-everSorrow neer shall press the soul? de lAcademie des Inscr. too often they are but apples of Sodom, fair cheeked, but containing the dust and ashes of heathenism. furnished him with a commission, constituting him Adalantado, or governor, of any country he might discover, with the single proviso, that he should bear all the expenses of the discovery, and pay a tenth of the profits to the crown. Captain Weddell, well known for his geographical discoveries in the extreme south of the globe, relates the following story:A boats crew were employed on Halls Island, when one of the crew, left to take care of some produce, saw an animal whose voice was even musical. Froissart tells us of a conversation he had with one Sir William Lisle, who had been in the Purgatory. [49] Compare with this the death of Sir Galahad in the Morte dArthur of Sir Thomas Malory. la Marquise de Senozan, sur les moyens dont on sest servi pour dcouvrir les complices dun assassinat commis Lyon, le 5 Juillet, 1692. Lyons, 1692. . There they wove with the golden shuttle and the silver comb. Around Solomon accumulated the fables which were related of Dschemschid and other Persian heroes, and were adopted by the Jews as legends of native production. I was put in by the Prior of S. Matthew, of the same Purgatory, with procession and devout prayers of the prior, and the convent gave me an orison to bless me with, and to write the first word in my forehead, the which prayer is this, Jhesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, miserere mihi peccatori. And the prior taught me to say this prayer when any spirit, good or evil, appeared unto me, or when I heard any noise that I should be afraid of. When left in the cave, William fell asleep, and dreamed that he saw coming to him S. John of Bridlington and S. Ive, who undertook to conduct him through the scenes of mystery. of France, and to the King of Portugal, which are alluded to in chronicles and romances, and which were indeed turned into rhyme, and sung all over Europe by minstrels and trouvres. When in the presence of Solomon, Asmodeus was constrained to behave with greater decorum. He plays the harp, and the knives and plates, the tables and stools, then the guests, and lastly the monarch himself, are set dancing. Five holes were dug in the garden. Lohengrin belongs to the round table; the hero who releases Beatrice of Cleves is called Elias Grail. [189] Washington Irving, Chronicles of Wolferts Roost, and other Papers. as they reachd the mountains side,A wondrous portal opend wide,As if a cavern were suddenly hollowd;And the piper advanced, and the children followd;And when all were in, to the very last,The door in the mountain side shut fast., No! Partenope), in Italian. This history if it ever existed, has not come down to us; the work of Jean dArras is a complete romance. Where was he? Belonging to the same family is the pretty Indian tale of Urvasi. And they did so. So again with Olaf the Tree-feller: There came dear times and famine, which they ascribed to their king, as the Swedes used always to reckon good or bad crops for or against their kings. Not only does his name indicate his solar origin, but his representation with horned head-dress testifies to his nature.