Meyer Verlag discovered two giant pyramids three times the size of the pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt,” claims the article. Apparently the entire landscape of the Giza Necropolis, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx, display signs of erosion. However, before it was flooded, it is considered that a Portuguese civilization used to live in that field. “Those pyramids are made of an unidentifiable crystal-like material and are located at a depth of two thousand meters. The Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza were all built by 2500 BCE, before the Bible says Noah’s flood occurred. Researchers suggest that the Sphinx, the Temple of the Sphinx, and the first 20 fields of the Great Pyramid of Giza exhibit erosion due to deep water saturation.References:https://www.ancient-code.com from History Channel's Ancient Aliens were used under Fair Use for educational purposesMusic:Kevin MacLeod - Rites (Royalty Free) Subscribe and like if you enjoyed the video. The “pyramid” was first discovered by Diocleciano Silva. Building the pyramids For the Great Pyramid of Giza 2.3 million stones were used, that, altogether weighed some 14.3 billion pounds.The top deviates less than 2 inch from the center of the more than 60,000 yd 2 square base. He calculated that the pyramid was 22 fathoms down (44 yards), rose to 120 feet, while parts of it were obscured by the seafloor. The Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza were all built by 2500 BCE, before the Bible says Noah’s flood occurred. Dr Damian Robinson, director of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, is a member of the discovery team. Were the pyramids built before the Flood? The Flood was incredibly destructive. China’s shelf is half of the Pacific’s ocean’s floor that pulled away from America. Discovered of stone materials, including stone slabs with the strips and with a thickness of moss. Did the pyramids survive the Flood? The Pyramids Were Built By Atlanteans. 3. Despite discovering the unique fossil, not everyone was convinced the artifact is compelling evidence of a flooded Giza plateau. "The largest structure looks like a complicated, monolithic, stepped pyramid that rises from a depth of 25 meters ... were merely created by underwater eddies scouring at depressions. We are committed to reducing the number of ads shown on the site. A 650-foot pyramid was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking … A Portuguese sailor claims to have discovered a large underwater pyramid, between the islands of Sao Miguel and Terceira, in the Azores. The pyramids were found next to the island of New Providence. Experts estimated the lake to be at least 10,000 years-old and that fact alone clearly spoke against the underwater pyramid. Was the pyramid(s) and sphinx underwater? One day, Geng Wei, a skilled diver, saw a strange formation in the lake. The Flood was incredibly destructive. There are also many pyramids underwater to be discovered on the continental shelves. Recently, lots of underwater structures were discovered in Fuxian Lake, China, which have completely shocked the science community as a whole. Here are 3 of the Strangest and Most Important Relics in History, Unwritten Mystery: What Are the Enigmatic Elongated Skulls of Ancient Civilizations. Scientists have argued with compelling evidence that the entire landscape at Giza, including the pyramids and the Sphinx, shows clear water erosion signs. The chamber claims Native Americans built pyramids in a valley, hoping to end a drought, and the gods responded by filling the valley with water. In fact archeologists have discovered that the Pyramids were built below the Noaic flood plain. Of these stones, around 144,000 were polished casing stones placed on the pyramid’s exterior , which would have … Evidence suggests that the three main Giza pyramids are at least twelve thousand years old and have been submerged in water in the past. The outlines of the pyramids are quite distinct, and their presence proves that the island was inhabited by ancient people, perhaps representatives of the Aztec civilization. In support of this ancient flood scenario, mysterious legends and records tell of watermarks that were clearly visible on the limestone casing stones of the Great Pyramid before those stones were removed by the Arabs. A CONSPIRACY theorist has claimed to have found two underwater ancient pyramids near the coast of Florida. The pyramid SUBMERGED. According to the Bible in the year 2348 BCE the earth was plunged into a global flood which killed everyone everywhere because they displeased god (except Noah and his family). We only have to look at the monuments and surrounding blocks, which show clear erosion marks produced by tidal waves, suggesting that an intertidal zone of about two meters existed in the past. A marble Greek style building was found between Florida and Cuba. Skeptics argue that the echinoid found on the limestone was exposed by erosion, and the fossilized creature was, in fact, part of the original limestone, formed around 30 million years ago. Researchers point out that the entire surface of the earth was radically changed. Kimura first estimated that the monument must be at least 10,000 years old, dating it to a period when it would have been above water, and therefore surmised that the site may be a remnant of the mythical lost continent of Mu. Much of the pyramid is made from quarried sand stone and sand stone is a sedimentary rock. Mysterious 'pyramids' are spotted on the ocean floor: Conspiracy theorists claim they have found two ancient underwater structures off the coast of the Bahamas The ruins were located by Captian Don Henry who estimated that the central pyramid was “three hundred feet higher than the