The individuals, like larger and smaller waves, make up this great ocean-like mass of men, swayed by impulse or passion. Dan. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The sea refers to its future historical rise, the abyss to its state under satanic power. The woman is pregnant and is about to give birth. i. p. 92). 7:7). 6 Donald Grey Barnhouse, Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1971), Rev. Whatever power rises is one which rules not by love or right, but by fear and wilfulness. 13 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, o with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and p blasphemous names on its heads. 12:17+) must be those who are subsequently persecuted within chapter Rev. [Note: Mounce, p250.]. Rev. The four universal empires, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome are represented both as metals (Daniel 2:1-49) and beasts (Daniel 7:1-28), and not only in the rise and initial stages of their history but at the end they are there when the Lord comes. Here the Antichrist has authority over10 rulers (cf. Dan. xvii12 ..." [Note: Swete, p161. ten horns Like the dragon (Rev. Thus the beasts of Dan. THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA, AND OUT OF THE ABYSS. But in Revelation 12:3; Revelation 17:3 we find the heads first, then the horns. How inconsistent with the next notice of him, "he stood upon the sand of the sea!" Rev. It was under Tiberius that the male child was taken up to God’s throne, a suitable starting point for the seven. xv. 87:4; Ps. This appearance is another manifestation of Satan as a worldwide evil power on the earth. See Crowns. The word has its usual symbolical sense, and denotes the nations of the earth, the whole mass of the ungodly. They are seven kings”, “the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition”, “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they will receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. Hengstenberg remarks, "One cannot decide on external grounds between the two readings." The probability seems to be that they are all connected with the seventh head, for in Daniel 7:7, which gives us the groundwork of the representation, they belong to the fourth beast alone, and at chap. There is much of significancy in this. In this chapter we only have the application of the heads. This Beast is without doubt the ancient Roman empire reappearing upon the prophetic scene. Dan. ‘And I saw a wild beast coming up out of the sea having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems and on his heads names of blasphemy.’. Revelation 13:1,2. The repetition of heads, horns, and diadems ( Revelation 12:3) suggests that there is a close affinity between the dragon and this beast. Dan. No commentator claims to find precise fulfillment in the remainder of this chapter. Both heads and horns refer to kingdoms: in Revelation 17:7; Revelation 17:10; Revelation 17:12, "kings" represent kingdoms whose heads they are. As in Daniel wild beasts are both kings and kingdoms, and heads and horns arising represent kings resulting from or connected with the first king. . "The Sea is an apt symbol of the agitated surface of unregenerate humanity (cf. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea -, Having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns -, And upon his heads the name of blasphemy -. The seven heads are explained at Revelation 12:3, referring to the literal or geographical fact that the city of Rome is situated upon seven hills. By the ‘sea’ we are not to understand the ocean everywhere embracing and surrounding the land. The heads represent seven world kingdoms which culminate in the Beast as the seventh which had “not yet come” in John’s day (Rev. shorn of their strength, are at the end merely existing, but the fourth (the Roman) will be, as in the past, the dominant power on earth. Rev. The ten horns are now put first (contrast Revelation 12:3), because they are crowned. The seven heads on the Beast represent, not successive forms of rule, as in Revelation 17:10, but the fulness and completeness of government with which the Beast is invested in its latter-day history. The earth (Revelation 13:11) means the ordered world of nations, with its civilization. What does Revelation 13:1 mean? 14:1+), both are conquerors (Rev. By sea here, we may understand some very great confluence of people, and nations. Isa. 10:7 citation of Deu. In the previous chapter, we saw a dragon with seven heads and ten horns who attempted to intercept the promised child and subsequently persecuted the woman who gave birth to the child. 2:35 tells us, expressly, they shall be ‘broken to pieces together!’ If, then, they are destroyed together, they must all be on the scene at the time of Christ’s return to earth to inaugurate His millennial reign, and if so, each of them must have been revived and restored!!16. . Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. His ascent out of the bottomless pit speaks of his revival from the dead following his fatal wound. The vision of chapter twelve dramatized the enmity of the dragon for the woman--the church of Christ--and his determination in wrath to expand his war on the rest of the woman's seed to the whole of the Roman empire. Dan. 7:20) which are also said to be ten kings (Dan. The sixth head is imperial Rome, the successor of those great world-powers which were, one and all, founded in unrighteousness—i.e., in violation of the law of brotherly kindness and faith. Much had happened since Paul wrote Romans 13:1-6, and even since Asiatic Christians had received the counsel of 1 Peter 2:13 f. 1. It may be that out of the general collapse of all governing authority under the sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12-17) the Beast emerges. 5:5+; Rev. of Mr. Archer in his personal reign of Christ. [Note: Mounce, p251.]. 7:1 are to be restored, and play their final parts immediately before the Millennium. 13:1. 2 We note that the term Antichrist is not used by John in the book of Revelation. Now the first three empires are briefly described (Daniel 7:1-28); the Babylonian in verse four, the Medo-Persian in verse five, and the Grecian in verse six. Ten horns. 13 The other beast rising out of the earth, 15 giveth power unto him. {*"All the ferocious and powerful beasts which Daniel (Daniel 7:3, seq.) tom. Rev. This power and authority is given to it by the dragon (13:2), which was identified as Satan in … 13:1+, Rev. The seven kingdoms, or heads of the wild beast, are more distinctly explained in Revelation 17:10. See commentary on Revelation 13:2. Irenaeus identifies the first of St John’s Wild Beasts with St Paul’s Man of Sin. See commentary on Revelation 13:4. The word of the original translated ‘beast’ has occurred only once before (at chap. This figurative use of the sea seems best since elsewhere John said that the beast came out of the abyss ( Revelation 11:7; Revelation 17:8). 17:15+; cf. Scott, p270; and Smith, A Revelation . These ten kings, tired, we suppose, of continued international jealousies and quarrels, "have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast" (Revelation 17:13). верю: носит венец, имеет власть и осуществляет владычество, подобно Богу, хуля этим истинного Бога. (Read Revelation 13:1-10) The apostle, standing on the shore, saw a savage beast rise out of the sea; a tyrannical, idolatrous, persecuting power, springing up out of the troubles which took place. The seven implies the world-power assuming Godhead, and caricaturing the seven spirits of God; its God-opposed character is detected by ten accompanying the seven. Comp. rise up = coming up, as Revelation 7:2 (ascending). A. Seiss, The Apocalypse: Lectures on the Book of Revelation (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1966), 322. The proposed name should be a true proper name, and not a mere descriptive phrase, or word, or title. In the Poetic or allegorical view, the Book of Revelation isn’t literal or historic. Out of the sea rises a wild beast. App-6. [Note: Beale, p682.]. No past governmental entity is similar enough to what John described to qualify as the fulfillment of this empire. And I saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns were ten … the four kingdoms of Dan. In Daniel 7:1-28 there are four; here the one expresses the sum total of the God-opposed world-power in its universal development, not restricted to one manifestation, Rome. These world-powers are spoken of as mountains for their strength and stability; as heads of the wild beast because, though separate, they are inspired by the dragon spirit, the spirit of utter enmity to the rule of the Righteous King. Eventually the ten kings who are allied with the Beast will turn on the Harlot, throw her off and destroy her. Another Beast cometh also at the same Time upon the Earth. 1. — "And I stood upon the sand of the sea." We might reasonably have looked for those names (not name as in the A.V.) , and not a mere descriptive phrase, or word, or title. Rev. 639 (Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary, July-September 2003), 337. 11:3-12+; Rev. The first three powers,{*The first will not exist territorially, but will be found merged in her characteristics in the fourth. Revelation 13:18 The number of the beast. We see this in. Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. If any political significance has been attached to the seven hills it would not affect the general plan of the book of Revelation. 12:3+), the Beast has seven heads. Revelation 13:1-10 A beast with seven heads and ten horns riseth out of the sea, to whom the dragon giveth his power, wherewith he blasphemeth God, and vexeth the saints. Thus, believers today will not see the rise of the Beast and the events of this chapter, for they are to watch for the imminent return of Christ, not the rise of Antichrist. Celerity of movement and sudden spring, so characteristic of the mighty Grecian, Alexander, are denoted by the leopard; the grasping, crushing tyranny of the Persians on their conquered provinces (on Judah perhaps excepted) is likened to the feet of a bear; while the terror inspired by the lion's roar, as also its ferocity in tearing to pieces its prey, are next spoken of. Revelation 12 focuses on the devil himself as the power behind the throne of a mighty world empire; Revelation 13 focuses on the world empire over which the devil exercises his dominion and by means of which he carries out his demonic desires. There is quite a difference in translation between "the dragon stood" and "I stood." It is a question how we are to think of the distribution of the horns. Evidently this was part of his plan to destroy the rest of the woman"s offspring ( Revelation 12:17). out of the sea Daniel’s four beasts also were seen rising from the sea (Dan. [Note: Swete, p158; Mounce, pp249-50; Morris, p165.] [Note: See Johnson, pp521-25, 530. 13:45-46] represents the Jews, so it is natural that the pearl [Mtt. He is also the beast whose deadly wound was healed. Isa. 13:1. a blasphemous name Ὀνόμα βλασφημίας [Onoma blasphēmias] , a name blasphemous. Such words, on the contrary, as , apostate, , wicked guide, etc., are to be rejected as descriptive phrases, and not proper names. A beast is seen coming up out of the sea. A literal sea is impossible since this beast is a person, as we shall see. However, the various nations were subdivided into smaller kingdoms with their own local administration under a king, whose authority was only one in name for he was subject to the head in the city of Rome. So Ewald’s Hebrew terms for Cesar of Rome are hardly one name, but two, or else a title and a name. The prophet has shifted the diadems from the heads to the horns (thereby altering their number, of necessity), since he wishes to stamp the heads (i.e., the Roman emperors, cf. The first beast is closely identified with the dragon—having seven heads and ten horns. d. “mother of harlots and abominations of the earth”, “seven mountains on which the woman sits. This has caused some to expect the second beast, the False Prophet, to be Jewish in origin. Rev. strange children]” (Ps. 13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. [Note: Philip E. Hughes, The Book of Revelation, p145.] 17:3+). Rev. Judgment of the Beasts (Revelation 12-20) >Seven Signs >3rd sign >The Beast . Note: Revelation 13 introduces us to a beast of a similar description (Revelation 13:1) and Revelation 17:9-12 identifies the beast as a world empire with its allied satellite nations. [Note: Robertson, 6:397; Johnson, p523; Mounce, p248.] In the true spirit of prophecy we are invited to behold it in its final and completed form. Rev. Dan. Rev. The earlier martyrs (Revelation 6:9-11) are not slain under the persecution of the Beast, but are to wait until they were joined by those subsequently slain, showing that the Beast is not on the scene, at least not active, during the time covered by the Seals. That is why the eighth is ‘of the seven’ meaning that he also relates to the Emperors or is of the same essential make-up. He should note especially the information concerning the changes that took place in the Roman Empire due to its different state religions. And upon his heads the names of blasphemy ... shall be destroyed; I saw a beast rise up out of the sea. . Ps. { Revelation 17:12} See the expositon thereof. Some make this sentence a separate verse, and insert it as the closing verse of Revelation 12. Rev. Dan. This includes persecution and murder of Christians, accompanied by overt blasphemy against God, and cult-like worship from the people of earth. America, for instance, is a proper name of a whole country or territory. 1. — "The sand of the sea" on which the Seer stood denotes vast multitudes of people (Revelation 20:8). 144:7). … His ten horns first become visible. The spirit of arrogant self-sufficiency characterised all the world-powers. Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. inasmuch as it is more likely that a letter be dropped than a letter added to the text, some scholars continue to feel that the Authorized Version is correct that John stood upon the sand of the sea.4, Hengstenberg remarks, “One cannot decide on external grounds between the two [textual] readings.” Authorities are divided. The specific identity of the seven is relatively unimportant (except as defining when Revelation was written), what is important is their significance as representing the Empirate. among the nations (compare Revelation 17:15), being prepared for this time. The Roman empire combined in itself all the elements of the terrible and the oppressive which had existed in the aggregate in the other great empires that preceded it; its extension too was equal to them all united. But neither is the little horn or many of the other names which apply throughout Scripture to this individual, here designated as the first beast. There shall then be but one ruler over the empire, the "little horn" of Daniel 7:1-28, the Roman prince who makes a covenant with the apostate nation for seven years (Daniel 9:27), breaks it in the midst of the period, and finally perishes at the Coming of the Lord in judgment (Revelation 19:20). Rev. Name of blasphemy. See #22 - Ten Horns/Kings. If the former reading be adopted, then the reference is to the Seer, but if the latter, then the dragon is meant. This style of composition will be noticed in various places in this book, The vision will perhaps take the reader down the years through some important happenings, then go back many centuries and start all over again but with different symbols. Authorities are divided. (Tyso in DeBurgh.) We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. It was a frightful monster! It would be the merest guess-work to enumerate them or allocate exactly their territorial limits, but their identification will be simple enough when God in His providential arrangements brings them into view. The sea represents the great, restless mass of human kind; or, as it is expressed in Revelation 17:15, “peoples and multitudes.” St. James represented an undecided man as a wave driven by the wind (James 1:6). By the beast here, we may understand the beast of the eighth head, Revelation 17:11 -See KNOLLYS: Revelation 17:11 the popedom of Rome papal, with his ten crowned horns; horns, which Mr. Meade faith, are, first, the Britans; Secondly, the Saxons; Thirdly, the Franks; Fourthly, the Burgundians; Fifthly, the Wisigothes; Sixthly, the Swedes; Seventhly, the Vandals; Eighthly, the Alemans; Ninthly, the Ostrogoths; Tenthly, the Grecians. We saw numerous indicators which pointed to the Jewish context of that chapter and its events, with the woman finally receiving supernatural assistance to reach a place of protection prepared by God (Rev. When the monster stands on the sand of the sea it is in order to specifically utilise the services of this great beast, which he will empower and control, against the people of God. Dan. 7:1 - the ‘image in its four parts’ (the head, the breast and arms, the belly and thighs, the legs and feet) corresponding with the four beasts - it will be found that when we come to Dan. However an equally acceptable starting point would be Caligula whose divine claims were open and determined, and he is the one shown to be prominent in the chapter. There will be witnessed soon ten distinct kingdoms in western Europe. Since the dragon could not destroy the woman, he became enraged and “went off to make war with the rest of her offspring” (see commentary on Revelation 12:17).1. “Stretch out Your hand from above; Rescue me and deliver me out of great waters, From the hand of foreigners [lit. 13:18+). And so Ferdinand Benary’s solution, in Hebrew, Nero Cesar, is a name and title, and is excluded. The blasphemous names on its heads refer to their claims (often half-hearted but sometimes virulent) to be divine. For instance, the present chapter opens with a vision of Pagan Rome which we know was before the days of Constantine. 11:36. Under the last we live (Auberlen); it devolved on Napoleon, after Francis, Emperor of Germany and King of Rome, resigned the title in 1806. But the mention of the leopard, bear, and lion, answering to the first three kingdoms (Daniel 7:4-6), and the little horn of Daniel 8:1-27, and "wilful king," Revelation 11:1-19, arising out of the third, make it likely that the Antichrist about to oppress Israel is to arise from the east, the Greek empire, rather than the west: Gog, Meshech, and Tubal (Ezekiel 38:1-23, notes). Revelation 12:3); the order only, for the reason already spoken of, being different. In Daniel the historical succession of the empires necessitates the mention first of the lion, the chosen symbol of Babylonian greatness. Revelation 19:12 where He who is described as ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’ has upon His head ‘many diadems,’ ‘tokens of the many royalties—of earth, of heaven, and of hell (Philippians 2:10)—which are His’ (Trench, Syn. The profession of Christianity having been abandoned (2 Thessalonians 2:3), public, open blasphemy of God is the sad result. Sib. 51:9-10) (Johnson). Yet we have already had a vision of that period even down to and including the Reformation of Luther, which is shown in chapter11. If the reader will turn to Dan. The NUtext has he stood, that is, the dragon of the previous chapter. It is true that the sentence has a connection with that chapter, but it is also closely linked with what follows. That means also that it was before the beginning of the Dark Ages of1260 years. Or. 17:1+, Rev. Both are future. The beast is evidently Antichrist who is the head of a future empire (cf. Dei, (chap. ], "There are a number of suggestions as to why the diadems are placed on the horns rather than on the heads of the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.” (Rev. And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea--13:1. This excludes such descriptive phrases as The Latin Kingdom, Italic Church, etc. So 'Aleph (') C, Coptic, Andreas; but A B, Vulgate, 'names,' etc.-namely, a name on each of the heads; blasphemously arrogating attributes of God (note, Revelation 17:3). on the heads of the dragon, but no, they are on the Beast, for he it is who is to be the public witness of direct and flagrant opposition to God and His Anointed, and to all Heaven as well. It is the great force of the world-power, which in every age has been antagonistic to the power of right. And so Ferdinand Benary’s solution, in Hebrew, is a name and title, and is excluded. We'll discuss the most famous verses, key symbols, and noteworthy characters of Revelation. Rev. He blasphemes against God and heaven, and leads the whole world into evil. “Babylon and the Antichrist.”. See KNOLLYS: Revelation 17:12 The seven heads had the crowns, { Revelation 12:3}. Revelation 13:1 New King James Version (NKJV) The Beast from the Sea. The beast embodies the malevolent forces operative in this empire. 20:10+). Thus Heaven (Revelation 4:1-11. l), the sand of the sea (Revelation 13:1), the wilderness (Revelation 17:3), and a high mountain (Revelation 21:10) are respective points of view from which he can contemplate the various panoramic visions as they pass before his gaze. 1.) Whether the empire is in existence or only being formed during the time of the Seal-judgments we have no means of ascertaining. The fact, however, that they were upon the heads is important, for there can Le little doubt that we have in this a mocking caricature of the name borne upon the forehead of the high priest, and transferred in this book to Christ’s faithful people (comp. And saw a beast - Daniel saw four in succession Daniel 7:3-7, all different, yet succeeding each other; John saw two in succession, yet strongly resembling each other, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 13:11. eidon). A. He and another beast institute a series of satanically-empowered deceptions which bring the whole world under the sway of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and ultimately Satan. The Beast will openly defy God, and set himself in determined opposition to all who are His (v. 6). They are seven kings” (Rev. Dragon and beast both bear crowns-the former on the heads, the latter on the horns (Revelation 12:3; Revelation 5:1). The sea is a symbol of humanity because all governments are products of human formation. vi. The First Beast. Seven heads-ten horns-ten crowns; it is a continuation of the same great persecuting power that has been described in the preceding chapter, but at a later age, and in another form. Dan. 17:11+). Rev. 12:6+, Rev. Hence the ten horns (successive monarchs in the Danielic oracle) are superfluous here, except as an archaic, pictorial detail in the sketch of this polycephalous brute. Rev. He stands there to call on it to destroy God’s people. And saw a beast - Daniel saw four in succession Daniel 7:3-7, all different, yet succeeding each other; John saw two in succession, yet strongly resembling each other, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 13:11. Prior to studying this chapter, we recommend the study of related topics: The Beast; Nero; and Beasts, Heads, and Horns. Its head was in the city of Rome and the emperor was the ultimate ruler of the entire government. 13:1. 2:45, which speaks of Christ (under the figure of ‘the Stone cut out of the mount without hands’ returning to earth to destroy the forces of evil, and then set up His kingdom, we discover that the Stone ‘brake in pieces the iron (Rome), the brass (Greece), the clay (apostate Israel), the silver (Medo-Persia), and the gold (Babylon).’ What we desire the reader to note particularly is that the Stone strikes not only the iron, but the brass, clay, silver, and gold; in fact, Dan. Rev. Now, we turn to the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, described in Daniel 11:36-39; the one who Paul mentions in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. He bears them to demonstrate that he is Satan’s representative at this time. The mistake of those who interpret the beast Rome exclusively, and the ten horns kingdoms which took the place of Rome in Europe, is, the fourth kingdom in the image has TWO legs, the eastern as well as the western empire: the ten toes are not upon one foot (the west), but on the two (east and west) together. do not symbolize victory, but rather show that this “universal authority” has been arrogantly seized. The AV and NKJV rendering "I stood" does not have as good textual support, I believe, as the NASB and NIV "he stood. But a careful study of the context shows conclusively that it is the Seer and not the dragon that "stood upon the sand of the sea. 8:9).11, Christ’s inheritance is not only the Church which is the pearl of great price for which He sold all that He had, but it also includes Israel which is the treasure hidden in the field and which He purchased with His own blood and which He hid again.12, The treasure [Mtt. In chap. Beast - `wild beast.' See Supernatural Origin? The former name recalled to memory the founder of the empire, whilst the latter that of the first of the imperial line} but its future revival is unquestionable, and it is to this that the first verse of our chapter refers. Up to this point, the prophecy dealing with the Persian and Grecian Empires has been fulfilled minutely and with amazing precision. The crowned horns do not symbolize victory, but rather show that this “universal authority” has been arrogantly seized. This beast arises from the sea, but the second beast arises from the earth or land (Rev. Seven heads: universal authority and rule [in this world]. Proud member 14:6+).3. In the vision of Daniel (Revelation 7) the beasts rose out of the sea upon which the four winds strove. Revelation 12:17), in order to serve him and be his vicegerent among men. are hardly one name, but two, or else a title and a name. The dragon stood on the seashore watching a beast come out of the sea, in John"s vision (cf. We'll examine popular… The sea may symbolize the Gentiles (Rev. is an adjective proper name, applicable to the country, the people, or the individual. I stood on the sand of the sea The NU text has he stood, that is, the dragon of the previous chapter. Caligula, who sought to erect his image in the Temple and fervently declared himself to be divine, and sought vigorously to propagate that fact, and Nero who viciously persecuted Christians in Rome, who also fervently claimed divinity, are certainly in mind in the seven. Out of the sea (Daniel 7:3; note, Daniel 8:8) - out of the troubled waves of peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Revelation 17:15). lion--This beast unites in itself the God-opposed characteristics of the three … The sand directs attention to the countless masses of mankind, while the sea as a symbol speaks of the wild and revolutionary forces and principles at work amongst them. . The dragon’s crowns are associated with historical kingdoms of which this beast is one. 21:10+), are respective points of view from which he can contemplate the various panoramic visions as they pass before his gaze.5. Dan. This latter causeth the Earth to worship the Image of the former, and to receive his Mark. that this beast is symbolic of anti-christian world powers [governments]. Read full chapter xix. “went off to make war with the rest of her offspring”, “The dragon, cast out of Heaven after his final defeat at the hands of Michael and his forces, comes to the earth looking for an instrument through whom he can carry on his warfare against his hated Creator and God.”. Dragon gives his power to the three preceding empires another possibility is that of the race! Email with steps on how to reset your password “ fourth beast of Daniel 7:7 “! Used by John in the inverse order the people, or citizen [! Subject on hand 8:9-25, and noteworthy characters of Revelation saw a beast coming up out of the.. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the Nero redivivus view city was built shortly before ten! As thus employed in all literature humanity because all governments are products of formation! 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