Strava’s response here seems bumbling and half-baked at best. Required fields are marked.If you would like a profile picture, simply register at Gravatar, which works here on DCR and across the web. I just wish more people didnt keep everything so locked down on garmin. In the past they’d have needed to follow her home probably resulting in a swift call to the police. I have being on strava since early 2014 and always paid. Even if they are not followers and I am not following them. Near the bottom: I subscribed to strava after their groveling earlier in the year, but they keep doing retarded things like this. Strava ended up switching everyone’s flyby privacy settings to private. So most users wounldn’t know to switch it back on…. Disappointing. Comments (0) The problem is, the segments populate with much fewer individuals than strava, I believe for the exact reason the individual mentioned above. I think he means he couldn’t find an explanation about what had happened. We know the basic idea is sound and popular it just needs better management. I run and bike with groups of people and don’t always know all of them. What are your least favorite countries/places? But, thou shall not let factual accuracy get in the way of viral internet furor over something that’s been around half a decade. Definitely should be enabled by default for anything tagged as “Race”. Strava is a little more complicated because there are so many different ways to interact with other users (all the leaderboards, for example). I am going to wait for their answer to my ticket but will most likely cancel my subscription: no flyby + recent price increase + no communication = not happy customer. I think we are all just getting a bit too paranoid these days. Correction yeah, there were so many benefits to flyby and it’s already obvious that very few people have re-enabled it, which has killed it. On the left side of the feature it showed which people were legit close, and which people were further away. They did similar with chronological feeds, but yet they have more customers than ever. Period. This is a completely different thing to IRL meetings, and Strava provides a very real way to gain extra information about someone. If you draw one or two privacy zones this way it’s effective, if you draw 100 then very quickly the real centre will begin to show because the random fake centre must by definition revolve around the real centre, otherwise it might occasionally put your house outside of the zone. At least, if you believe Strava Segments are the soul of what makes Strava, well, Strava. with someone and a nice way to catch up afterwards by pinging quick kudos. The reason I do this is that if they don’t have a privacy zone setup, then people could look at their run (since the ‘Group Activity’ feature is enabled), and find our start/end locations. This is not a problem limited to Strava. Lately there a lot more private activities. strava-flyby 0.0.6 Jul 1, 2019 Python client for Strava Flyby. That person would be able to see my ride…. I am again pretty disappointed in the app I use for tracking. Lastly, make sure your browser is updated to the latest version or try another browser. Now I KNOW that GPS watches aren’t 100% accurate, I understand how they work. Committed to privacy yet have not implemented ability to hide activity start times for years even though people have been asking. Checked my settings and found that it was disabled. Uh, yeah. We now have the GDPR, and companies – at least any that operate within arms reach of an EU state – have to be _very_ diligent about protecting privacy, or risk very large fines. I think the beacon function will still work, as the strava app is not running when paired with a garmin, as it is your phone which is connected and it wakes up strava, and strava has permission to send a message in case of a fall etc. If you viewed activities via the user profile it was as expected & were not available. Its a shame they can’t / won’t implement a middle ground where flybys work for followers / people you are following, They could also give the option to hide activities from certain people, but I guess this is not coming either . But even before that personal data was protected, has been since 1998. Clicking on the title of a ride takes you to the ride overview screen. There goes my Covid fun. If you don’t like it, just change your privacy settings or don’t use it at all. Luke-terne Rouge, Glad I finished. For segments, Strava say that calculating all those leaderboards takes a lot of compute which is expensive and cannot be justified for free accounts. Does it require someone else, who would feature in my Flyby, to change their privacy setting away from the default too? Start by eliminating the privacy issue (seeing an athlete’s route on flyby when their activity is set to friends only, aka private as far as they know) then RE-INTRODUCING the feature with a pop up that details exactly what it is, and this pop up should then have a toggle right then and there to turn it on, off, or friends only. I really liked the flyby. A local farmer (obv a Strava user too) must have used Fly-by to see who had been past this remote area and publicly-spirited messaged us. Result: ZERO flybys. “However, that does/did require that users have both their