Pyramid of Cheops” in Giza, Egypt. Ancient Underwater “Pyramid” Geologist Robert Schoch of Boston University is one scientist who believes that the structures were naturally formed by acknowledges that they may have been used or modified by humans in the past. Some of the blocks looked like they were built in pyramid shapes, others were circular. More underwater pyramids were found off Central America, Yucatan, and Louisiana, where domes were found in the Straits of Florida. “Those pyramids are made of an unidentifiable crystal-like material and are located at a depth of two thousand meters. An underwater archaeologist has told the BBC of the extraordinary lengths he went to to access a pharaoh's tomb underneath a pyramid. How Satellite Images Helped Discover an Ancient Civilization in the Amazon, 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Rock-Cut Temples of Abu Simbel, The Heart of a Pyramid: 8 Stumping Images of the Great Pyramid’s Interior, 10 Things You Should Know About the 1561 Mass UFO Sighting Over the City of Nuremberg, The Soviets Planned Manned Missions To Mars In 1985, 25 Things You Should Know About The Ancient Rock Fortress of Sigiriya, An Object of Astronomical Proportions is Punching Holes in our Galaxy, What You Should Know About Nikola Tesla, Anti-Gravity Tech, and Creating a Perfect UFO, 3 Striking Hubble Images Reveal the Disintegration of Comet C/2019 Y4 ATLAS, 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Siberia’s “Living Crater”, 3 Reasons why the Builders of the Great Pyramid Were Sophisticated Engineers, Older Than the Pyramids: 12,800-Year-Old Settlement Destroyed by Massive Cosmic Impact. was created with two words in mind: Curious and Cosmos. The entities leave, never to return. The treasures he and his team found are the subject of a new exhibition, Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds, at the British museum. According to researchers, providing an exact timeline is difficult since, in the last 100,000 thousand years, sea levels in the region are thought to have fluctuated by more than 120 meters. The pyramid is located in an area of the Atlantic Ocean submerged by water around 20,000 years ago. During one of their studies of the area, and as researchers analyzed and documenting erosion marks of the monuments at Giza, they discovered a fossil. Get our content delivered to your email. This has led researchers to suggest that certain areas of this mighty necropolis were once submerged under the sea and a newly discovered fossil makes this theory look a lot more believable Archeologists Find Long-Lost Biblical City and Rare Figurine of Canaanite God Baal, 30 Rare, Vintage Images of Ancient Egyptian Temples That Will Leave You Stumped, How Earth May Have Been Inhabited by Advanced Civilizations Before Humans, 7 Historical And Sacred Places To Visit in the Vatican City. Please consider turning off Ad-Block. Experts estimated the lake to be at least 10,000 years-old and that fact alone clearly spoke against the underwater pyramid. We will find pyramids in the left side of the Pacific. How do we know how long people were living there? That they were not dug down below it, but in fact were built before the great flood. Why have the pyramids perplexed generations of archaeologists? I really wish that people who make this kind of questions, make more clear what they are asking. Join the discussion and participate in awesome giveaways in our mobile Telegram group. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods.. You could say that Curiosmos is the Cosmos for the curious reader. A Portuguese sailor claims to have discovered a large underwater pyramid, between the islands of … Thank you Like us on Facebook: us on Instagram: @universe.inside.youCheck out our T-Shirts: you want to support my work and help me you can join me on Patreon: or donate directly here - I would be forever grateful You can also help by translating or adding CC to the videos:\u0026c=UCOnnmKlDZltHAqJLz-XIpGA#mystery#pyramids #sphinx #ancientegypt For more information, visit Gigal Research. El Morsi and his colleagues have been trying to prove that theory right by searching the Giza plateau for clues that may reveal the monuments’ true nature. Was the TERRAIN, where the pyramids and the sphinx are, underwater million years ago? And if you are left with any doubt at all that the Pyramids were built after the flood, then there is another issue which people often overlook. According to Dr. Meyer, this discovery can be associated to the innumerable mysterious disappearances around the Bermuda Triangle.” The idea that the Pyramids and the Sphinx at the Giza plateau were submerged once under a large amount of water has troubled experts who have disputed the possibility for decades. The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt.As of November 2008, sources cite either 118 or 138 as the number of identified Egyptian pyramids. This produced a coastline that most likely spanned up to the Khafre enclosure near the Great Sphinx and Menkare’s temple. In addition, they also found the ruins of ancient buildings for about a mile below the sea and considered them to be Atlantis. Archaeologist Sherif El Morsi, who has worked extensively on the Giza plateau for more than twenty years, and his colleague Antoine Gigal, discovered a strange fossil at the Giza plateau. While Igazusta suspects it is an alien UFO that… So… no, the pyramids have never been underwater. Other Underwater Pyramids are Found In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. A mysterious pyramid-like structure has been found on the ocean floor, and now theories are being bandied about regarding what the underwater object could be. Researchers point out that the entire surface of the earth was radically changed. And their