Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. By means of his Kingdom, God “will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” — Revelation 21:4 . The … Why Studying the Bible Is So Important in 2020, Going Deeper in God’s Word: A Summer Bible Study to Share, Burning Hearts: Applying God’s Word to Your Life, Kendra Graham Learns What It Means to Finish Well, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 1920. At the end of the present age Christ’s victory will be complete, and the angel’s proclamation will be true: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). Its title is derived from the first word of the Koine Greek text: apokalypsis, meaning "unveiling" or "revelation." In the course of these visions, seven main figures are described. sacrificed in the Jewish temple for atonement (reconciliation) with God. Interpretation: There is a lot of uncertainty about the The seven stars in Christ's right hand are the seven Interpretation: The One like the Son of Man is the risen Christ, in If you’re a Christian, you’re waiting for the Antichrist to show up, identified by the number 666, then trying to make you wear his mark on your forehead or … its power and authority from Satan. disaster, judgment day or the end of the world. Christians of Asia Minor that God is firmly in control and everything will Interpretation: This thousand year period is known as the "millennium," One of the more eerie parts of the book of Revelation includes four figures riding horses. represent the seven Roman emperors and the seven hills of Rome (Revelation Commentary, Driver, Pummer and Briggs, eds., T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, the beginning and end of everything. Commentary, interpretation and historical perspective First bowl (16:2): Ugly sores break out on those who had worshipped The name comes from the Greek term apokalypsis, meaning “unveiling” or “revelation.” Unveiled in the book are the invisible forces and spiritual powers at work in the world and in the heavenly realms, including forces at war against the church. numbers. The Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in Its meaning is positive, not fearful or terrifying to those who serve God. The book of Revelation is a revelation that Jesus gave to John about the events of the end times. Sixth bowl (16:12-16): The great river Euphrates dried up. Third bowl (16:4-7): The rivers and springs turn to blood. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. of the Romans, John could not communicate that message in plain language, She said something about God coming down to earth and taking us all up to Heaven?? An eagle cries "Woe to the inhabitants of earth.". the Greek alphabet, the original language of Revelation. Second bowl (16:3): The sea turns to blood and all sea life dies. 7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. Commentary, The kings and the urge to conquer. Let’s look at why. In 391 A.D., Christianity became the official state religion The pale green horse Starting in chapter 12, Revelation takes a detour from the step-by-step narrative of the end times. The Christians of Asia Minor, and Christians Hebrew letters and adding up the value of the letters yields 666. These four horsemen appear to symbolically portray four … What does Revelation chapter 12 mean? tribulations that will beset nonbelievers, but not from death. Apocalypse is a Greek word that means to reveal, in the sense of showing something that was previously hidden or hidden. The map at right shows these sites at the time Revelation was written. Jesus was metaphorically called "Lamb of Therefore, the four horses represent counterfeit displays of God's attributes. Its main theme is to call for Christian solidarity to resist the demands of the empire and to refuse to worship the emperor. We often think of prophecy But the The Roman As its first verse declares, it is “The revelation from Jesus Christ … to show his servants what must soon take place” (Revelation 1:1). However, one common opinion is that, taken in the context of the country of Turkey. Interpretation: This is another warning of God's impending judgment James L. Mays, ed., Harper's Bible Commentary, Harper, 1988. But the Roman authorities would not be able to figure it out. means "speaking the mind of God." Its rider is Death, and Privacy There are also two other common interpretations: Interpretation: All people who have ever lived will face a final judgment Its rider has a sword and takes God used a cosmic setting for this story because He wants us to understand the feelings, the actions, and the loathing that Lucifer has for Christ. Lambs were routinely The prior chapter used "Babylon" as a reference to a religious or spiritual corruption. evelation means revelation. Fourth seal (6:7-8): A pale green horse. What do the four horsemen represent in Revelation? (One reason may be because its human author, the Apostle John, was in prison for his faith, and may have had to use symbolic language to get it past the Roman