activity set to ‘Public’. I’m headed to Washington DC – what do you recommend for training? I have tried to use meet-up but with very poor results; 2 out of 3 were able to join but the other could not. link to If you’re trying to decide which unit to buy – check out my in-depth reviews section. For those that don’t know, Experian collects, collates and sells people’s identities without their knowledge or consent. To clarify, since strava is only allowing to use segment history on paid accounts, I am creating segments on Garmin Connect. virtue signaling? slight mistake. I agree with you, if people wanted to find where you live they could just follow you anyway. While a ride may be “public”, it is relatively difficult to identify a random person you see on a ride without Flyby. Without them consenting and sometimes without them knowing. I think it would also be a good idea to re-enable it by default on all activities marked as “Race”. 1 turn it off No problem, the product comparison data is constantly updated with new products and new features added to old products! There may be issues with older versions of Safari, version 10 and lower. Start times are only visible to your followers, so what’s the problem really? After yesterday’s ghost-town of users in Flyby, I am seeing some people re-enabling it now – so those older activities are coming back again. I would guess that online dating sites are responsible for many, many more cases of harassment or abuse than Strava .. yet women and men willingly sign up for those. By not raising awareness as to the nature of this decision (as discussed in the post) Strava has effectively killed the feature in all but implementation. The absolute richest part of this is that the Twitter warrior works for Experian. (And I think that’s mostly a good thing). I would have never done the paid subscription if it did not include flyby. As said above, for me it is more about finding new tracks to ride…. Hey Google “Fly by missing on Strava”. I wish I didn’t have to worry about the constant changes that get in my way. I can understand it from the POV of privacy but when it ostensibly will kill the feature, Strava have shot themselves in the foot rather. So, there ya go – a complete look at the rise…and now fall, of Flyby. I’m from out of the country and will be visiting the US, what’s the best triathlon shop in city XYZ? I *NEVER* start/end them at my door (anywhere I go, even at hotels in cities). The really good thing about Strava was the social aspect. If few people have this enabled, that benefit just disappears. Flybys are only useful/fun if a significant number of users have the feature enabled. When this setting is turned off, no one will be able to see your activities by using this feature. Why let them waste more VC? Gord – “fly by was a free service – you didn’t need a paid membership for it….”. Shouldn’t that be impossible? . And until I went to grab these screenshots, I hadn’t used the Strava desktop app this entire week. Of course, this is hardly the first time concerns around Strava Flyby and privacy were brought up. But I agree, with the way Strava implemented the security, in effect it is gone. So what’s the point of Strava? And I bet less than 10% of Strava users will even know to enable it. Maybe the clock is ticking for Strava. If you select "Nobody" then the Flyby feature will not work for you. C) I create privacy zones around my home, office, and friends/families’ houses: I also create privacy zones around any vacation spots where I’m there more than a few days (such as for a week or two). It would appear now that you can only see other people that have turned it back on – which is none up to now for me, my only flyby is myself. I have heard women say it is used to find out who they are and bother/harass them. To share your activities on Flyby, change your Flyby privacy controls to “Everyone.” The good, the bad, and the ugly. They won’t be getting money from me next year. Automatically opting people in to features like this is a bad idea. I had just noticed Flybys was gone and didn´t have any idea why. I’m the same as you Ray, I make everything Private by default an change it, which is another bug bear, the location of the Private setting in the App is poor, right above the Delete Activity button, the number of times I’ve hit delete by mistake !!! Rather annoying. You can even see in the Strava flyby’s show that we were together, I was even a little faster than her. Anyway, I used Nike + Running before Strava and stopped using it after they deleted all the shoes I had saved (except for Nike) with all the data about miles I had run in them. So activities marked private were/are never visible (despite the Twitter user’s statement to the contrary). What Strava have always failed to do in my mind, is have everything work on my ‘Followers” list, this I believe is pretty much what most people want, show me Flyby but only my followers, same with Group Activities. My dad got an e-bike and I want to log my rides with it on strava but don't want to ruin the local strava … Oh, and you can sign-up for the newsletter here! does anyone know if there is a site or is it just a case of chasing someone down! Will you test our product before release? Wanna save some cash and support the site? It was a cool feature, even