By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. He is … In the meantime keep him confined to a smaller cage. Do not pull on the affected paw or leg, as this can … When you look at the area you should find some external element that may be the cause of the limp, like a spine or object that is stuck between the pads and so on. He didn't walk at all and when I picked him up, his privates and rear legs were wet for the day . If you keep ducks or are interested in keeping ducks then visit the farmingfriends duck forum for the latest chat about ducks and then check out the khaki campbell duck eggs for hatching sales page. I noticed a liiittle bit of a slight limp this morning when he was rampaging through the house but now, he won't even step on it. If you checked out the paw and everything looks fine, then you should keep an eye on it but it should be okay. Why is my guinea pig limping? What do I do? It can vary. Limping/Arthritis/Hoof Infections. Raisins and cheerios are the favorite as a baby. The vet would just give you some piggie painkillers most likely, unless they truly thought it was broken. With a little bit of time and effort, your guinea pig's leg can be treated effectively and the injury can hopefully heal completely. Remove soiled bedding and clean the animal's food and water dishes. If there is no foreign body in his paws, then he could have either broken or sprained/strained his leg. When your bring home your baby pig they will be timid and scared. When you are holding it, use one hand to support its midsection and support its back legs with your other hand. Do a physical evaluation. If you think that your guinea pig has been injured, look it over right away and then every few minutes until you are sure the animal is OK. It sounds like he's seriously injured. Hold the guinea pig correctly. This question is best handled by both the vet and the cat owner. Short of a structural abnormality affecting the normal range of motion, in almost all cases, a dog limps only when he or she is experiencing some sort of discomfort. Avoid direct sunlight and take them to a cool location. Perhaps it broke a limb or got slightly injured. Do not allow him/her to run, to jump on/off furniture, to go up/down stairs, or to play with other pets. Can I give him something to lessen his pain, should I wait or get him to the vet as soon as possible. Examining the entire body, not just the problem leg, is a crucial part of the process. Keep an eye on him the next couple days and if it’s still there call a vet, I would contact an emergency vet. If you have a hectic and loud household, consider putting your guinea pig in an out of the way spot. This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. Took him to vet; she moved the leg and said nothing broke. Lay the dog down with the injured leg up. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. Great, it still hurts. Don't leave it that way before it gets worse. Encourage your dog to rest and do not take him for a walk or run. hello, my 2.5 year old pot belly pig has just started limping, I trimmed her hooves recently, so they are tidy, it is her left back foot, she doesn't mind when I rub/touch it , apart from perhaps some tenderness in the muscle near her buttocks on that side. If this is the case for your dog and the limping is not severe, try to keep him quiet and comfortable. I also think she likes all the attention. Transport your guinea pig in a small cat carrier or box. My dog has been limping for a week; right hind leg. Whatever form it takes — be it hobbling, staggering or limping — prompt veterinary attention is typically recommended. thanks in advanced Donko . What to Expect When My Pug Starts Limping. my dog started limped after playing rough with other dogs, Now She won't even put even the slightest amount of pressur on it what should i do? She seriously looks at me and puts her foot in the air like, "Hey, can't you see this HURTS. My guinea pig is limping, and whenever I try to calm him down, he just wants to keep moving. I have fully checked my dog's feet for everything and nothing is there. Take him/her to the vet. X These are the two most important people in a cat’s life. A female guinea pig's weight will increase significantly if she's pregnant. My Dog is Limping what do i do. Treatment for dog limping varies depending on the severity and cause of the limp. Limping is accompanied by other signs of illness (e.g., fever, decreased appetite, vomiting, lethargy) What You Can Do. Try to keep him as still as possible so he doesn't injure himself further. Avoid stairs or carry him up and down the steps. Best bet would be to make a vet appointment as soon as possible to take an xray. I’ll definitely keep an eye on my little guy :-). However, they can be prone to injury if they are not handled correctly. This is why they may seem calm even when they're in distress. Your pet will likely need pain medication, x-rays, and surgery for the leg. What should I do? Also, she still wants to play and chase the tennis ball. I am getting a guinea pig next week. If not, check with your vet. Just like people, dogs can fall victim to many different ailments affecting their bones and joints. If not, check with your vet. Guinea pigs are prey animals and hide their pain well, so what you see her showing, is actually a great deal less than what she's actually feeling. Fri Jan 17 11:48:01 EST 2014. That means limiting their mobility to avoid causing further strain on the injury. Lameness (or limping) in cats can be caused by several underlying reasons. If you are sure that you injured your guinea pig when it was improperly handled, you should take it to be seen by a veterinarian immediately. my dog is limping what do i do? And it seems like it gets worse then gets better and it changes within like 30 minutes. In short, there are many options to help a limping cat. I can't see any swelling or any wounds on her hoof or leg. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998. If he is still limping badly tomorrow or the next day you should take him to a vet but if he's acting normal otherwise he probably just sprained it while playing. References. This article has been viewed 22,815 times. Treats are a great way to do that. The aggression would qualify as a change in behavior, He was only slightly more aggressive, very possibly because we recently got a new fleece for floor time and he is reacting to the change in environment? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For most vets, a check-up is around eighty dollars for two pups. Your veterinarian can help you decide how best to fix the fracture and if referral to a specialist is in your pig’s best interest. My vet will probably want to do x rays. There is no visible injury, just a lot of limping. just wudering if there is anyone who might be able to help me out with a diagnosis to her problem? My guinea pig is 7 months old and has had a broken leg since birth. She was not limping when I woke up this morning at 7am, and then I got home at 10:30 am and she was limping. She could do x-ray at cost of $300. If you suspect that there is a problem, have it checked out for your pet's health and your peace of mind. Fractures and sprains are not common, whether it be a … Your pig may squeal the entire time he/she is flipped in your lap, but as soon s your pig is let down, the squealing stops. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to injuries in your pet. For sudden onset limping, your veterinarian will most likely prescribe rest along with a combination of canine-appropriate pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications. Keep your guinea pig in a small area so that it doesn't move very much while it heals. She is walking and running on three legs holding her right rear leg up. My piggie had a hurt ankle last month. He needs medical attention immediately, and he's only going to hurt himself worse if you don't get this taken care of. If your guinea pig's circulation is reduced, the color of the inside of the mouth will be pale or blue-colored. I gave her a baby aspirin and it worked, but it wore off. Often, hamsters with wet tail have squinty eyes, dirty bottom, limping, lack of appetite, and irritability. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. 12-09-08, 10:52 pm #4. newpiggiemommy. If your guinea pig has an injury that could flare up or cause other health problems, your veterinarian may suggest bringing it in for exams more often. Take him to the vet right away, he's probably in a lot of pain. Wood shavings or sand placed on top of the cement may add some cushion if you see a problem developing. Give him water with a little vitamin C and feed him vegetables to encourage a relaxed demeanor, and discourage any jumping or rapid movement. She still has lots of energy and eating and drinking a lot and moving around a lot not making any noises that she's in pain. When you first notice that your dog is limping, if it isn't severe try to rest your pup as best you can. My kitten is limping. A fracture refers to a break or crack in a bone. As far as if she is okay to eat, I would. Results are close to ICMP ping (via cmd or console). Now and as the pig grows this bag from Tractor Supply gets my pigs to do … If he's not walking on it, it might be broken. I feel much better, I was worried because this had never happened before. Also, how should I transport it without causing more harm? It’s not too bad and he is only as lazy as he always is (besides being a little slower when walking). [1] To keep the cage clean, do a light cleaning every day. If your cat has been injured, it can cause limping. Then place the end of the syringe in the guinea pig's mouth and slowly squeeze it to administer the medication. This article has been viewed 22,815 times. Often, hamsters with wet tail have squinty eyes, dirty bottom, limping, lack of appetite, and irritability. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. 