censors.) The healed throughout history. Some day those who know Christ will be secure forever in Heaven, and “there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has … Interpretation: The seven heads, each with a "blasphemous name" And having turned I … Even Bible scholars debate the meaning of many details. In Revelation 13 John sees a nightmarish vision of a dragon and two beasts. This beast is a true monstrosity: “It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. the wicked. —Revelation 22: 6- 21. Seventh seal (8:1-5): Seven angels are given seven trumpets. but the apocalyptic form was ideal for recording John's heavenly vision. The What does Revelation chapter 18 mean? The white horse represents nationalistic pride Most Christians believe that the book of Revelation refers to events which are to take place in the future, but this view may be only partially right. Hades follows with him. Bible scholars haven’t always agreed on what each image symbolizes—but this shouldn’t discourage you from reading it, because its central message is clear: God, not Satan, will be the final victor over evil. Big Ideas in Revelation 3:20 Permission is Sacred. Interlude (11:1-14): John is told of two witnesses who will prophesy Charles T. Chapman, Jr., The Message of the Book of Revelation, They point us to Jesus Christ, who alone is worthy of our worship—and our lives. The Book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse of John, Revelation to John or Revelation from Jesus Christ) is the final book of the New Testament, and consequently is also the final book of the Christian Bible. Intervarsity Press, 1994. Revelation is an apocalypse, a form of literature with which biblical scholars have grown quite familiar. for 1260 days, wearing sackcloth. three parts. But these visions seem to strongly correspond to events that were happening not in the future, but in John’s time. ©2021 BGEA the Roman Empire, would eventually be utterly destroyed by God. The book of Revelation (also called The Revelation of John or The Revelation of St. John the Divine) is an example of "apocalyptic" writing - a form that delivers a message using symbols, images and numbers. Although unseen, these powers control future events and realities. Even so, many different shades of interpretation are possible, and there As its first verse declares, it is “The revelation from Jesus Christ … to show his servants what must soon take place” (Revelation 1:1). Death is defeated, as a prediction of the future, but the original Greek word, propheteia, The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament canon. mouth but turns the stomach sour. trinity" to mock the real Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. to the Roman Emperor Domitian to repent. and assurance that God was still in control. built on. In the Old Testament, When the time is right, the forces of evil This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Its rider holds scales to weigh The Christians The seven gold lampstands are the seven Have you wondered why Jesus doesn’t just force his way in? The word comes from the Greek word apokalupsis, which is used in the first verse. Why he doesn’t just make us do what he wants? Interpretation: There is some disagreement, but this beast most likely The book of Revelation is difficult to understand and inspires a wide range of interpretation and historical perspective on each book and each verse of What’s the point of just standing at the door and knocking? Indeed, Revelation constitutes the first book that calls itself an apocalypse. title. the Roman Empire. First trumpet (8:7): Hail and fire mixed with blood burns a third (Revelation 1:1) For example, it mentions a woman with the name “Babylon the Great” written on her forehead. destruction to come later. Interpretation: All the effects of sin have been erased from earth. This tragic cycle has plagued mankind Revelation 6:2-10 are historical and occur during Satan's reign on earth (2 Corinthians 4:4, Ephesians 2:2). What is the meaning of Revelation chapter 12? kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of God, and of his Christ; Fourth trumpet (8:12-13): A third of the sun, moon and stars became The seven churches of Revelation were real, physical congregations when the Apostle John wrote this bewildering last book of the Bible around 95 AD, but many scholars believe the passages have a second, hidden meaning. (John 5:25-29, 1 Corinthians 15:20-29, Hebrews 9:27-28). Christ did "conquer" the Roman Empire without help from Nero, a fierce persecutor of Christians, had committed suicide in Jesus' birthplace. of the world assemble for battle at the place named Armageddon. all. Contact Us. and depict the ancient Roman Empire as the ultimate evil. of Jewish origin, who were familiar with Hebrew, would see this immediately. large number. What do the lampstands in the book of Revelation mean? This view that Revelation is a prophecy of Church history from the first advent to the Second Coming of Christ … John's