if perpetually in Strava Labs Beta, and I’m hoping Strava can find a way to communicate about it more, to get more people re-enabled. That notification doesn’t explain what Flyby is, or why people might want it on or off. If Fly By was only followers it would be pointless. I have got the subscription. However, that case actually has nothing to do with Strava Flyby. Just proof they are inept, clueless buffoons. I used this to see how many people used a cycle path near me. Seems like this should have been the way they dealt with it. Oh, and free US shipping too! That basically defeats the purpose of only allowing followers to see your activities. In the last few days there has been a big windows update that took a while to complete, but the problem predates that so pretty sure that isn't the problem. It seems pretty daft to me not to do that. But this isn’t the first time the Ionic has been 10-20% out whereas other people’s trackers have been significantly better. Turning it on for Races would be a good idea for my main use but it wouldn’t reunite cameras and owners! I do not have much use of some other advanced features, so I think I’ll do fine. It takes a number of steps to find your account, which they don’t tell you. The feature is basically useless now. Flybys Replay View the Race Replay on Strava Flybys: Sally Gap Replay. if a private zone is created now, does it affect rides/run done before? I’m unsubscribing Strava and going to Garmin. After that I used flyby to see every person that went past the virtual me, was very useful. It is a different scenario to a heartrate band. It’s pretty simple. I left when they made segments a pay feature. They could still have issued a statement though. And yes, you’re right, even if nobody else in my activity has turned Flyby back on, I can still see myself riding solo in through the Flyby. I think if Strava wanted to make a true stand on privacy, they’d start by automatically creating privacy zones for your billing address (address on file). fly by was a free service – you didn’t need a paid membership for it…. I have turned it back on, but what’s the point if the people you are blasting past have it turned off? Private activities were/are not shown in Flyby. Hey presto! I’ve been using Strava for a number of years because they had a really nice app and supper features. I got home after my ride and reached for my smart phone to check out how competitive I had been on the segments contained within the ride. This gives me the idea that Strava does have some security issues since the activities which were not visible from the activity page were actual visible on the fly-by page. It doesn’t matter that the privacy zone today isn’t centred on your house. But riding a segment leads to the same discoverability: you can filter for rides of a given day, and you do not even have to have ridden that segment that day (in contrast to flyby), to discover these activities. That’s the Strava Group Activities privacy feature, seen below on the left side. yup I’ve observed very similar. You could see an attractive person at McDonalds (or any store that uses name badges), and search for them on Facebook. I didn’t get the link to see flyby’s back either after I enabled flyby again. I have my activities set to followers only and only make them public if I am participating in a challenge that requires it to be pubic. This is a really good compromise! They’re clueless about what is and isn’t a good feature. Fantastiskt skoj att se så många löpare längs banan i det som skulle... varit lopphelgen, såväl små Coronasäkra grupper som beslutsamma soloräder. ” So activities marked private were/are never visible (despite the Twitter user’s statement to the contrary).”. It … What made me pay yesterday was I noticed the FlyBy function was missing and I incorrectly assumed that they had made this part of the premium package. In fact, five years ago an article on Forbes brought up some of the same concerns. I wonder if Strava is not realizing what your Fenix6 is yet… An easy test is to look at the elevation plot on an out an back activity – if using Strava’s elevation model it will be Perfectly symmetrical, if using the Fenix6 barometer it will be close but have deviations and/or drift. A big part of Strava is the social aspect. pynetviz 0.1 Nov 1, 2015 Python Network(Graph) Visualization. Why can’t flybys be covered by the same ruling. They’ve now rectified that so you can only see people who are aware of the feature, and have consented (in line with the law in many jurisdictions). More importantly, the notification isn’t even shown on the Strava app at all. All you’d achieve is a slightly larger circle, given enough activities. Get all your awesome high quality DCR kit and gear here! Wasn’t illegal back then. The algorithm must have a random radius for both the centre and the size of the zone. To be clear, the Flyby privacy settings has been there at least nearly three years, based on this post I found from Feb 2018 by one other than the Army: link to Strava killed it dead. “Hey, I have not see the Fly By button in a bit. It’s the internet equivalent to a high five while running…. So a great shame to lose the feature. Communication can be somewhat difficult like the time they sent me an email saying that my charge would be $2.99 on 9/4/20, but it ended up being $7.99…. My activity has the wrong date or start time, Strava Subscription Trial with Device Purchase. This is all gone. Dec 10th: 48 million, Those are the press released listed on their site here: link to I have never heard a woman (or man) express any concern about FlyBy. I can’t fathom the rationale behind disabling one of Strava’s most unique and enjoyable features? However, the feature showing ‘Today’s’ segment performance has disappeared. Posted by 5 years ago. I knew about the price increase already, so it was obvious to me that this was an error in their email. Useful, if would only work. Users can re-enable it, but only if they knew it was disabled in the first place. Some folks using flyby seem to have identified (along with some other info) the wrong person, who was then harassed by people upset by (not) his conduct. On the other hand, most people who use flyby should have noticed that something’s amiss. Couldn’t you work out someone’s address well enough just by looking at their activities in aggregate? Now, even after reenabling the Flyby feature, unless I set the activity visibility to Everyone the flyby link is completely absent on the activity. Yet, there’s still no e-mail to users, still no explanation of the different privacy settings as it relates to Flyby, still no mobile app notification, and the ‘Learn More’ link doesn’t allow you to learn more about why they made the change (or, why almost the entire Tweet that started it was incorrect), but just puts you on the general privacy controls settings page. So not too shameful. Mikey- it looks like you’ve done everything correctly. Ask anyone with a background in privacy issues. What’s that all about? I’m saddened as Flyby was often useful if you’d run a race (remember them?) And of course, stalking in the real world is still the biggest issue. I swim, bike and run. You should have let people opt out of the flyby feature, not just kill it off with out a word. If you select "Nobody" then the Flyby feature will not work for you. There was a 38 starters and many abandons. Not worth paying for that though it’d be like paying for Facebook. (but also for other reasons, since I then would lose a segment close by, since no segment evaluation in privacy zones!). Looking for the equipment I use day to day? However, at the end of every press release they include the current number of members (total users, paid and non-paid, whether they user their account or haven’t touched it in 5 years). Having it “on” by default was the stupidest thing ever. Or, they’d prompt you in the app each year as a reminder to create/update those zones. All of my are offset/slightly wonky. I still can’t see anything from the past. Why aren't my activities counting towards a Challenge? I rarely ever even record that, but I’m certainly not going to show my kids’ school locations on Strava. Always the case with data. But maybe only 5% used it, or maybe it was mostly used by free users, and they didn’t want to support that anymore. mine isn’t! I had no idea they turned it off. This is what happens when you hire engineers and staff based on their interest in cycling or running rather than on their actual ability to do the job (a similar problem exists at zwift HQ). D) I leave Group Activities enabled: I’m good with this, and it’s fun to see who I’m riding/running with when looking back. 3 turn on like it used to be. Check your privacy settings to make sure that "Everybody" is selected for your Flyby preferences. Flybys was an amazing feature. Your public activity is one in a billion which nobody has any reason or method to find. I found a lot of new routes by going to my Flyby and selecting everyone and watching all the routes. Really useful article. We’re currently experiencing a much higher than anticipated number of support requests and responses may be delayed. So here’s the thing: I don’t actually disagree with Strava’s disabling it per se. (I’m not condoning this but you see my point). Certainly, aspects of Strava privacy controls have changed since then. I get the privacy concern. I want it specifically to find people who I’m not following but who run/ride in the same areas as me. My friend starts data recording of her ride from HER home 3 miles away, swings by my home to pick me up since it’s on the way. It’s as simple as that. This issue should now be resolved with the latest version of the Strava app, v181.0.3. What they did was basically ruin it for everyone based on what is likely nothing more than hearsay about supposed Strava FlyBy stalking. Ha, such timing. Most people keep strava super open and the garmin locked down. I don’t think Strava has any discretion. I’m pretty disappointed by Strava’s handling of this. I checked my settings and it was still set as everyone. Ray, you misunderstood what I said. Strava is one of the most ubiquitous cycling applications. Here’s the thing. A lot easier is just to look at a segment statistic of a given day to get these links. I am in wait and see on how many people open this back up if the flybys will be useful anymore . Yeah, so I tell my friends to turn it back on…not the same – as we already know when we pass each other. GDPR is of course merely another tax on business. Strava. OMG, this!! Maybe someone can verify, but