9 Answers. If you notice that your cat has leg injuries, it may be because it has stepped on broken glass or a sharp object. I see puppies stepped on and dogs hit by cars and bikes. I lifted the paw up and squeezed all the little pads--didn't seem to bother him. I put a new bed area in the cage for him and my two other guinea pigs; I think he may have jumped out of it and hurt his leg. 1 decade ago. she is not overweight for her age. In my experience I would expect that from what you explained that she will be just fine. I did that once when she was about 6 months old because my mum told me that’s what you do when you think a baby may be egg (oops, I mean poop) bound…and was immediately greeted by a torrid green explosion. For instance, if your dog was hit by a car and has a bone sticking out, take them directly to the nearest emergency veterinarian for treatment. He is small, 15 pound mix breed 11 years old, rescue. Based on what you’re saying it seems like he is sick or injured. And keep her on a nice bed of straw and ensure she is on her feet eating and drinking twice daily. he's walking with three legs while he lifts his front paw as if he is afraid to walk on it. A veterinarian should look for the presence of lesions on the skin, such as pad burns, which often go undiagnosed if an exam isn’t thorough. Transporting an injured dog can worsen injuries, so proceed with caution. When it comes to pets, few sights are as heartbreaking as seeing a pet suffering from leg pain. Do not be fooled here, animals, especially cats, are incredibly good at ‘masking’ pain. Should I wait it out but risk my baby suffering? You will need to pay much more for neutering or injuries. There's really nothing you can do to help him on your own, and it sounds like he's in a lot of pain. Always consult your canine veterinarian about appropriate medications and dosages. Anyway, as it turned out, I was able to find a spot to bury her. If your guinea pig has a severe injury that will cause it severe pain and cannot be treated, your veterinarian may suggest compassionate euthanasia. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Try to keep him calm and still as much as possible. You need to take him/her to the vet so they can either re-break it and straighten it out correctly, or amputate it. Take your guinea pig to a veterinary office right away if you see either of these symptoms. He is not wanting to move much and cries when he moves. I took my puppy outside for his walk, when we come back in he always gives me a hard time taking off his harness (I wouldn't take it off but he brings it to me to let me know when he has to go) , so tonight I picked him up and took it off...I'm 6'2" and he was up near my face, he struggled a bit and jumped off...he a small dog (pug yorkie mix)...when he landed he let out a … The vet said he can't feel any fractures. For larger dogs that can walk on 3 legs, gently help them into the vehicle. what should i do with my little piggy? His leg is not swollen, there was no blood...I think he might have just pulled a muscle. I don't think he would be walking around as much if it was broken though, Okay, thank you so much! You can do this by confining your cat to a large crate or a small bathroom. You need to ascertain if your dog would even attempt to put weight on the leg or refuse to place weight on it at all. Take him to the vet. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 22,815 times. Should I wait it out but risk my baby suffering? Dogs are active, fun and underfoot. This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. My vet will probably want to do x rays. Regardless of what flooring you chose, make sure that it is not slippery, especially when wet. What should I do? A good idea is to weigh your female guinea pig regularly (perhaps weekly) and to … It happens to everyone. My boyfriend wants me to take him to the vet, but I just spent over $600 two weeks ago on a vet bill. My guinea pig is limping on her front left leg. Hello blonde What can I do? The front leg that he is limping on is turned outward when he walks. Take him to the vet right away! Due to their abnormally large weight, many domestic pigs suffer from stiff and sore joints, and they can easily injure their legs, feet, and hooves. He needs to see the vet immediately, this does not sound healthy and there may be a problem in need of treatment. Lameness or limping in cats. A veterinarian may suggest that you move your guinea pig to a smaller cage while the leg is healing to reduce movement. How should I handle a guinea pig with a hind leg injury? Although most limps need veterinary attention, there are a few first aid measures you can perform at home if your cat begins to hobble around. Excessive swelling and deep lacerations are symptoms of serious leg injuries that need veterinary treatment. however she is limping very noticeably and lifting it off the ground when standing. My dog is a 5 month old Labrador retriever and is limping when he is walking and I don't know why and how did it happened, he seems to still be energetic and still jumps on people. Do not allow him to climb on anything and take away his wheel. 82.3k members in the guineapigs community. Limping can sometimes be a sign of wet tail, so check his bottom to see if it's dirty or wet. I empathize with you. Including the finger up the bum. My guinea pig hurt his leg when he go in a play tube and was too fat to get out. donko Junior Member. I have a 1 year old American short haired guinea pig who has both rear legs possibly hurt this morning. pig. I've been to the vets she got a pain relief injection and the medication to take for a week. Any cracks, sore, etc., spray with antiseptics/medicated spray daily. You could request an oral analgesic (pain medication) from your vet, which should help if it is a soft tissue injury. Never give people medications to your Pug. 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