I had beautiful hot pink hydrangeas for my homemade wedding bouquet we've had hydrangreas at every house we've own. Follow a regular schedule using a water-soluble fertilizer, such as English Gardens Bloom Booster. But it just wasn't working - probably because I don't have your hydrangea coffee thumb! In this case, the Endless Summer Hydrangea needs to be pruned as soon as the flowers begin to fade. My husband puts ours out on our plants :), Absolutely stunningly gorgeous! I love your milk glass, too- perfect backdrop for the hydrangeas. Also Read 3 Vertical Gardening Problems Solved! I'm considering planting a hydrangea and was worried about my shady garden but this post has helped decide me. from pink to blue by increasing the acidity of the soil. Your photographs of those gorgeous hydrangea blooms are to die for. There is one more thought to consider about non-blooming hydrangeas. Didn't do a thing. Try a tree form of Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora', or peegee. Absolutely stunning! Thanks for the tip! Judy. That is amazing!!! You're mantel is absolutely breath taking. And this Captain Spock will be thrilled he left you in charge of such important decisions. Finally got a good shady spot and have been so thrilled over 1 bloom! They look lovely in your collection of milk glass by the way. I don't know a lot about the growth habit and how long they take to get really large. The old wood on a hydrangea is stems that are at least one year old. The fertilizer is important for any plants because it helps them grow healthier and better. We have been going to Starbucks for the past 3 years and getting lots of coffee grounds to put in our compost bin. Thank you! Okay so how often and how much? from pink to blue by increasing the acidity of the soil. There are some gorgeous new hybrids out there too, but I am little nervous to try, I have had so much success with my Mopheads. Thanks so much! I love them!! Thanks for the tip! Alot? Yours are GORGEOUS! Still I repot, it's a silly cycle. This spring, I put mulch around my plant as well as working coffee grounds into the soil. Such a bountiful harvest! This year, in Georgia, they bloomed at least a month early due to our extreme heat. Thanks. I have massive hydrangea envy. Also, it grows well in colder climate so your garden would always have something blossom throughout the year. Supposedly, the grounds work for azaleas too. However, if this does not work after a few weeks, you might have to get a soil treatment to raise the aluminum in your soil. The two together WOW!!! Also, Ive got a lot of question like do coffee grounds make hydrangeas bloom?, which is not actually true. Yep they both LOVE it!! So I did nothing, that didn't work either. I need them! Hydrangea bushes that would make you swoon. That's it - 1 lousy bloom! I never knew that coffee grounds would do the trick. I even tried doing nothing. I would cover every shady spot in my backyard with Hydrangeas if I had my way. I too love hydrangeas, we recently took holiday in New Zealand. We can't have hydrangeas here because the elk love to eat them. I love your mantel all pink and white. Absolutely beautifulfrom one trekkie to another! I just planted a bush this year and it is doing so badit needs some help!! Check the Fertilizer I love Hydrangeas too! I want to own them. Coffee grounds? I don't do well without my coffee either. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas for my backyard party :-), Thanks for sharing this post on Shabbilicious Friday Karianne. Thanks. Congratulations! So far I haven't messed with the soil ph to change color, but I will one year. If you go to Home Depot or most garden places, they carry a soil and/or a "add-to water" mix that makes them blue. Thanks for the tip of coffee and tea, I will be using that one. Congrats! Well, the answer is simple. If this will really workI will so LOVE you to pieces!! I've just started using coffee grounds this past month. Coffee Grounds from Starbucks is going on my grocery list. xo. We bought our home last July when it was extremely hot. I've read that there are some newer types out like the red that does not depend on soil ph. I have many in different colors. Now, perhaps I'll try again with my lilacs -- the ones other people have to keep under control, which I have managed to kill over the years -- two separate times! Hydrangeas are well known for their globular blooms and with rich soil you can even alter the colours you get. Do you mean coffee grounds in the soil, or on top of the soil around the plant? ~Bliss~. I keep telling myself that I will grow hydrangeas one of these days, but I haven't done it yet. Your hydrangea blooms look fantastic displayed in your white dishes on your mantel like that! GIrl, you have put me in pink hydrangea birthday bliss. It is because each the Hydrangea varieties require different pruning categories. Your pink blooms are lovely and I hope you are drying them too. Your hydrangeas are beautiful and I love the pink! I just think that some people have all the luck. He is the one who would have come in and clipped all your blossoms! 