Her world had shattered many times before thanks to various villains along her lifetime, but the androids had taken the most from her. They also have quite a bit of personality differences; while Present Goten is well mannered and respectful like his father, Future Goten is not, taking more after his paternal grandfather, Bardock. Had they just gone up to the point of the fated confrontation with the Cerelian? As easily he had dispatched the Emperor, the two were just far stronger. Enjoy..! Explore. He looks confused. as well as He later on reveals due to his mastery over the form, he could enhance his Super Saiyan 3 power output to rival Vegeta's Super Saiyan God power completely. All he can see is the colors of their hair and clothes. Yeah, but it aint our era anymore.. What if goten was in the fu. Pinterest. He had knowledge of the past, present, and future all in his fingertips. This work could have adult content. Before her, his only goal was to defeat the cyborgs and save the world. 293 Stories. He looked to his great great grandson. This made this form impractical against foes of any real speed. Supreme Kai of Time | Chronoa (Dragon Ball). The old nemesis of the Emperor resurrected. "But Trunks," Goten whines. ). Future Gohan in Yokai Dimension (A. by Bullet's Husband 62.7K 943 21 Age.762 Gohan was battling the Androids. With the dimension blocking out the Ki sense of even godly individuals like Destroyer Beerus and Whis, it would prove no trouble. Somehow, someway, a divergence in time led to the images diverting into two. I just won't do the Moro and Merus. If not like, then DON' Another FanFic Hope you guys love it! Also, his aura is surrounded by repeated flashes of blue bio-electricity. (Two things, the Pilaf Gang never returned in this. He blushes when he realizes everyone is looking at him. Read the story and find out!! Now, as he stared at after the man made the wish. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Background 3.2 Dragon Ball Z 3.2.1 Great Saiyaman Saga This is a reboot of the last Goku story and so I wIll make it more better than before. It started with one dream. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Turles (Dragon Ball)/Original Character(s) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, androids are not a huge part of the story, Future Trunks Briefs & Future Son Gohan - Freeform, Brief appearance of the Brief grandparents, Trunks Briefs & Supreme Kai of Time | Chronoa, Supreme Kai of Time | Chronoa (Dragon Ball), Happy old couples is the name of the game here, Remember: the future versions are different characters, I don't quite know how to tag this yet I'll get back to you, Vegeta pretty blatantly hates himself but this is hardly a shock, sorry guys he's got a heart to take care of, well it's an optional chapter it's not important to the plot, there's a lot of declarations of love in between, they may be older but they got needs too don't @ me, yes we made it to the wedding too somehow, it's out of order right now but shhh I'll fix it later it's fine, Surprise now bra is going to be born ooooops, there's where irresponsible use of dragonballs comes in, Mirai Trunks | Future Trunks/Original Character(s), Mirai Gohan| Future Gohan/Mirai Videl | Future Videl, Immortal (at least until I think of a better title), Mirai Trunks/Original Female Character(s), Little White Boots (Were Made For Walkin'), i saw this when i typed the a in and its what kiara would have wanted. Both he and his rival fought the monster. However, this newly arrived female droi After Gohan's relentless struggles against two artifical humanoid cyborgs, Gohan dies in the end leaving Trunks to be earth's protector. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. A/N: I will do any boy from any saga. Ultimately, he is able to enter, maintain, and fight in this form for as long as he desires at its full potential with no lose in efficiency or performance. If he went at Age 737, then it was the time where Frieza would make the choice to eradicate the Saiyan race. Now Trunks, his patchwork family, and the Son family all have their own version of happily ever after in Conton. Unfortunately, theyd taken note of that fact also, meaning his remaining time was dwindling. Summary: Based in Mirai Trunks timeline after he defeated Cell. He now has to deal with the trials of dragonball in this new environment. Future Zeno: Hi Goten. When during his first adventure in the present timeline, he is usually seen wearing a vermillion jacket reaching his abdomen with his own kanji on the right sleeve, a white tank-top, black pants with a black belt, grey and black boots, black fingerless gloves, and computerized watch. Goku frowns looking up at the boy, who looks a lot like him. It is revealed that Future Goten first achieved the form many years of intense training. Then looked back to the time before, looking back to the time of an old Empire of the Saiyan race. Crackling electricity and their clash breaking the landscape around them in a furious explosion of combat. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Trunks asks his friend, who's a lot more like a brother to him. He asks. I won't be writing that, so don't request it. When Goten is 18 he is fed up with life on earth. Goten's name literally means "Awakening to Heaven" or "perceiving heaven", as "Ten" can translate as sky or heavens. You can request anything you want, except lemon. He wanted it to be his own play! Cell had come back to life and gotten into Capsule Corporation. Five years of training the boy, the man and the boy came out. Past, Present, and Future 116 pages Completed May 3, 2017 Katherine This is going to be a truten story this all the information, read if you want to find out more, this is the first book in the Goten x Trunks sieries. His arms channeled his innermost energies, circling around, wisps of it dancing at the tips of his fingers. This along with his deep rage and the dedication to protect his world, caused Future Goten to attain the form, which gave him enough power to overwhelm Future Majin Buu and destroy him along with Future Babidi with a Ultimate Kamehameha. This was all he watched, going back a few certain pieces to make sure he had the necessary information. Just going to have to find out. This is often mixed with awe, annoyance, and anger towards his father's nonchalant and laid back behavior towards everything happening around him, especially when Goku gave up against Cell during the Cell Games. He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became a Super Saiyan fourth Grade, but when realizing how outclassed. That was all he had ever known, but he definitely eager to see his dad. Thank you to all my friends who have helped me with this fic by giving it a read! They would not, with their own abidance to their laws! He broke his limits once more, mastering a technique of the gods thought to be extremely difficult. 4 yr. ago Divineffej on ffn. Chapter 1: The Mysterious Young Super Saiyan Unveiling the Future Tegusis Summary: It is Age 734. Goten: Zenos I. give a second. A Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. What if the person they love was a mortal themselves? His sword also turned into the Sword of Dreams- a white sword with light red edges, larger in size and in the shape of a great sword. Wow this kid looks like Goku wait what if he is no way Goku Grew up but he looks so much like him. Planet Vegeta stood in view, small dots of pods and ships dotting the orb like shape. Prologue Work Search: Future Goten ( Mirai no Goten) is the Saiyan and Earthling hybrid son of Future Goku and Future Chi-Ch from an alternate future.Before the time Present Goten was born, the timeline had been altered by him, as well as Cell's trips to the past. Also like his father before him, Future Goten has learned to fear his mothers temper, but this did little to deter the loving bond he desired from his mother for so long. Then nothing. He said to himself. Please consider turning it on! It cant touch the emotional depth that is the official series. He still laughed, over nearly forgetting it in his own excitement to make this timeline happen. By combining his intense training with his hidden potential, Future Goten achieved this form upon witnessing the death of Future Kibito at the hands of Future Dabura. Female reader. It's when Goten sees Goku's hair that he finally realizes exactly why his mother had told him not to get out. The man had unlocked a new form, and sent the parasite responsible to the Sun, erasing him from existence. Which is pretty easy since they're all too busy staring at the saiyan pod. They all crowd around the crater blocking his view and ability to see if his father had come out yet. The homeworld of theirs was in danger once more. A portal to the dead was opened up. However, Future Goten while possessing some qualities typical of a Saiyan, especially before he went into the past, he surprisingly possess a degree of logic and reasoning. Trunks explains. Both had achieved a blue form that they further pushed the limits of. Stay in the time machine." Gohan is trying to prove hope still exists. But he knows his mother said what she said for a reason, and he needs to stay put and keep his ki hidden, no matter how dirty Trunks played. M/M in future chaptersFuture Trunks / GotenFuture Gohan / Future TrunksSome Timeline jumping. Depends. "Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" How was she supposed to take her t Yaoi love story.. etc. He also appears to be afflicted with a intense post-traumatic stress as a result the struggles he faced in his apocalyptic nightmarish world. Trunks' father doesn't seem very pleased though. Daddy Dearest. Today I decided to return back to the first what if I ever made! They fought. Sitting comfortably in his pod, he looked at the village of the green skinned race, demanding the wish orbs. And a surprise Happens! Orphaning him, this combined with the fact that he grew up in an apocalyptic world, is intelligent, broody, serious, and aggressive (such as when he lashed Goku for not taking the threat of the Androids seriously or when punched him in the face before he began to berate him for not taking heart medication), unlike his main timeline counterpart, who had a personality is very similar to his father's. Chapter Three: Saiyaman Apperas/Combat Training. After, another tournament held between all twelve universes. After the fight, Trunks tells them that they'll need to wait a while before Goku comes. His rival, the same splitting image of the mans own rival too had joined, and both were eager to fight another. Leo Son is a half-Saiyan girl who was adopted by Goku when she was young. . After a couple of stumbles and some holding against a column, Goten was back on his two feet. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. 4. His rival, Vegeta, simply glanced at them. As a teenager-on, his hair is more shaggier reaching down to the base of his neck. After all, he managed to escape Whis with his dimension. The man simply smirked in return, and retaliating with the effort of hard work and heavy training, any low class could surpass their superiors. Except the parody is exactly what it is. He looked down at the ground, his memory backtracking to what just happened. Can this so call 'love' last forever? When a new villain shows up to threaten Earth, everyone knows Goku will be there to defeat it and save everyone like he always does. queen elizabeth australian tour 1954, what is the difference between a 501c3 and a 501c7, national forest campground host jobs near hamburg,