I can't detect other content in it, than latakia and some latakia blended with a pinch of latakia. It does produce a decent amount of smoke. This is a fantastic Latakia smoke! I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. I have smoked through 6oz and have 4 left so we shal see how PK fairs in the next 6 months. The tobacco was allowed to stand for two whole days. It gets one dimensional thru the bowl, in that Latakia dominates the experience and ultimately numbs the senses too much. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . There are latakia blends, there are heavy latakia blends and then..there's Pirate Kake. First its a great tasting Lat-Tobacco. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco. I've decided I would rather put my money towards PK. I also pickup some oriental mustiness but unlike most English blends, this has zero balance the oriental is an afterthought that you pickup on the exhale but not when the smoke is in your piehole. After i try PK the latakia jurney begin, keep searching other latakia bland that better than PK but i couldn't find any. I taste at least three different alternate flavor notes as different sized chunks of tobacco burn. Most other cuts wouldn't work with this much Latakia. Tin of 50 Grams. Kinda like the O Douls of pipe tobacco. Smells of smoke and creosote. I love a good lat bomb every now and again, and this blend definitely scratches that itch. Pirate kake retrohales like a champ. I truly enjoy reminiscing on the flavor and the smokey smell in my moustache well after my bowl has been finished. Those of you who enjoy latakia-forward blends are in for a real treat though, as the Orientals and burley add just enough balance to keep Pirate Kake from being a one-dimensional lat bomb. It is a great blend to make other blends stronger in smokiness if you will. For me similar to Seattle P ipe Club Plum Pudding Special Reserve without the tanginess. I was able to sample this wonderful latakia nougat bar at the recent Chicago Pipe Show. Tastewise, this is amazing. THIS one does it for me every time! Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. I will probably keep the tin to use as a blending tobacco, or maybe to use as a prank on unsuspecting pipe smoking friends. After the room stopped swimming, and the tastebuds recovered, I tried it again in a smaller block. 2023 TobaccoPipes.com Details. I dont resist. This was the 1st time I understood "creamy" as a description for smoking. I'll order the third tin soon. And at $25 a pound this is a marvel of modern, um. That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. At first i was intimadted. Pirate Kake is only for the true Latakia Lover, it has 70% Latakia in it , so unless your a big fan of Latakia, as I am, you may not want to buy over a sample to try. I usually smoke Black Frigate and this is just a wonderful change of pace for me. Purchased From: smokingpipes.com 4noggins.com. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! January 16, 2023. Fantastic smoke. This does blast my palette out completely after smoking it, so it is resigned to evening smokes until I can strengthen my tongue. Temple incense with a side of grilled beef. *5/30: Well- Seems tastes change- Latakias a little strong for me now, and I think I like it better as a side dish, rather than main course.Still quality stuff though. There is just n o reason for it. This was my staple tobacco for a number of years. argh! The bowl of my pipe is staying absolute cool to the touch. A pipe is to be savored. The smokiness of the Latakia is perfectly balanced with the nuttiness of the burley and just a little tickle of the spice of oriental. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco $11.90 - $58.65. Burns even and smooth giving a flavorful and creamy smoke all the way through. Th is is hands-down the Best smoke I have ever had!! I appreciate GLP Maltese Falcon and Odissey, that I find more enjoyable and round than this. The oriental come up for air but just barely. If you're noty crazy about Lat Boimbs run. You will love it Has become my go to pipe tobacco. Love them. I like Latakia, but this blend gives Latakia a bad name. It does have a slight spiciness to it, but it's missing the punchiness of Ten Russians, the depth of Bill Baileys Balkan, and the spicy sweet subtleties of Plum Pudding. While I love it now, I did not enjoy my first bowl. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. NOTHING. This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! In the pipe it was hard to discern the accompanying tobaccos from the Latakia. This is one of the very best tobacco I have ever smoked. It's complex because latakia in itself is complex, and you can taste this fine leaf without any bitterness from less than premium leaf or obstruction from too many other flavors. It's smoky but honestly not as strong as you would believe being 75% Latakia. Phone/office hours are 9am-7pm US/Eastern (GMT -5:00) Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm on Saturdays, and 12pm-4pm on Sundays. Just too much Latakia for me. Goes well with the black rum, or maybe a stronger stout or IPA. The nic-hit is medium. I was almost tempted to take a big bite off the brownie. It's exactly what I have in mind when I think "strong tobacco" and that's a good thing. Mind you, I don't regret trying itthe tobacco's were good quality, it's just that this blend is not for me. I always have a couple brownies of this laying around. The cakes are easy to break apart and rub out nicely. Amazing blend. I bought a hunk of this looking for a purer form of latakia to decide whether I really was a latakia guy or not. Otherwise on its own it lacks body. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. Update 06/29/10: Been smoking this on and off for the last six plus months. In the "Choose one" section below, Pick an options before adding to your cart. Taste like how it smells. If you really like latakia and turkish go for it. This is not really shocking seeing as the blend contains 75% latakia. I only wish this was available in flake form as opposed to the two plugs I received as part of my sampler pack. I had smoked samples from friends and a small tin of this in the past but waited to review until I could get a pound to start on just to see consistency from tin to bulk. Alla fine un Ottimo prodotto, se si sa cosa si compra. C&D got it right with this one. I smoke mostly Aromatics and got this as a free sample. After a few minutes, my taste buds become overwhelmed and I can't taste anything. Latakia heaven on earth. I am very glad I did. I have saved about a 4 oz chunk of this in a jar and smoked some this evening with some black tea. Pirate Kake is an interesting smoke, providing a full serving of Latakia. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. Sometimes this is the only thing I smoke all day. Highly recommended for those that heartily enjoy latakia, like I do. This is a premium smoking tobacco that i highly recommend. Great for an everyday smoke if you like latakia. The sheer quality of the condementals and the lack of virginia is what sets this blend very far apart from many of the other popular latakia heavy favorites in the Brotherhood of Latakia Junkies. This is an exceptional tobacco. I much prefer this blend over "Old Ironsides" or "Black Frigate" even though those are also worthy of sea rats and scalowags. of exceptional latakia accompanied by Turkish and burley, Pirate Cake by Cornell & Diehl is a latakia lover's treasure. Similar Blends: GL Pease Odyssey and Quiet Nights.. Pirate Kake boasts a whopping 75% latakia, so if you don't like latakia you'll probably want to pass on this one. Pirate Kake is Latakia. Few smokers will see PK as an all-day or even every-day smoke but it is what it is and if you want a latakia fix then this is nice to have on hand. I like to pack it a bit more moist than usual as I find that releases more of the flavor. Description. Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. Room note? The Latakia is good and the other tobaccos play well with it. They have the Latakia and Burley playing so well together in this blend. The mixture is creamy, dry, woodsy and with a lot of peat accents. Almost nothing but latakia but nicely laced with cavendish and some Turkish. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. Yes its filled with Latakia to the brim, but as mentioned by blenders before, Latakia has this kind of event horizon, where if you use enough of it, its less of a lat bomb than blends with less Latakia. Pirate Kake delivers a whopping dollop of 75% Latakia in the blend. The main flavors I pick up are a dark leather mixed with an earthy peaty taste, with a subtle sweet/smooth undertone. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. That said, its a heavy Latakia Mixture that is tasty. We got ourselves reacquainted. I do enjoy a good English, and one with a good balance of Latakia. Wow, holding in the hands a brick of this extremely dark brown-black blend (no light-colored bits in it!) I find the Ten Russians to be a slightly better balance than Stimulus Package. I love that woodsy aroma and taste. Caution: it is such an unforgettable smoke, your pipe will keep reminding you of it no matter what else you smoke in it. Very nice, i gotta get me some more of this. Step away from this if you are not a latakia addicted. Here in Brazil many confreres saying about this blend and i decided to try. C&D style; this blend smokes down to the last puff leaving a fine volcanic type ash that won't plug up the bowl. This blend is a strong blend, but I do nt think I ll actually get a nicotine kick. Comparable to an Is lay Whiskey in smokiness, though if one is looking for notes of peat I recommend C&D's 'Strathspey'. The age has definitely blended the strong latakia together into the others. That's not a negative statement, just an observation. This will be one of my regular smokes. Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians, Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). Yes, a lot of Latakia, but I agree with several reviewers who used Pirate Kake as an example of how high Latakia content does not equate to overly strong. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. Be aware of not have any other EM in your rotation bc this is the kind of tobacco thats affect your taste for ages, after a few bowls of PK you cannot feel any latakia in other mixtures. I prefer Samuel Gawith's Commonwealth. Pirate Kake is also the most antisocial tobacco blend Ive ever smelled. PK made the top 5 list. WOW, smooth and smokie (mild no heat just rich flavor). Really three-dimensional. Every time. TobaccoPipes.com. A wonderful tobacco. I initially bought a tin, liked it, then eventually bought a pound brick which I placed into two of the large mason jars. The burn was very cool and consistant and did not require relights. Well, I have to admit, Latakia and Turkish tobaccos smell, well, yeah maybe like the musky lather of a salted slave. The Latakia is delicious, thick, and creamy. The Latakia is so tasty in this blend an exciting smoke from top to middle and ends quite well wont be disapp Loving every minute of it, waste not, this Lat bomb if beautiful. Amazingly smooth and heavenly delicious! It is almost certain to flunk the wife test, and it's very strong room note is possibly best taken outside. THE ROLLS ROYCE OF TOBACCO. And that is how i know i have a 5 star smome on my hands. Has a pleasant, lingering after taste and strong room note. Cornell and Diehl Pirate Kake Tobacco $11.05 G.L. I'd recommend packing half a bowl as even after you are done latkia will saturate your very being with creamy smoke scent. It lacks that hint of perique spice that Nightcap has, but is darker and more smokey. It gets better with a little age. I smoke this whenever I desire to be entertained within a fast moving panorama of almost familiar sensations that build not to a climax and quiet farewell, but just keep rolling on as a caravan that one has disembarked. .faint musk of slaves, hmmm appetizing, I'd like to smoke me some o that. I find PK to be a charmingly enjoyable blend, smooth as butter, rich with wood, earth and leather, along with some sweet coupled with sea salt (and a mineral-like element that I cant quite put my finger on its not quite soda-like but it sits right behind the salt). My sample is from 1995 or 1996 and was stored until 2001 without adequate moisture control. This tobacco has the same taste, until it all gone, unlike some tobacco's that after half the bowl is gone then you get an ashy burnt like taste. Not much to say beyond that. Simply THE Best!!! It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. 4 stars if you like lots of manly Latakia, 1 star if not. To order by pound, use multiples of 16. I will look forward to trying the other tin after much aging hopefully mellows the lat a bit. Now as excited as I was about all the hype I jarred it as soon as I opened it and promptly rubbed some out and filled my bowl. I could make this a very short review and just mention that it is a fantastic Latakia, Burley, Oriental blend. My fears were for the overall balance of the blend, with 70% I expected the smoke to be one dimensional, not so. Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. Surprised that some found Latakia to be overwhelming as I found it just a little over medium in strength. You must have missed the point. Apparently, it's recommended to try mixing this with some Haunted Bookshop, however I have not tried that yet.