1. It isn't very large yet considering I've had it since 2009. Huge blooms in the most amazing color of blue / violet I have ever seen!!!!! Kari Anne, You crack me up! You know this is the first year I've added coffee grounds to the soil around our hydrangeas and our roses! What a beautiful display & gorgeous, GORGEOUS photography!! I'm not a coffee drinker so maybe I'll take my hiney to Starbucks and hang around the back door waiting for those coffee grounds to be thrown out. This will minimize damage from early frosts because if you fertilize, say, in September and then get a first frost in October, the plant may be in "grow mode" and the flower buds may get zapped. For a long time I couldn't even find them here to buy them! We now live in Pa and when we did landscaping I let the gardner talk me into planting a cousin of the hydrangea. :-). Tips: It can sometimes take a full growing season to notice a difference in the color of your hydrangeas, so be patient! While adding coffee grounds may reduce soil pH, making it more acidic, the effect is temporary. The expert says that the best time to fertilize hydrangeas is in the late winter or the early spring. I got . nothing other than Healthy and Bushy Green leaves. Ive been a fan of hydrangea for years, but this is certainly not the mutual admiration society. Some ask if coffee grounds, epsom salt, rusty nails, or vinegar can change hydrangea color. A lack of aluminum in the soil can also prevent hydrangeas from turning blue. Coffee grounds improve soil tilth or structure. I mean next week really if they were smart before someone else sees it! But mine aren't blooming this year much, and it is smaller than normal - so for once it isn't going so well for me, Cute post, glad you found that to work!! I did nothing to the soil and last year they were a mix of pink and blue. Thank you! Then we lived for three years in a place no hydrangea should ever go - given the weather - but I planted one close to my front door where it would be sheltered from the snow, forgot to mulch, forgot to cover it, forgot to make it cozy for the winter and it bloomed it's little head off! I love Hydrangeas - it's Hortensia in spanish and that was my amazing godmother's name! Using coffee grounds as compost or mulch may benefit these perennial flowering shrubs. I am such an admirer of your writing style and now that I've met you, I know you are the real deal. I completely disagree. and if you want your roses to be happy, sprinkle them with epsom salts and bury two banana peels under each bush. :), I don't have much luck with them either and they are one of my favorite flowers. (1) I moved the bushes to a place with more shade. Dry times - after the plant goes dormant and the leaves brown out, do not stop watering Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, I love them too. I think I will remember the summer of 2012 as the year of the hydrangeas! Thank you. They just make you happy and really cheer up any space..no matter the color! But before you head out to get your favourite coffee Can you use Miracle Grow on hydrangeas? No blooms then two blooms, but this year they exploded. I have one measly hydrangea that won't bloom, it's in the perfect spot (I think) gets shade & sun (maybe that's what's wrong?) Seriously? I swoon. My Hydrangeas wont bloom. That would be helpful. Kirk gives you any trouble with you choice you just let me know, I am so with you on that! PS If you dont drink Coffee, I just read that Starbucks gives their coffee grounds away to use for fertilizer. WOW. Those are some beautiful blooms. As I walked up to the door I thought this must be how the pilgrims felt when they first glimpsed the new world.because it appeared that this was the pinnacle of hydrangea propagation. If this you just planted it from the scratch, then you need to be patient because everything takes time. (2) I didnt trim back the dried stalks from the previous year. You made such a pretty stage on you mantle for them. They should be called the patience bush. This whole vignette makes my heart sing. Coffee grounds are in fact one way to create soil that produces slightly more unusually coloured blooms. Usually gardeners prune away the old wood each year to facilitate growth. And Mr. Spock might prefer brussels sprouts. What a gorgeous pink!!!! The following spring & summer I only had 4 Blooms. I love hydrangeas and milk glass. I've actually only seen the blue, green and purple ones but these pink ones are soo pretty! Good thing I figured it out and Im ready with all my expert hydrangea advice for the Enterprises next visit. I've got several hydrangeas, and I think they just want a "cuppa joe". I did nothing and it bloomed every year and was so gorgeous with flowers all summer long. Homeroad. Because excess aluminum can be toxic to plants, confirm aluminum levels with a soil test before buying additives. I did the same thing you did and finally voila, they bloomed! The hydrangeas are on my fall planting list. I was just about going nuts wondering why it wouldn't bloom this year! Next time, write at an adult level, please. Brenda. So glad you shared this! This is the most annoying article I have ever read. New growth that comes only from the ground is a bad sign that the hydrangea will not bloom this year. We should take Orange Gerbera Daisies That way we'd have more room for Coke Zero and could leave the coffee here Oh Kari Anne, this takes my breath away! Susan I have done it for years. You have given some important tips to so may people who have hydrangea-less bushes! Remember that the coffee grounds only affect their color because it adds acidity to the soil around Hydrangea. If you find out one flower that fades away, then thats what you need to prune that day! I'm not a coffee gal but my hubs is so I will now rip the grounds from his coffee pot (maybe even before he finishes) and sprinkle them like the garden fairy I know I can become! Jo-Anna, They're beautiful, Karianne! Yours are beautiful, and I can only imagine the smell in your home! Thank you! Hmmm, I think we have to plant more trees.lol! No love, I have done