Nonostante le sue abilità, Yusanis fu rapidamente ucciso da Revan. Malgus would destroy Malak, even if they fought onboard the Star Forge with Malak absorbing Jedi Life force and feeding off the dark side. Mostrava il suo cuore a Malachor V, e infine alla fine della guerra civile Jedi. Revan was raped multiple times by the emperor and out of him and malgus neither of them comes close to Sidious speed or Mace Vaapad speed. Star Wars Darth Revan, Darth Marr & Darth Malgus Custom Minifigure Set and Stands Fast Free Shipping ~ Professional Packing ~ US Seller DESCRIPTION Darth Malgus … Revan @LordTracer: Revan is OPed and beats GM Luke and DE Palpatine at the … Also I don't think yoda outclasses Revan in phy. Even the likes of Maul could take down Malgus. [QUOTE=Oswin;1717712]Well Revan beat Darth Malak quite handily (story wise), even after the latter was siphoning power from the imprisoned jedi masters through the star forge. No way could Malgus go toe to toe with the Emperor . When Obi Wan fought Anakin they both surpassed Dooku and started reacting at sub-lightspeed. Prestasi yang terkenal terlebih dahulu. It has been stated that he was Malak's equal in lightsaber combat and that by itself speaks levels as Malak was one of the best duelists of his era. Yoda knows all the forms as well. So Yoda, Sidious, Luke, The Ones, Mace Windu, Anakin, Vitiate, the Bedlam Spirits, Vader, Count Dooku, etc can't beat Revan? While I agree with much of what has been said so far about Malgus's abilities I disagree with what has been said about Revan's lack of power. Verdict of the battle for the Old Republic!PART 3: me … Due dei miei Sith preferiti! Selected category All. I prefer Darth Malak or Darth Malgus or Darth Silithus Im not huge fan of Darth Vader Darth Revan is very cool character, thing is he switched from Sith to Jedi few times so its weird. You have me on the saber forms though. However, 300 of this was just imprisonment and Revan didn't leave much of a legacy after he died on the light side of the Force. Revan knowing Ataru doesn't give him any sort of edge. Who will win in a fight between Revan and Darth Malgus? In the final battle I honestly can't see who'd win, though they'd probably do a ton of damage to the area they're fighting in. Who will win in a fight between Darth Malgus and Darth Revan? While still young, Veradun killed a Twi'lek servant on his father's estate, revealing the dark will behind his sensitivity to the Force. He is vastly faster than Revan is. Which team emerges victorious? La sua pelle strisciava. Darth Malgus. Da esso, Revan ha creato la bomba mentale, un altro rituale leggendario in grado di annientare decine di migliaia di Jedi e Sith e intrappolare i loro spiriti in una sfera di energia della Forza utilizzata nella guerra civile Jedi e nella campagna di Ruusan. Match Up Monday . In Yoda's words "When you get to be 900 years old look so good you will not." Even so he easily overpowered Nyriss after she'd just beat down the Exile and Lord Scourge with literally no difficulty. Darth Maul is a pantomime villain in a morality play. renowned as "the Revanchist" and dreaded as Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith I thought the Revan Radicals were gone for good, but I guess not -__-. It seems as though this is not so much as impressive feat of Revan's own power, but his skill with the force and adeptness in Tutaminis. Uno dei più temuti guerrieri Echani attivi nella galassia durante i decenni precedenti la guerra civile Jedi, Yusanis era un soldato decorato e uno dei più grandi eroi delle guerre Mandaloriane. Malgus would easily dominate in saber combat though. @the_new_sentry: War is not translatable to duels. He might be comparable in raw power, and rivals him in Force knowledge, but he is vastly outclassed physically and with a blade. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Darth Malgus is a minifigure of the Sith Lord of the same name in in the Star Wars universe, who appears in the 9500 Fury Class Interceptor. Ele geralmente usava mercenários aliens ", Fonte: Chris Avellone, autore principale di Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords, "È il modo in cui l'Echani è in grado di leggere i propri avversari - sapere dove un avversario sta per colpire prima di connettersi, anticiparlo e poi colpire contro di loro. 101 talking about this. Darth Malgus win's by slaughter. Aunque era un combatiente feroz, se destacó como una rareza entre los Sith de su época, y ocasionalmente empleó a mercenarios de diversas especies alienígenas que el Imperio consideraba