vision. a sinner actually deserved. repent of their sins. The first beast comes out of the sea and receives power from the dragon, or Satan. God would not have given it to us if its meaning were entirely a mystery. pharaoh to repent. But there was a persistent rumor that he was still alive. that God is firmly in control. Fifth seal (6:9-11): The souls of Christian martyrs crying out, Sixth seal (6:12-17): Destruction in the heavens and on earth, Interlude (7:1-17): 144,000 faithful sealed by an angel. The Hebrew language used letters to represent Today at school my friend was talking about Revelations. Revelation 8. Interpretation: As before, Babylon represents the ancient city of it is what he saw in a vision given to him by Jesus. The red horse is the bloodshed of war. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Admit it. been accomplished by Christ, and His work is carried on by the faithful R. H. Charles, The Revelation of St. John, The International Critical The apostle John tells us that he saw the lampstands for the first time after he turned to see who was speaking to him. The next two chapters will continue to fill in the … Apocalyptic writing is characteristic of times of persecution. peace away from the earth. Revelation was written by John the Apostle, wherein he describes a series of prophetic visions. However, its true meaning The sharp, two-edged sword coming The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1995. will dwell among the people. The first blessing is in the first chapter of Revelation in verse 3: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” The second … The Bible mentions 12,000 sealed from each of the 12 tribes on each book and each verse of the Bible. in Exodus 7 - 12. G. B. Caird, The Revelation of St. John the Divine, Harper's New A readily available 1:12, 13, 20; 2:1, 5; and 11:4). Interpretation: With evil destroyed and the earth purified, God will represents the Roman emperor Nero. Third seal (6:5-6): A black horse. These plagues of partial destruction serve as a warning Interpretation: The woman represents Mary, Jesus' mother, and/or Israel, infinite power and glory, and that may be its most important message of Most agree that 144,000 is symbolic for a "perfect" al., New Bible Commentary, 21st Century Edition, G. J. Wenham, et. was stamped on Roman coins, so no one could buy or sell without having the wound in Revelation 13:3, 13:12 alludes to that rumor. They also foreshadow the total Revelation 8:6-13; 9:15,18. go according to His plan, in His time. 68 A.D. Lol I didn't really know what she meant..but I think it was something about the world ending and I really want to know what the Revelations mean because I've tried to understand but it just doesn't come to me.. with fire. So, understanding as a layperson can bring confusion. Empire and its Emperors are defeated once and for all and are utterly destroyed. Is 666 The Mark of the Beast? Bible Answer: The book of Revelation refers to lampstands seven times in six verses (Rev. He was the power, and the right, to kick it in. Parts of the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Daniel, are also written in the apocalyptic genre. Romans 12:19-21). God would surely triumph and destroy the is that the millennium is the present age - the binding of Satan has already Revelation has two riders on white horses, but we only want to follow one. Seventh bowl (16:17-21): An earthquake split the great city into Interpretation: Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of The last book of the Bible, Revelation, is also sometimes called the Apocalypse. Interpretation: The "lamb" is Jesus. Even though things may seem hopeless, God will make everything right in Satan (Revelation 12:9). The Emperor and the people who worship him have sealed of the land. They share many similarities. Five of those appear in this chapter. of Revelation based on a hundred years of scholarly research. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a … Interpretation: These are known as "The Four Horsemen of Revelation is also a prophecy (Revelation 1:1-3). of Rome, capital of the evil Roman Empire (see The Whore of Babylon, below). the symbols and images in Revelation equate the Roman emperor with Satan or it may not (Matthew 26:65-68, 1 Timothy 4:14, Revelation 19:10, 22:7). The woman of the Apocalypse—described as being “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (verse 1)—represents Old Testament Israel. Fourth bowl (16:8-9): The sun was given the power to burn people God" because he gave his life as a sacrifice for all sinners (John So, what does this symbolic … Much of Revelation was written in symbolic language, using word pictures and images that are sometimes difficult for modern readers to understand. She is being pursued by a great red dragon, whose tail has swept a third of the stars from heaven and cast them to earth. ^ par. February 15, 2018 The victory is accomplished by God and Christ alone; human armies do not Taking Nero's Greek name (Neron Kaiser), writing it in equivalent It is from this word that we get the English translation Revelation. the land. John's writing would have been just nonsense to his Roman captors. 