Inayat, Q. In the area of scales and assessment tools, we also begin to see similar themes as seen in the overall literature review. It may have been more suitable to use some of the traditional approaches within Islam by scholars such as al-Ghazali, al-Razi, al-Balkhi, and Shah Waliullah, many of whom detail what could be considered early iterations of what is now know as CBT (Hermansen, 1982; Keshavarzi & Haque, 2013). 1 Introduction. The researchers found that these five strategies were effective in reducing anger in Muslim clients. Islamic Modernism is a movement that has been described as "the first Muslim ideological response to the Western cultural challenge" attempting to reconcile the Islamic faith with modern values such as democracy, civil rights, rationality, equality, and progress. The richness of the scholarly work in the Muslim history and tradition has not been studied as much as it is needed. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 5, Casebook for a spiritual strategy in counseling and psychotherapy. (2006). Mental health help-seeking behaviors of Muslim immigrants in the United States: Overcoming social stigma and cultural mistrust. The establishment of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1983 and its Human Sciences Faculty in 1990 began the revival of Islamic Psychology in the modern era (Haque & Masuan, 2002). Psychometric properties of two Islamic measures among young adults in Kuwait: The Sahin-Francis scale of attitude toward Islam and the Sahin index of Islam moral values. Following Badri was Awaad and Ali’s (2015) publication that conducted research on al-Balkhi’s explanation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and found transcultural diagnostic consistencies across many centuries. Mahr, F., McLachlan, N., Friedberg, R. D., Mahr, S., and Pearl, A. M. (2015). To do so requires that we understand how human beings are conceptualized within the cosmology that characterizes the Islamic tradition. The authors explain cognitive therapy in great detail before providing specifics from the Islamic tradition. It would be helpful to see these assessment tools further normed on Muslims from other areas of the world. (2000) Holistic health, healing and spirituality. piritually integrated psychotherapy: Understanding and addressing the sacred. They provide a thorough analysis of the major theories with specific examples from the Islamic tradition alongside case studies and conceptualizations. As mentioned, the section on interventions is currently limited and needs further attention. Models and frameworks are necessary for development of interventions. Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture. Additionally, signature interventions that are uniquely Islamic are required. Bangladesh Journal of Psychology 7, 118-128. Spiritual interventions in psychotherapy: Evaluations by highly religious clients. From its very first chapter, it uses Islamic principles from the Qur’an, prophetic traditions, and historical references (Ibn Khaldun, Mulla Sadra, etc). Diversity and cultural sensitivity has become a core component of the ethical delivery of psychotherapeutic intervention. In a Christian history, the term “psychology” originally referred to a branch of pneumatology, the science of spiritual beings and substances (vande Kemp, 1982). Haque, A., & Keshavarzi, H. (2012). Francis, Sahin and Al-Failakawi (2008) assessed the psychometric properties of these scales among young adults in Kuwait (n=1199). Amer, M. M., Hovey, J. D., Fox, C. M., & Rezcallah, A. Anderson, N., Heywood-Everett, S., Siddiqi, N., Wright, J., Meredith, J., & McMillan, D. (2015). After this phase of development, clinicians may begin to explore empirical research on such interventions to help narrow the clinical utility of Islamically based intervention strategies for the therapeutic encounter. vande Kemp, H. (1982). A rapid development is seen in the realm of religious-based assessment scales for Muslims. The development and validation of a Qur’an-based instrument to assess Islamic religiosity: The religiosity of Islam scale. The Muslims’ perceptions and attitudes to mental health (M-PAMH) scale. The six techniques include relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, thought stopping, “time-out” techniques, and assertiveness techniques. A comprehensive research review from these countries is essential to assess the development of Islamic psychology and therapies. One of the main concerns with the RCBT manuals is that it uses the exact same approach where most of the manual is literally similar across the different religions. Moving toward culturally competent practice with Muslims: Modifying cognitive therapy with Islamic tenets. Psychology is taking a comprehensive public health approach to addressing this crisis Elevating mental health on the world stage Psychologists are key to a global movement by governments and major health organizations to devote more attention, resources and political commitment to improving mental health in low-resource countries Whereas psychology is the foundational philosophy and body of knowledge for psychotherapy, such general concepts do not constitute any overt understanding of how to apply such principles in the process of helping people with mental health related issues. Search. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of a second-generation child of Pakistani descent: Ethnocultural and clinical considerations. The Modern Muslim A Q&A with author Omar Saif Ghobash . (1998). Application of Islamic principles to theories outside the realm of Islam or using concepts from mainstream counseling to inform an Islamic approach is therefore discouraged. The International Association of Islamic Psychology (IAIP) is a professional body which aims to set and maintain a high standard of research and practice in this specialized field. Measuring exposure to racism: Development and validation of a race-related stressor scale (RRSS) for Asian American Vietnam veterans. National seminar on islamization of psychology: Seminar report. These models must be robust enough to permit accommodation of empirical literature on human psychology in the field and best practices. This instrument had sound incremental validity and has potential for assessing spirituality among Muslims. Dasti, R., & Sitwat, A. Due to the availability of research providing insight into integration of spiritual and religious perspectives and interventions into clinical practice, spiritually healing practices and traditions from the Eastern and Western philosophies have been described and made available (Pargament, 2007; Sperry & Shafranske, 2005). Keshavarzi, H., & Haque, A. Other works introduce the cultural expressions, values, and attitudes of Muslims that can inform psychological treatment with this population (e.g., Aloud & Rathur, 2009; Khan, 2006). However, the author was able to provide more specific and detailed examples from the Islamic tradition than the RCBT manuals. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Another area of exploration could be Islamic contemplative exercises such as muraqabah or particular, cognitive strategies outlined in the books of Islamic spiritual practitioners. There are a number of major trends in modern Islamic philosophy. This is perhaps the only book of its kind published in English that addresses some fundamental principles of an Islamic Psychology. In P. Huguelet & H. G. Koenig (Eds.). (2008). Abu-Raiya, H., Pargament, K. I., Mahoney, A., & Stein, C. (2008). University students’ views about compatibility of CBT with their personal, social and religious and religious values. The concepts in the later work may be perplexing for the reader to adapt to Muslim clients, as the author appears to reference Christian texts more frequently than Islamic ones. Development of culturally sensitive models. The following five themes emerged: 1) Unification of western psychological models with Islamic beliefs and practices; 2) Research on historical accounts of Islamic Psychology and its rebirth in the modern era; 3) Development of theoretical models and frameworks within Islamic Psychology; 4) Development of interventions and techniques within Islamic psychology; and 5) Development of assessment tools and scales normed for use with Muslims. Ghorbani, N., Watson, P. J., Geranmayepour, S., & Chen, Z. Psychology of personality: Islamic perspectives. There are some attempts to addressing theoretical models and Islamic-based interventions, but this need to be developed further to give clinicians solid tools to work with Muslim clients. Islamic psychology embraces modern psychology, traditional spirituality, metaphysics and ontology. The spiritual approach to group psychotherapy treatment of psychotraumatized persons in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. Individual psychotherapy/counseling: Psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic-experiential models. This is an essential component of any major ethical code including the ones followed by American psychologists and psychiatrists (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; American Psychological Association, 2010). This review explores the trends that have emerged to integrate the Islamic tradition into modern psychological theory and practice in the last ten years. This paper presents a model of the soul from within an Islamic paradigm, generated through a grounded theory analysis of interviews with 18 key … While there may not be significant differences between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Islam, theories from the Psychodynamic paradigm may pose some disagreements. In Press. The effectiveness of Generalized Anxiety Disorder intervention through Islamic psychotherapy: The preliminary study. All of the techniques involve the application of either related passages from the Qur’an, statements and recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad, and/or reciting statements of faith or remembrance (dhikr). Abu-Raiya and Pargament (2010) further explore how to integrate religion and psychotherapy for Muslim clients: As a result of their study, they make recommendations which include assessing the relative place that Islam has in life of the client, how committed they are to practicing their faith, and how the clinician’s approach should reflect these varying levels of commitment. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Hermansen, M. K. (1982). Finally, data from outcome research studies have supported the idea that spiritual and religious approaches to treatment have been effective in treating many psychosocial issues (Anderson, Heywood-Everett, Siddiqi, Wright, Meredith, & McMillan, 2015; Hook, Worthington, Davis, Jennings, Gartner, & Hook, 2010; McCullough, 1999; Smith, Bartz, & Richards, 2007; Worthington, Hook, Davis, & McDaniel, 2011; Worthington, Kurusu, McCullough, & Sandage, 1996; Worthington & Sandage, 2001). The scale yielded Cronbach’s alpha of .74 and the newly added items yielded Cronbach’s alpha of .72 (Aloud & Rathur, 2009). Abu-Raiya, Pargament, Mahoney, and Stein (2008) developed the Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness (PMIR). (2008). WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. The incorporation of religious interventions drawn from these Islamic principles in modern practice is a necessary novel practice that can be subject to scientific inquiry. Religion and spirituality. Religious Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Muslim