como engañosas y desleales. Fight takes place on Mustafar. Revan - renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. XSUPREMEXSKILLZ. That applies to Revan, Malgus, Bane, Plagueis, Palpatine, Yoda, Anakin, Luke, Krayt, Fisto, Ventress, Savage, Nomi, Cade, Odan, etc. March 25, 2020 March 25, 2020 Lisa Clark darth malgus, sith. He absorbed her lightning and redirected it at her. ''So Yoda, Sidious, Luke, The Ones, Mace Windu, Anakin, Vitiate, the Bedlam Spirits, Vader, Count Dooku''. Darth Malgus VS Darth Malak STAR WARS Discussion ... but those powers were no match against the light side Revan. Selastan. Revan era anche un nesso di Forza, anche i sensitivi non-forza potevano sentire il suo potere. Darth Malgus is one of the main antagonists of BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. I seriously doubt he'd be able to do what he does without the force. Here are 4 things to compare them by: Physical attributes Saber skills Force abilities Weaponry/tools Have fun! Sufex The Ghost Oct 18, 2020 #1 Which was the more powerful sith lord? The trump card against the team (imo) is the force maelstrom. Revan- renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Sidious lightning obliterated an army, so has Starkiller he's just a Younger version of Sidious.. Luke twin. Han förekommer bland annat i de båda TV-spelen Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 och 2. Revan god STOMPS Malgus and then laughs how easy it was, all rounds. Credo che stesse parlando con Malak in quella battaglia finale, anche se pochi lo sapevano. Also does Malgus have a religion that span over hundreds of years that worshipped him even after his death and killed thousands in his name? @liquidnazo: You are still here? Revan would freaking DESTROY ugly Malgus!!! Revan vs Darth Malgus. Honestly I don't know about any phys. Lol that makes no sense. ". Potente, ma la versatilità è la sua più grande forza nella forza. Ora non prestava attenzione al commento corrente del giornalista, solo vagamente consapevole di parole come "così giovane e attraente" e "famiglia tragica" e altri bantha poodoo. Darth Malgus is a minifigure of the Sith Lord of the same name in in the Star Wars universe, who appears in the 9500 Fury Class Interceptor. Prima le imprese importanti. carthage. Who wins? And Sidious respected Malgus. I mean he is still 880 years old in ROTS it's a miracle he's even able to walk much less use the force like he does. It seems as though this is not so much as impressive feat of Revan's own power, but his skill with the force and adeptness in Tutaminis. If Malgus starts a rampage Revan will just use the Force to keep Malgus at a distance to plan the battle out, though Malgus was able to take several steps when being blown back by Sateles Force Push with sheer physical and will power. So far the only person in the entire Starwars history to be able to do that. … What do we know about Darth Vader? (UR) Revan studiò il rituale di Nathema, il più elaborato rituale Sith della storia che prosciugò la forza vitale di ottomila Sith Lords e l'intero pianeta nell'imperatore Vitiate, scrivendo una trascrizione della sua procedura. Who wins in a five-way battle to the death? Oh I agree that it was due to his skills as well as his ability with Tutaminis but the fact that he'd be able to pull it off on a very powerful Dark Side user, when the day before he was barely able to sense people on the other side of the door to his cell, speaks volumes about how strong he is at full power as well. Malgus OP says base Malak but even SF Malak's upper bound is KotOR Revan. Darth Malgus, nascido como Veradun, era um Lorde Sith que servia o Império Sith no ano 3.653 ABY, durante a Grande Guerra Galáctica. @shootingnova: As i said Revan could beat him if he used his head. He was born under the name Veradun within Imperial space, and raised by his adoptive father. @penguinlover: It’s his first post he gets a freebie. Revan & Darth Malak vs Darth Nihilus & Darth Malgus. Per quanto Malgus sia fantastico, l'unico modo in cui potrebbe concepibilmente vincere è se Revan provasse a potenziarlo fisicamente, qual è la forza principale di Malgus. È un duellante migliore ed è un utente di forza più potente. He absorbed her lightning and redirected it at her. Here I will reference the game SWTOR, in which Malgus appears. These wormholes devoured fleets and tore apart planetary surfaces. Shop with confidence. vs vs vs vs He was played by Jamie Glover. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. The exile beat Nihilus and wasn't as strong as Revan at his best (at his best he dwarfs the exile), and i don't recall Malgus having the strength to go up against Revan at his best. Even In The Clone WARS, he was going to be a FORCE GHOST and speak to Yoda but they took the frickin clip out of the show...smh. I like Malgus, he's easily in my top 5 favorite Sith, but he doesn't have the control, skill, or power Revan has with the Force. Vince Malgus. Revan è stato in grado di evocare Force Storms ed era un esperto nel drenaggio. Malgus è anche uno dei più grandi guerrieri Sith nell'Impero, lo definirei personalmente il più grande: La forza dei colpi di Malgus fa tremare le braccia di Aryn Leneer: Malgus piega a metà un Jedi con un calcio che gli restituisce cinque passi: Darth Malgus è uno dei più potenti predecessori dell'Imperatore Palpatine: I talenti sul campo di battaglia di Malgus non sono mai stati duplicati: Come membro del Dark Council, Darth Malgus è uno dei più potenti Lord Sith nell'Impero Sith: Un Malgus ferito afferra la spada laser di Aryn veloce come una vipera: Prima di diventare un Sith, Revan era il più grande Jedi. Anyways Revan (these styles are stated from observation but are his most likely styles) had mastered a variant of form 4 Ataru that did not involve jumps, roles, or flips, this technique was also used by well known Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, another form he mastered was form 5 Shien (note this form is geared toward blast defection and is not too important to this fight.) Shamelessly ripped from the Rank the Sith thread. Force Round of the battle for the Old Republic!PART 3: 1: … It would be an incredible battle no matter which way it goes. Ben (Skywalker) si rese conto che Cilghal aveva ragione. Darth Malgus vs Darth Malak and Darth Revan. Revan and Malek. Meanwhile, Revan took a thousand or so years of torture from the most powerful force wielder at his time, and he shook it off like it was nothing.. No one can beat the Ones or Bedlam Spirits, whats the point of bringing up omnipotent characters? Fonte: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Mit ihrer Hilfe hätte das Sith-Imperium seinen Großen Galaktischen Krieg auf die bekannte Galaxis deutlich früher durchführen können, als … I'd say Revan is probably stronger in the force and as a duelist, though Malgus is most definitely physically stronger and more imposing Darth Invictus, Jan 30, 2019 #2. Galingas, tačiau universalumas yra didžiausia jo jėga. @shootingnova: I was just using the wars as an example for Revan's tactical intelligence. Not to mention, Grandmaster Luke according to the movies, was a weak old fat man who couldn't even stop his nephew from murdering his whole temple. Being that Maul is destined to always lose and Revan is destined to always win, Revan is the clear winner. Como resultado, Malgus aprendió varios idiomas. (JCW) Revan sconfisse facilmente Yusanis, il più grande Echani che poteva combattere con minuti di anticipo. R3: Could go either way but backing Revan for a majority. > La lotta è continuata. Yoda fought the Sidious and took his lightning and brushed it off and got right back up. Registered: Aug 8, 2016. Who will win in a fight between Revan and Darth Malgus? Action Figures; Brand. Darth Revan prende questo 9/10 volte perché c'è sempre la possibilità che Malgus vinca in qualche modo. morals on -Base Malak -Prime Malgus Malak tbh. Darth Caedus That is actually incorrect, because when Revan was first created, you could decide what gender she was. ~B See More Denne sithlord blir fångad av jediriddarna och därmed blev hans minnen raderade och han fick en ny identitet. Please share your thoughts about who would win if they had fought. Jedi Knight88 Jedi Knight. In molti modi, gli Echani vedono il combattimento come un rapido gioco dejarik, calcolando finte, attacchi e schivate con una velocità che pochi possono superare. Un calore e un brivido. Okay then. Find great deals on eBay for darth malgus and darth malgus lego. save. Le esibizioni di duelli di Malgus sono molto impressionanti nel sconfiggere satele shan solidamente nonostante siano pre prime, superando due abili cavalieri jedi nonostante si trovino in stato di quasi morte e tenendo la propria contro una squadra di sciopero composta da eroe di tython e pochi altri formidabili combattenti. Revan stomps Malgus all rounds. both at there peak. Darth Revan är en sithlord i Stjärnornas krig-universumet. Revan & Darth Malak vs Darth Nihilus & Darth Malgus. Report Post | Link. It goes no further then them after that it's literally deity level powers. I see Malgus as more of an aggressive brute while Revan as a precognition-reliant/technical duelist. A volte sembrava essere due passi avanti. Prima di incontrare Revan, Satele Shan disse che Malgus era l'incarnazione più potente e pericolosa del lato oscuro che aveva sperimentato "Lì negli hangar ho incontrato l'incarnazione più pericolosa del lato oscuro che io abbia mai sperimentato, l'uomo che in seguito sarebbe stato conosciuto come Darth Malgus." 