search for answers eventually culminated in a discovery that many suggest is conclusive evidence of a submerged Giza plateau. A mysterious pyramid-like structure has been found on the ocean floor, and now theories are being bandied about regarding what the underwater object could be. The researcher indicated that the creature was found placed gravitationally on the floor and in almost perfect condition, located within the intertidal range of the lagoon. And if you are left with any doubt at all that the Pyramids were built after the flood, then there is another issue which people often overlook. Apparently, the entire Giza landscape, including the Pyramid and Sphinx displays signs of erosion, suggesting that in the distant past, these magnificent … Supposedly, there is a huge underwater pyramid between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azores. But what does that mean for the rest of history? Join Curiosmos on Telegram Today. “To my surprise, the bump on the top surface of the block that almost tripped me was, in fact, an exoskeleton of a fossil of what appears to be an echinoid (sea urchin) which are marine creatures that live in relatively shallow waters.”. Cosmos /ˈkɒzmɒs/ the universe seen as a well-ordered whole. A 100,000-year-old pyramid has been discovered underwater by mistake, by the most unlikely individuals. He stated that the joints between the blocks of the buildings were almost indiscernible, thus attesting of the structure’s good preservation and construction excellence. Created with love for the passionately Curious. Two ancient cities have been discovered, perfectly preserved, at the bottom of the Nile. Well yes they did. Underwater pyramids were discovered by two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, off the coast of Cuba. After my client left, I went in search of information about the GP being buried underwater and found this website The Great Pyramid of Giza. But Gigal and El Morsi were not the first to propose or study that the Giza plateau was submerged. You Might Like A separate group, led by Tony Benik, found an enormous pyramid submerged at … Curious: /ˈkjʊərɪəs/ eager to know or learn something. Underwater pyramids were discovered by two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, off the coast of Cuba. Marcelo Igazusta of Argentina found the structure in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico while exploring on Google Earth. Rock Lake is said to be 10,000 years old, making these underwater structures at least that old. It backs up theories that the Pyramid, as well as the Sphinx, was once submerged underwater. According to the Bible in the year 2348 BCE the earth was plunged into a global flood which killed everyone everywhere because they displeased god (except Noah and his family). Stones were easily transported by carts and sleds on … First, the Great Pyramid of Giza lacks significant water damage. Marcelo Igazusta of Argentina found the structure in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico while exploring on Google Earth. “We can clearly see the pristine condition and the details of the perforations of the exoskeleton; this means that the sea creature must have been petrified in recent times.” El Morsi explained. Japan’s Underwater Pyramid Ever since Plato told a story about an advanced civilization that vanished into the sea to amuse his guests at a party, people have been looking for evidence of Atlantis. Two underwater pyramids have been found off the coast of Florida near the Island of New Providence. Readers were informed that it was highly unlikely a man-made pyramid could actually be found at the bottom of Rock Lake. Therefore, the scientists concluded that this marvelous construction could have been built by this civilization. A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the world’s most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypt’s Giza Plateau. The Great Pyramid is built from an estimated 2 . A system of thought. “Dr. The modern history of that legend began in the early 20th century, when a variety of divers and local fishermen reported seeing structures in the lake that looked man-made. However, El Morsi explained that the creature was cemented, or petrified, in relatively recent time. But Gigal and El Morsi were not the first to propose or study that the Giza plateau was submerged. Hi, we understand that enjoy and Ad-free experience while surfing the internet, however, many sites, including ours, depend on ads to continue operating and producing the content you are reading now. The theory was explored in a YouTube video which was uploaded to the channel secureteam10. But if water levels were so high, and the Giza plateau was flooded, how long ago did this occur? These two found the ruins of ancient buildings for about a mile below the sea, and pondered the possibility that it might be the lost city Atlantis. Fossil Discovery Suggests the Pyramids and Sphinx Were Submerged Under Water, Advanced Alien Civilizations Are Probably Using Black Holes As Energy Sources, 10 Things Your Should Know About Hot Jupiters, “Fake News” in Ancient Rome; Famous Cases of Disastrous Propaganda. The Voynich Manuscript; Memoirs of а Lost Alien Civilization or Medieval Science Fiction. For decades have researchers debated whether or not the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx were submerged under water. Any underwater find that looks like an old stone building brings up the subject of Atlantis again, at least in … The remains of what may be a 6000-year-old city immersed in deep waters off the west coast of Cuba was discovered by a team of Canadian and Cuban researchers. The Pyramids and Sphinx of the Giza plateau are possibly thousands of years older than mainstream researchers suggest.