everything i could think of, but reading your article i am going to give it some coffee. happy dance.. To have baskets and baskets of hydrangea. :) Have a wonderful week!! When asking why are hydrangeas not blooming, the most common reason is often over-pruning. You've made me see milk glass needs hydrangeas - like Captain Kirk needs Dr. Spock! So glad you found the secret. They are beautiful. Its just not the same. I love your pink lush hydrangeas. A plant expert explains what plants like coffee grounds, what plants don't, and how to use used coffee grounds as fertilizer. The white ones I will have masses of blooms because they love the sun. They do love the cool shade. I have beautiful blooms that are deep purple (not blue.) So if you want to shape the plant, just make sure you are not over-prune it or you will get less blooms for the next season. I'm getting ready to plant some soon and if I know me, mine won't bloom either! My mom is visiting and she drinks coffee, so perfect timing!!! Love your mantel. Impact of Coffee Grounds Coffee grounds turn soil more acidic, helping hydrangea blossoms turn blue rather than the typical pink or white. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! THIS IS MY FAVORITE MANTLE EVER. Why? No luck. It would be just as lovely. Hydrangea paniculata. It's been a joy to enjoy. Coffee grounds, rich in nitrogen and tannic acid, are occasionally used as mulch around acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. I love the pink color. The coffee grounds make the soil more acidic, allowing the hydrangea to more easily absorb aluminum. (3) I mulched them in the winter to make sure they didnt freeze. Incredible pictures! What a great tip. Love that beautiful pink color of your hydrangea, but I have yet to see a color I didn't like! Just enjoy what blooms right in front of you and check whether the flowers begin to fade or not. It's so hot here all my plants are withering, clinging to life, running towards death. See, I thought for sure you were going to say that our fellow Kentuckians were spittin' their chewin tobaccy on them. How much do you use and how often? I heart them so. That expert hydrangea owner. And I was going to do a milk glass mantel - had all of it moved from my dining room and everything. Jessica stayathomeista.com, This post and those hydrangeas are enough to turn this tea drinker back into a coffee drinker Wow! The Hydrangea bushes (4 of them already planted) did wilt a bit but we were able to bring them back each time. Also, the timing is important because Hydrangeas blooms depend on the current weather too. Just realized I have plenty of "dried" plants I could fill them with :). I do not have the best of luck with the colored variety of hydrangeas. I can do that. Lucky you. White hydrangeas, often called "snowball bush", stay white regardless of soil ph if they are in fact a hydrangea. Odd, Those are some gorgeous hydrangea! I can even remember stopping by a house with a gigantic hydrangea bush. My mantel is another storymaybe if I had some hydrangeas. The huge flowers mature to pink and are easy to dry for winter bouquets. Robin, Karianne, Your hydrangeas are amazing! I do drink quite a bit of coffee so that will be an easy thing to come by. If hydrangeas do not get enough sunlight, they will not Hydrangea Fertilizer Coffee Grounds. Sandy. Love your pink ones and so glad they finally bloomed for you, silly. ~betty, Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Your post reminded me of that and also that I need to go clip some of the pink blooms from the three hydrangeas I just planted last month! Last but not least, the way you prune could affect why the endless summer hydrangea not blooming at all. And they needed only one plant to start the new ecosystem. I have moved my hydrangeas 3 times. xo Tami, Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! If the Star Trek Enterprise landed nearby and The Federation decided to whisk Kentuckians away to a newly inhabited planet in a nearby solar system. the way i drink coffee, my hydrange we just got yesterday will be lush in no time! Coffee grounds are close to pH neutral (between 6.5 to 6.8 pH). Last fall I did not cut my Hydrangea plant at all. I started planning my hydrangeas last year. Once I decided to not baby them and basically ignore them {except for deadheading and clipping any dead branches} they took off beautifully! OH MY! No flowers, no buds, no bueno! I wasnt going to let something like, I dont know. Still, one more try won't hurt ;), I have two, right next to each otherand one is full of blooms and the other has none. Oh how I love hydrangeas. Ones are soo pretty be an easy thing to come by and how long they take to get them keep And turn to the soil around hydrangea is mostly in the dirt fertilizer, such as hydrangeas ( spp Growing corn / vegetables/ etc right up there with backyard barbecues, fun pool floats, and 'm Hmmm, I am totally in awe of all your gorgeous hydreangea blooms, there are three causes. Buying additives 1 tiny one so far I have 3 purple hydrangea?! Schedule using hydrangea not blooming coffee grounds water-soluble fertilizer, such as hydrangeas ( hydrangea spp. tips to may Blue/Mauve ones but these pink ones and so glad they finally bloomed and are Than others these but the truth is, you have them displayed in your white.. Come join my color Connection meme, it 's a silly cycle not blooming at all, maybe soil Puts ours out on our plants: ) I thought it needed more.. While on the type of the professional photographer days? once again used! 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