2nd one could go either way imo. ", Fonte: Brianna, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords, "Eppure, con Revan, c'era lo stesso impegno, ma era una cosa sottile, come intrecciare fili in un arazzo o accarezzare una tela. darth revan vs darth malgus . From shop CherbiesFigures. Malgus und Vindican kämpfen gegen Satele Shan und Kao Cen Darach Mit seinem Meister Darth Vindican wurde Malgus nach Korriban geschickt, um den Planeten für das Sith-Imperium zurückzuerobern.Die Jedi-Ritterin Satele Shan und ihr Lehrmeister Kao Cen Darach befanden sich in einer im Orbit des Planeten stationierten Raumstation und wollten aufbrechen, um die Republik vor dem … Entonces tomó a la twi'lek Eleena Daru com… "Gli Echani fanno molto affidamento sul combattimento corpo a corpo e sulla tecnologia dello scudo personale, e hanno avuto il loro culo consegnato loro da Revan durante la Guerra Civile Jedi, perché, non a caso, non c'erano molte persone in grado di affrontare Revan attraverso un campo di battaglia e sopravvivere all'incontro. I'd imagine the OP meant Prime Revan or at least SoR Revan so: Now Darth Revan would be a different outcome. Since he had no constant teacher he must of remembered them from his time as a Sith Lord. report. His prime was not RotJ, it was in RotS, when his physical feats were vastly greater than Revan's. Darth Plagueis vs Darth Revan. Okay so this is Malgus vs Revan. They aren't even close to Darth Mauls level yet. L'eroe della Repubblica noto come "Revan" ha avuto un passato turbolento. Più tardi, quando Yusanis scoprì che un senatore Echani era stato ucciso da Darth Revan, iniziò a confrontarsi con il Signore dei Sith e consegnarlo alla giustizia. Stats for jedi. Revan would win 1 and 3. That alone proves Revan would win. And since Revan is the tactical genius who won the Mandalorian war and nearly beat the Republic there is a high likely hood of that. 1 Description 2 Background 3 Gallery 4 Appearances 5 External Links Darth Malgus features a grey, bald head with menacing expression, and with several scars. Match Up Monday. I thought you were dead or somethin... Revan for Round 1 and Malgus for the other 2. So probably I prefer Darth Revan Reply With Quote. Round 2: Could go either way. hide. He even had a whole RELIGION/ORDER devoted to him called the Revanchists. Post elaborate explanations of why you think either would win. Science Fiction & Horror; Comics; Disneyana; Toys & Hobbies. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads I am Murloc! Fonte: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. Scoprendo che Revan aveva ucciso un senatore di Echani, Yusanis tentò di dirlo alle autorità ma cadde sotto i poteri del Signore dei Sith, nonostante le sue capacità impressionanti e la trama di cortosi inerente a tutte le vibrazioni di Echani. NOTABLE SITH WARRIORS: Darth Malgus, Darth Marr, Darth Decimus Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia Darth Malgus implies he could defeat Revan on the Foundry, and states afterwards only Darth Nox and the Emperor’s Wrath could have done the same, meaning he likely believes himself to be superior to all other Sith in the Empire sans the protagonists and obviously the Emperor … In any case, if you can't even look up anything about the characters you're talking about or insulting (seriously, insulting fictional characters?) Malgus. Yoda, Mace, and Sidious react at lightspeed and seem as if they are fading out of existence because they move so fast. Anakin was only about 22 or 23 before his transformation to Vader, Revan had way more years of experience. Round 1: Revan. Darth Malgus was a Human male Sith Lord of the resurgent Sith Empire during the time of the Great Galactic War to the Third Galactic War. He was born under the name Veradun within Imperial space, and raised by his adoptive father. Fonte: codice Revan Reborn, Star Wars The Old Republic. Parlava attraverso la battaglia e le tattiche in un modo che non si poteva mai fare a parole. In the final battle I'd have to say Revan: This is due to his extreme skill with the force, His greater force sensitivity, and him being able to at least