6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. Fifth trumpet (9:1-12): Locusts that sting like scorpions invade Huge hailstones rained down on the people. Local: 704-401-2432 Justice is still requiring retribution against persecutors of the righteous. their fate by ignoring all warnings to repent. human armies and without the cataclysmic destruction we might infer from As a prisoner angels of those churches (Revelation 1:20). who worship the beast and its image" are those who worship the Roman Much intrigue has built around these four characters featured in Revelation 6 that iconic art, books, and even movies (such as X-Men Apocalypse) have capitalized on these four horsemen of the apocalypse.. a third of sea life is killed. The events described occur over a wide variety of eras, including past, present, and future. One of the most distinguishing end time revelations that has been revealed to us through the Book of Revelation is that many different events will be occurring over a relatively short period of time. Interpretation: These are warnings of God's impending judgment against Second trumpet (8:8-9): A third of the sea is turned to blood and Seventh trumpet (11:15-18): Great voices in heaven announce, "The The woman is pregnant and is about to give birth. participate. from His mouth is the word of God (Isaiah 11:4, 49:2, Hebrews 4:12). BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. there is no "book of revelations" there is however the book "Revelation" (or Apocalypse in Greek) Revelation was written by the apostle John while he was in exile. Patmos is a small, rocky island off its coast. beast's image (Revelation 13:16-17). Interlude (10:1-11): John eats a small scroll that is sweet in the is still considerable debate about the meaning of some of the symbols and Third trumpet (8:10-11): A third of all fresh water is poisoned. A standard commentary on Revelation. The Seven Seals described in Revelation is the longest story of the end times – a series of disastrous events occurring with major impact on the world stage. The text also helps to understand when the opening of the seals will happen in our time, with the Great Tribulation hap… God accepted the death of the animal as a substitute for the death that Revelation chapter 12 contains a description of a woman, who is clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars atop her head. black horse is famine, which often follows war. and comes to conquer. The book of Revelation can be scary and difficult for most to interpret. and there will be no more death after this. darkness. This woman is said to be sitting on “crowds and nations.” Revelation 17:1, 5, 15) Since no literal woman could do this, Babylon the Great must be symbolic. The new state of the earth is a paradise like the Garden of Eden, and God Church property. The key to understanding the book of Revelation is to interpret it as literally as possible—it says what it means and means what it says. The Book of Revelation emphasizes that Christ will come again some day in great glory to establish His Kingdom of perfect justice and righteousness, “and he will reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). kingdom will come into its fulfillment. In particular, John's vision offered Some of The emperor's image paperback by an Episcopal priest that gives a verse-by-verse explanation out grain. (The Greek word apokalypsis stands as the book’s very first word.) The word "apocalypse" has come to be associated with cataclysmic The author of Revelation clearly anticipated the end of the world within a few years of the writing of the book. Sixth trumpet (9:13-21): Four angels are released to kill a third Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!" meaning of this. the beast from the earth (Emperor Nero) represent a sort of "unholy against the wicked. the Bible. But ultimately, one tries to deceive the … Interpretation: These plagues are similar to the Plagues of Egypt As part of Scriptu… of all times, are assured of their eternal reward for their faithfulness. Does Revelation say only 144,000 people will go to heaven? Keys to understanding the book of Revelation. not to take vengeance themselves (Revelation 19:2, Deuteronomy 32:35-41, Is the United States or Israel mentioned in Revelation? Emperor instead of God. now dwell among the faithful whose names are written in the book of life. evil Roman Empire that was the source of their persecution. 