version. This was among the first of such literature providing an entire treatise demonstrating the sophistication of early understandings of clinical psychology dating back to the 9th century. Ghorbani, N., Watson, P. J., & Shahmohamadi, K. (2008). It appears that the author’s approach may be favorable with clients who identify strongly with their culture and may become defensive when considering independent thought. Paukert, A. L., Phillips, L., Cully, J. In a study on university students in Pakistan, the participants assert that principles of CBT are generally consistent with their belief systems in most areas including personal and religious values (Naeem, Gobbi, Ayub, & Kingdon, 2009). The following inclusion criteria were utilized: a) psychological research as it relates to the Islamic faith, Muslims, or Muslim culture and b) studies published within the last 10 years (2006-2015). The final version had eight factors: Self-Discipline, Quest and Search for Divinity, Anger and Expansive Behavior, Self-Aggrandizement, Feeling of Connectedness with Allah, Meanness-Generosity, Tolerance-Intolerance, and Islamic Practices. AlMarri, Oei, and Al-Adawi (2009) developed the Short Muslim Belief and Practice Scale; it is a 9-item scale with good reliability. Keywords: psychotherapy, Islam, Muslims, mental health. Loo, C. M., Fairbank, J. Khan, Z. Richards, P. S., & Bergin, A. E. Hodge and Nadir (2008) offer some insights on modifying cognitive therapy with Islamic tenets with an emphasis on cognitive self-statements. The use of this measure in research and clinical settings may be impractical due to its length of 100 multiple-choice questions. First, a list of all the articles related to psychology and Muslims was made. Vasegh, S. (2009). The development of the Short Muslim Practice and Belief Scale. Abdullah and colleagues (2013) promote treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder through “Islamic Psychotherapy.” The authors used pillars of faith (iman) to treat the anxiety: belief in God, performance of prayers, contemplation (tafakkur), remembrance of Allah (dhikr), and belief that fate is from God. For example, where Freudian concepts of id, ego, and superego have been compared with the Qur’anic concepts related to the nafs, the conflict between Freud’s belief in the inherent evil nature of human beings and the Islamic belief of the primordial goodness of humans has often been ignored. The last decade saw particular growth in the area of assessment scale development for use by Muslims (Table 6). Recommendations are also provided to help direct future research efforts to expand underdeveloped areas in this field. Cognitive restructuring: An Islamic perspective. Killawi, A., Daneshpour, M., Elmi, A., Dadras, I., Hamid, H. (2014). Z., Hissan, W. S. M., Kechil, R., Razali, W. N., & Zin, M. Z. M. (2013). Concept of personality development in the light of Islamic thoughts. Acceptance of Western psychological models as Islamic. Since then, we have seen extensive research, primarily from American and British sources, attempting to find a place for religiously and spiritually based psychotherapies within the larger theoretical and clinical psychological context (Pargament, 2007). This paper is a review of the last 10 years of research within this domain. Orientations to seeking professional help: Development and research utility of an attitude scale. It shows also that the process of modern psychology in the Arab and Muslim countries is still in its beginning whether at the epistemological or practical. These manuals adapt the cognitive strategies in efforts of reframing cognitions drawn from within the Islamic tradition as a modality to enhance therapeutic efficacy. The authors found good construct and content validity along with moderate to high internal reliability. Only three studies were identified for this theme (Table 5) as this is perhaps the least-developed area in the current research. The author concluded that this single-item is viable in large-scale research and community surveys. The subscale measuring beliefs yielded a low reliability (.66) but the behavioral practices subscale yielded a good reliability (.81). This writing aims to map the trends in Islamic psychology intervention in Indonesia. The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is published by Michigan State University in collaboration with Michigan Publishing, a division of the University of Michigan Library. The advantage of these approaches is that they have demonstrated an empirical basis for their utility in cross-cultural contexts (Thomas & Ashraf, 2011). Early Muslims wrote extensively about human nature and called it Ilm-al Nafsiat or self-knowledge. McCullough, M. E. (1999). Alghorani (2008) developed another measure of Islamic religiosity, which assessed knowledge and practice of Islamic creed, acts of worship, appearance, jurisprudence, and history. Faith-adapted psychological therapies for depression and anxiety: Systematic review and meta-analysis. A thematic analysis was conducted to identify research topical trends in the literature related to the subject. Theme 2: Historical accounts of Islamic Psychology, Theme 3: Emergence of theoretical models and frameworks of Islamic Psychology. History and tradition has not been studied as much as it is needed Generalized Anxiety Disorder intervention through Islamic:..., signature interventions that are uniquely Islamic are required is perhaps the least-developed in! ) scale and community surveys, theme 3: Emergence of theoretical models and frameworks are necessary for of! Future research efforts to expand underdeveloped areas in this field this review explores the that... 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