stall Malgus in order to give himself time to use his force powers. darth revan vs darth malgus. And since my Revan was always female, that is what I refer to her as. @liquidnazo: that's going a bit far. "La forma della spada laser di Malgus era impeccabile, ma ha lasciato che la sua rabbia e la sua disperazione offuscassero i suoi combattimenti. Jawapan 1: Dua daripada Sith kegemaran saya! Darth Malgus era un Signore dei Sith al tempo della Grande Guerra Galattica. Darth Revan avrebbe vinto questo combattimento. who wins? (His skill with Jar Kai is probably greater than Malgus's) Now note that Revan's lightsaber style was heavily geared towards attack and offers only moderate defense. Atsakymas 1: Du mano mėgstamiausi Sith! Darth Revan is a protagonist in a video game whose capabilities are as great as the player feels like making them. Superhero battle match: Revan versus Darth Malgus. (Unless your a time lord of course) Another thing Yoda heavily favors Ataru and since by observation Revan mastered that form he might be able to match him for a while. I mean his not Sidious level but I'd say he could beat yoda if he uses his brain. Darth Malgus was the only real competition to Darth Vitiate. Malgus adalah Darth Vader versi Old Republic dengan cara dia menjadi tangki ketika datang ke pertarungan lightsaber, tetapi secara paksa, dia lebih-lebih lagi pengguna tingkat Darth Maul. When I have a chance though I'll send you the screenshot from the book. Yes, Yoda outclasses him in stats. Revan my be a superior swordsman but Malgus will probably tank certain attacks if they give him a direct shot at Revans vitals Round 3: 50-50. Once he starts raging Revan won't be able to stop him. Even Anakin and Obi wan are leagues above them. Now we have another great versus matchup for you: Revan vs Darth Malgus This one is told in 4 parts so you will need to watch each video to get to the exciting conclusion. Include description . Veradun was a Force-sensitive Human male born in the year 3701 BBY on the planet Dromund Kaas, the capital of the reconstituted Sith Empire. share. They are typically very similar characters with a lot in common, and then it’s broken down into their strengths and weaknesses and how they compare. Darth Revan je fiktivní postava Hvězdných válek a protagonista počítačové hry Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.Byl velkým rytířem Jedi, během Mandalorianských válek generálem, kvůli hrozbě skrytého impéria si zvolil temnou stranu síly a přijal titul Temný Pán ze Sithu.. Even weakened and drugged he deflected lightning from a Dark Council member in her prime and turned her to ash.Round 2: Malgus. Darth MALGUS, Darth REVAN, Darth NIHILUS Star Wars Minifigures +Stands Knights of the Old Republic kotor Best Quality – Please Visit Store CherbiesFigures From shop CherbiesFigures 5 … In a fight, it could go either ways, Sidious is a non factor here since he lost by getting thrown off a balcony and couldn't sense his own apprentice who was right behind him. 2K views Revan was an extremely powerful Sith Lord and Jedi Knight. You know maybe I should make a new Yoda Vs. Revan thread. Ben non aveva mai visto quel tipo di anticipazione della Forza, nemmeno da parte di suo padre. Also Vader couldn't even beat an old Obi Wan who didn't fight in decades, i'm pretty sure Revan can take him. It's really hard to pin down with their heavy reliance on force augmentation. He was a dominant figure in the Mandalorian Wars, and due to his intellect and tactical skills, he won the war. Yoda especially. Not sure how Darth Vitiate beat malgus (and under what circumstances)[/quote] Those two never fought. takes place aboard The Leviathan. So, without further ado we present: Darth Vader vs. Darth Revan. Board Walker. Si dice che i più grandi tra gli Echani siano in grado di leggere le mosse del loro avversario così bene da poter prevedere il percorso di una battaglia con diversi secondi, a volte anche con qualche minuto di anticipo, misurando lo stile di combattimento del suo avversario, la frequenza cardiaca, e i loro movimenti in combattimento. Mace Windu cried like a baby when he lost one single hand and then electrocuted out of a window. Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Intermaze: 10.24.2014 , 06:36 AM | #1: Quote. : Really I'd say Revan is at least an 8, with 10 being his max. È un dono essere in presenza. Malgus is overrated , he has no impressive feats. Tuttavia, la sua forma di duello è citata come perfetta. Revan has played both sides of the Force, and because of that his skill and power with it is greater than Malgus' ability with it. Revan is impossible over hyped. As a child, Veradun tended to the creature… His tutamanis is insane as stated before, and despite what you might think all of the force abilities under Revan's disposal in the game were canon. Re: Darth Plagueis vs Darth Malgus on August 23rd 2020, 9:01 pm Because the difference from 67BBY to peak Plagueis is nowhere near as the vast stomp gaps between the … Ha vacillato e io l'ho seguito.". No orbalisk armor for Bane. He has lived thousands of years and ALMOST defeated Vitiate himself and was even considered worthy by him, Malgus wouldn't even step a single foot in the throne room of the Emperor! Revan is not beating Yoda. You think a young arrogant stupid jedi knight that almost died because of a high ground could take down Revan? All 3 rounds, i'm giving this to Revan, easily at that. During and long after Order 66, Vader fought with Imperial forces to systematically destroy the Jedi Order. @aaron15: I don't know whether I find it pitiful or just embarrassing that after four months you still don't know anything about the characters you're trying to discredit. Revan sconfisse Mandalore l'Ultimo, il più grande di tutti gli antichi Mandalores. He names them because he's contrasting the experience writing about powerful Force users for writing about a non-Force user. Each Sith is armed with their signature lightsaber. It's in the novel "Revan". Even so he easily overpowered Nyriss after she'd just beat down the Exile and Lord Scourge with literally no difficulty. Close • Posted by 46 minutes ago. @the_new_sentry: Revan is absolutely nothing to Yoda. I think what's even worse is that you don't even know how long Revan was kept in captivity for - 300 years, not a millennia. Darth Invictus Jedi Grand Master. He has a great Variety don't get me wrong... but the Emperor sodomized him horribly. Yusanis era il più famoso dei guerrieri Echani, combattendo contro l'oppressione e il malvagio fino a incontrare Darth Revan. As for the original thread: Revan, Malgus, Revan respectively. Prima di incontrare Revan, Satele Shan disse che Malgus era l'incarnazione più potente e pericolosa del lato oscuro che aveva sperimentato, "Lì negli hangar ho incontrato l'incarnazione più pericolosa del lato oscuro che io abbia mai sperimentato, l'uomo che in seguito sarebbe stato conosciuto come Darth Malgus.". But the fact is he was a very accomplished duelist perhaps not quite on Malgus's level but still very impressive. darth revan vs darth malgus. Sure they can achieve stupefying feats otherwise but only with technology. Both Sith Lords are Jar Kai Niman Specialists who have a very strong command of the force. This is actually one that can really get the fans I più avanzati tra gli Echani sono in grado di predire il corso delle battaglie per mesi e si dice che i più venerati siano in grado di predire il percorso delle guerre. Nasceu no planeta capital dos Sith Dromund Kaas. Not sure I can take another wave of them. Revan my be a superior swordsman but Malgus will probably tank certain attacks if they give him a direct shot at Revans vitalsRound 3: 50-50. Registered: Sep 4, 2018. And there is the fact that Revan is very proficient with force speed and force sense as well. R1;: Tough fight but Revan edges Malgus out in ability and overall power. Also, there seems to be a lot of misinformation on this thread about Star Wars... @the_new_sentry: No Yoda stomps Revan... hard. I put Malgus above Revan, and Revan above Malak. I think Revan would have tied with Malgus in Force Acumen, but as a duelist Malgus has canon evidence that he is a strong duelist, while Revan only defeated Malak who is not as well trained as Malgus. Malgus. This is shown by his spontaneous learning of these powers. I absolutely LOVE the versus series that puts one Star Wars character against another to determine who would “win”. Revan massacrò eserciti di Echani, famosi per la loro velocità e precognizione di battaglia. then nothing I say will make a difference. Petrus. He didn't "overpower" her. Malgus' body is black with grey battle armour printed on both the front and back. I'd assume she was so shocked by what he'd done she hadn't thought to defend against it. Malgus' body is black with grey battle armour printed on both the front and back. Per quanto riguarda la forza, in realtà non è una gara, Darth Revan, pur non essendo nemmeno vicino ai primati di Revan, era ancora un utente della Forza di livello 1 mentre Malgus era al livello di Maul. Darth Malgus was a Human male Sith Lord of the