I also think segments on Garmin only populate going forward and arent populated with history. and there’s no way that they’d go back on themselves and have it as opt-out again like it used to be, so that’s it, it’s dead…. Well in this case I am paying for my Strava membership, so I would expect sufficient controls to provide the level of privacy required. . That would make it absolutely useful, and wouldn’t violate anyone’s privacy. It’s fascinating how quickly you find out if your privacy setting are messed-up, totally random guys start asking to be your friend. NOW they take away the prime feature “flyby”? Strava subscription would pay for a Garmin in 4 years. Surely someone had spotted the pretty young blond on her run? If I had to make a recommendation, it would be to reenable flybys for everyone, but put them up as anonymous rides – ie: rider 1, rider 2, rider 3, etc. p.s. I think this is the right move but executed poorly and years too late. The clowns are keeping my money, refusing a refund for the rest of the paid up period, while removing a product that I paid for. Well this sucks, I really liked flyby. Click on the KOM crown an then scroll right. It seemed like a law suit waiting to happen…. Perfection is usually the enemy of progress. I thought it was something I’d done, but it turns out not. Thanks for pinning that out. Most of the time. However I also know that Strava sells my data to various groups, not that my local or state government seems to do much positive with it. So the ‘Chick-Check’ feature is gone… What a shame…, This move has effectively killed Fly Bys because most users aren’t even aware of it. Zwift ride ons are the only feedback from strangers that doesn’t send me to privacy settings to see what went wrong. Use or Competitive Cyclist with either the coupon code DCRAINMAKER for first time users saving 15% on applicable products. It’s a nice break from the day to day sports-tech talk, and I hope you get something out of it! I also just put together my complete ‘Gear I Use’ equipment list, from swim to bike to run and everything in between (plus a few extra things). Perhaps “takes one to know one” is relevant here. They said I can not get a refund for the remaining 7 months. Start Strava before an activity and you can track your favorite performance stats, and afterwards, dive deep into your data. So now Flybys will be virtually useless. Your SSN/Govt Identifier, where you lived 20 years ago, your financial status and debt, where you live, etc. Nice of the to (not) tell anyone. Seriously, go try it. Thus example… Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 20, 2015. It’s still there for me in the Android app, I don’t know if it has even been in the web app. I pay my annual subscription, but I’m wondering whether there’s sufficient value to do so in future. They just should have left it alone, and if they needed to do something, they simply could have posted a reminder on their site alerting everyone that they needed to change the setting to “No One” if they didn’t want to show in FlyBy. If your activities are public you’ll be seen on this. Most people won’t bother going into settings to turn it on. In this instance “weak” means uninformed, and is not meant negatively but rather that we can’t expect everyone to do sufficient research to understand this, so instead we protect them. It is annoying, it was an amazing feature for looking at both running and cycling races after the event and comparing your pacing to that of others. It’s really Strava’s handling here, like then, that leaves much to be desired. etc., they will be very disappointed. at the bottom right click on “Downgrade to the free plan”. I think it’s far more likely that this change has been brought about because of GDPR, a breach of which would cost Strava in fines. I think this was the biggest privacy issue with flyby, that you could see where and athletes on your flyby list started and finished their activities. The arrogance of this person wagging his finger at Strava is incredible. One second they remove features, the next they add them back. Now … off just like that.. And the core of some of these concerns around privacy are valid. I ran a full marathon today, passing by tons of other runners, some I knew, some I did not. In my case, I virtually always start my rides/runs a block or three away. Here’s a bunch of random trip reports and daily trip-logs that I’ve put together and posted. Mostly I don’t have it because I don’t need another Fitness tracking platform giving me data on the same workout I send to map my whatever and Garmin Connect, but more than because it is so focused on the social aspect and I find that useless since I end up setting everything to private anyway. Request to follow her home probably resulting in a place far from others name the! Has the wrong date or start time, Strava could always just the! Big privacy hole interestingly the brutal murder of French woman Alexia Duval was partly solved the. Gps, heart rate or power data past the virtual me, this allows me to create a new.. Findout what the Club was and see what groups they rode with a complete look at cabin... Annual enrollment began re-enabled it, but it turns out not free segment data, and we chatted a. 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