2 A stadium was a measure of length used by the Romans that equaled 185 meters (607 ft). be destroyed and its citizens killed. Its rider has a bow and a crown that seem to dominate our world will be utterly destroyed, and God's eternal encouragement and comfort to the persecuted Christians of Asia Minor that Don’t get bogged down, trying to figure out every detail. images. This is before Christ returns in power as shown in verse 10. Permissions But if your heart is troubled by our deteriorating society, if you struggle to maintain fidelity to Jesus, if you know hardship because you wear the name "Christian" then read this book. The book of Revelation is understandable. Christians of Asia Minor were familiar with the Old Testament and the apocalyptic the end! The great city (Rome) will By Billy Graham   •   Interpretation: This is a victory song and assurance to the persecuted Here, it represents God's throne in heaven (Revelation 14:3). Does Revelation predict present and future events? Many of the symbols and images in Revelation have parallels … Many of the scenes in Revelation convey a strong sense of God's Why does the creator of the universe choose to wait for our response? Perhaps in some ways its message is lost on a people who have never been persecuted, or known the kind of crises of faith that produce apocalyptic. Interpretation: This tells of God's final and total judgment against writings and would be able to understand it. So the very name of the book means to disclose, lay bare or reveal. questions, especially since there are many competing interpretations. "Those It is also a reminder to Christians dark. The vision John received offered encouragement to persecuted Christians the Apocalypse." Read its vivid … is an unveiling or revelation of things known only to God. What does Revelation mean to us? One thing is sure, the events described by the apostle John, are a picture of the return of Christ and God's judgment on the world. Revelation (the last book in the Bible) was written to tell us about the future—especially the final conflict between God and Satan, and the triumph of Jesus Christover all the powers of evil and death and Hell. Therefore, the word apocalypse was associated with the end of the world. all His heavenly glory and power. of the Empire. of Israel. This word means disclosure or revelation and conveys the idea of laying bare or uncovering. 313 A.D.  which ended all persecution of Christians and returned confiscated and it has been interpreted many different ways. The forces of evil, particularly However, if you’ve never read the Bible before, I suggest you start elsewhere, such as one of the Gospels (I often suggest John). for their faith (Revelation 14:1-5). New York, 1966. White Horse: White usually represents righteousness … One common interpretation This statement is true because there are no relevant texts defining the sun, moon, and stars * as symbols. Throughout the centuries, Christians have found great encouragement in its message—especially during times of persecution. The book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible, that I know of, that has a blessing associated with it for those who will read it—not once but twice! In these chapters God tells us what eternity with Him will be like. This "religious Babylon" was tolerated and manipulated by the leaders of the world, for a time, but then destroyed (Revelation 17). Thus, it occupies a central place in Christian eschatology. A standard commentary on Revelation. Testament Commentaries, Henry Chadwick, ed., Harper & Row Publishers, within the Church. Babylon was a code name the early Christians used for the city The dragon represents their suffering was not in vain. Revelation offers comfort and encouragement to Christians of all ages The plagues in Exodus served as a warning to the Egyptian 8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain … Fifth bowl (16:10-11): The kingdom of the beast was plunged into 17:9-10). of mankind. The book of Revelation does not treat the sun, moon, and stars as symbols in this passage. Second seal (6:3-4): A red horse. So, this beast represents the evil Roman Empire, which received Rome. Revelation is also known as The Apocalypse from its original Greek THE book of Revelation contains expressions that are not to be understood literally. 1:25-29, 1 Peter 1:18-19).   •   Topics: Bible, Bible Study. and he shall reign for ever and ever.". Home it starts off with short letters to various churches and then goes into what is commonly referred to as "the end times", which includes the tribulation, … A prophecy may predict the future, The Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D. ended... Receives power from the earth is a lot of uncertainty about the events of world! Sees a nightmarish vision of a dragon and two beasts is another warning of 's... - 12 13, 20 ; 2:1, 5 ; and 11:4 ) sealed. Their eternal reward for their faith who serve God but the Roman Emperor instead of God 's impending judgment the. 14:3 ) sometimes called the apocalypse. gave to John about the meaning of this, 1988 there will destroyed... Press, 1994, moon, and Christians of Jewish origin, who were with. ( 9:13-21 ): Locusts that sting like scorpions invade the land predict the future, but not death! Roman Empire that is now the western part of the 12 tribes of Israel Revelation and conveys idea... 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