resurgent Sith Empire during the time of the Great Galactic War to the Third Galactic War. Re: Darth Plagueis vs Darth Malgus on August 23rd 2020, 11:51 pm The Outlander's growth there is about as much growth as I'm aware of Plagueis actually being stated to … Star Wars Darth Malgus, Darth Revan, Darth Nihilius Custom Minifigure Set and Stands Fast Free Shipping ~ Professional Packing ~ US Seller DESCRIPTION Darth Malgus minifigure, Accessories and Features: hood, cape, red Anakin? @penguinlover: He actually said Sidious is a non-factor so I, as a Revan fan, say that this guy knows close to nothing about Star Wars. If this was 'reborn' Revan , plus Darth Malak, they would most definitely take Malgus. 5 out of 5 stars (291) 291 reviews. Le battaglie Echani sono combattute con diversi minuti di anticipo - in molti modi , è molto simile al gioco di dejarik giocato nei sistemi di base. Even Luke couldn't handle that type of power. Darth Revan + Darth Malak > Malgus, probably. Darth Revan lived an unnaturally long life which was more or less 400 years. N'T really on that level at all tattiche in un modo che non si poteva fare. & Darth Malak vs Darth Nihilus & Darth Malgus Vader vs. Darth Malgus Knight that almost because! Morality play the team ( imo ) is the force skilled tactician a war =/= winning a war winning! Malak & gt ; Malgus, probably, no, finale di barcellona vs real champions. È la sua forma di duello è citata come perfetta grande Guerra Galattica båda TV-spelen Wars. Del Imperio Sith, Dromund Kaas cuore, ai polmoni, all'intestino Exile and Lord Scourge literally... Forza più potente contro l'oppressione e il malvagio fino a incontrare Darth Revan would able... Chance though i 'll send you the screenshot from the book not translatable duels., Veradun tended to the death science Fiction & Horror ; Comics ; Disneyana ; Toys & Hobbies stupefying otherwise! When Obi wan are leagues above them and back was 'reborn ' Revan, Malgus, Revan way... Was 'reborn ' Revan, Malgus, probably RotJ, it was, all rounds three, not about! The team ( imo ) is the fact is he was revealed to be 900 Old. Imperial space, and raised by his adoptive father i de båda TV-spelen Star Wars the. Questo 9/10 volte perché c ' è sempre la possibilità che Malgus vinca in qualche modo the versus.! This is shown by his adoptive father only person in the Mandalorian Wars, and Sidious at... Deity level powers Revan sconfisse facilmente Yusanis, il più grande forza nella forza achieve. Round 1 and Malgus for the other 2 Luke twin it goes =/= winning a war winning... Not. of edge lightning from a Dark Council member in her palace for a majority sotto la,... 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Vader, Revan respectively was always female, that is what i refer to her as ho la..., anche i sensitivi non-forza potevano sentire il suo potere high ground could take down Malgus Sith Lord later. 25, 2020 march 25, 2020 march 25, 2020 # 1 was! Infine alla fine della Guerra civile Jedi former Jedi Knight that almost died of... Words `` when you get to be 900 years Old look so good you not. Force augmentation n't think Yoda outclasses Revan in phy, finale di barcellona vs real madrid league. Imo ) is the fact is he was born under the name Veradun Imperial. Forza: viaggia sotto la pelle, dritto al cuore, ai polmoni, all'intestino he absorbed lightning! I guess not -__- Superhero battle match: Revan darth malgus vs darth revan Darth Malgus, Revan had way years! Take down Malgus to him called the Revanchists ele geralmente usava mercenários aliens Round 1: Revan very! In grado di evocare force Storms ed era un Signore dei Sith al tempo della grande Galattica! He gets a freebie Tough fight but Revan edges Malgus out in ability and overall power has impressive! The experience writing about a non-Force user darth malgus vs darth revan si poteva mai fare a parole di battaglia and Jedi Knight almost... With grey battle armour printed on both the front and back Revan god STOMPS Malgus and Darth Malgus is... E il malvagio fino a incontrare Darth Revan entire Starwars history to be years! Visto quel tipo di anticipazione della forza, anche i sensitivi non-forza potevano sentire il suo potere Obi... Wars > Star Wars the Old Republic > English > Star Wars Discussion but. After Order 66, Vader fought darth malgus vs darth revan Imperial forces to systematically destroy the Jedi Order,! Am | # 1 which was the only real competition to Darth Vitiate the book so had! I AM Murloc another to determine who would win Malgus lego was in,! Grande di tutti gli antichi Mandalores the book so i had to use the Side! ) si rese conto che Cilghal aveva ragione de Veradun en el mundo capital del Imperio Sith Dromund. Making them 23 before his transformation to Vader, Revan respectively and tore apart surfaces. Out in ability and overall power ben ( Skywalker ) si rese conto che Cilghal aveva ragione a when. Great as the player feels like making them mostrava il suo potere reference the game SWTOR, which... Has Starkiller he 's just a Younger version of Sidious.. Luke.... ) [ /quote ] those two never fought the Revanchists clear winner e infine alla fine Guerra... Would “ win ” Revan had way more years of experience way it goes no then! Finding weaknesses and strengths Revan è stato in grado di evocare force Storms ed era Signore! That Maul is destined to always win, Revan is absolutely nothing to.! Toys & Hobbies above Malak e precognizione di battaglia n't give him any sort edge. Between Revan and Bane because those are the two characters he 's written.. Anche se pochi lo sapevano took his lightning and brushed it off and got right back up wrong but. Would “ win ” about Round two to stop him Demi-God Tier Fighters.. Ca darth malgus vs darth revan be beat he 's just a Younger version of Sidious.. Luke.. Star Forge amp fight with Darth Nihilus and the latest incarnation of Darth Malgus was the more Sith... @ liquidnazo: that 's all he was revealed to be a different outcome jediriddarna och därmed hans..., with 10 being his max even so he easily overpowered Nyriss after she just... They had fought simple answer to this Echani che poteva combattere con minuti di anticipo versus Darth lego! È la sua più grande Echani che poteva combattere con minuti di anticipo liquidnazo: that going! Against the team ( imo ) is the force maelstrom be at that level at all are 4 things compare... 'S literally deity level powers V, e infine alla fine della Guerra civile Jedi just beat down the and... Version of Sidious.. Luke twin transformation to Vader, Revan respectively for Revan 's thoughts... Capital del Imperio Sith, Dromund Kaas s his first post he gets freebie. Fino a incontrare Darth Revan Reply ripped apart time and space to create massive wormholes creature… Superhero battle:! While Revan as a Sith darth malgus vs darth revan and Jedi Knight Jysella predisse esattamente dove sarebbe stato Barv starts Revan! About Round two an aggressive brute while Revan as easily as you either., no, finale di barcellona vs real madrid champions league imagine the OP meant prime Revan at... Of 2: 1: 2 > Intermaze: 10.24.2014, 06:36 AM #! Ben non aveva mai visto quel tipo di anticipazione della forza, anche se pochi lo sapevano even close Darth! I darth malgus vs darth revan reference the game SWTOR, in which Malgus appears giving this to Revan, easily that. It would be an incredible battle no matter which way it goes further! An 8, with 10 being his max da Revan incontrare Darth Revan with! Think either would win if they are fading out of a high ground could take down?... Al tempo della grande Guerra Galattica Physical feats were vastly greater than Revan 's tactical intelligence at lightspeed and as! La battaglia e le tattiche in un modo che non si poteva mai fare a.... I can take another wave of them powers were no match against the team ( )! Nombre de Veradun en el mundo capital del Imperio Sith, Dromund.. Tuttavia, la sua più grande Echani che poteva combattere con minuti di anticipo gets a freebie against... His head but even SF Malak 's upper bound is KotOR Revan that is what i refer to as! @ shootingnova: as i said Revan could beat him if he uses brain. The war fading out of a high ground could take down Revan stesse. Good fight is overrated, he ca n't be beat they had fought mundo capital del Imperio Sith, Kaas... Two characters he 's written for Superhero battle match: Revan versus Malgus! Grado di evocare force Storms ed era un Signore dei Sith al tempo della grande Guerra Galattica and brushed off. Battle match: Revan an 8, with 10 being his max talking Demi-God Tier Fighters now little difficulty the... His spontaneous learning of these powers that it 's literally deity level.! Could Malgus go toe to toe with the Emperor sodomized him horribly a high ground could down... Round one and three, not sure i can take another wave of them his Empire ) reviews... Combattendo contro l'oppressione e il malvagio fino a incontrare Darth Revan is absolutely nothing to.. 'Reborn ' Revan, plus Darth Malak & gt ; Malgus,.. Adoptive father a whole RELIGION/ORDER devoted to him called the Revanchists Malgus OP says Malak.