And for your last question, the filter and water changes should help with that, I wouldn’t use a product to remove ammonia. We used the special cleaner to suck up the debris from the gravel and changed half the water, and filter and wiped down the tank. Larger aquariums over 55 gallons generally need a powerhead to generate strong enough suction for the UGF to work efficiently. We are really worried for our fish and would love to hear from you if you can suggest us and provide any help. They are perfect for the delicate betta, and also have the added benefit of oxygenation. Ammonia should ideally always be at 0ppm. Is this usual? It’s impossible to keep debris from them. Hi Bryan. Have a done much damage? His fins started looking raggedy (kind of stringy) in the last 1-1/2 months. All comments are moderated and will not be visible until they are approved. An undergravel filter doesn’t have messy sponge filters or cartridges to wash or replace. stress indicators, cleaning substrate, tank, ornaments, plants, algae-build up, or any water parameter or ammonia spikes). For example, if your tank is 5 gallons, consider a filter rated for 1-3 gallons. You also get two extra-large uplift columns, generous lengths of the airline, and air stones. Also, you need to make sure to acclimate him to the new water and temp of the new tank, and ensure the new tank is heated as well. Am I missing anything?? Before you make your decision on filtration, make sure you fully read and understand the pros and cons of each. Do you recommend I turn everything off at night to give him rest or should I keep everything on 24/7? I assume that tank was a lot larger in size, had lots of hiding places and likely had other species in there as well so the two bettas weren’t always in visual contact with each other. The problem with that arrangement is that the cartridges typically don’t remain effective for more than a few days before they require replacement. Hello! Also, when doing small water changes can you over do it on water conditioner? Undergravel systems are cheap to purchase and run. I have been doing 25% changes twice per week. Your site has been a wealth of information. Is the filter producing too much current and stressing him out? I have had my betta for 3 months now. My fish HATES this filter, he won’t swim near it and freaks out if he gets caught in the output water because it moves him around, and I really don’t want him to be stressed. The first thing to try is limiting the flow of your filter if it’s adjustable (try the lowest setting). Clamped fins are a sign of stress from the water parameters (ammonia, pH etc. Do I need to make sure all debris is gone from the rocks at all times? I bought ‘Moonlight’ last july as a baby. Not so! How did they get along when they were in the pet store? Another quick fix which will also protect your betta fish is placing a pre-filter sponge on the intake tube to restrict water uptake and ultimately output. Just monitor and make sure it’s not keeping your betta swimming constantly, or leading to fin damage. I wanted to ask you for this particular aquarium would you have a link to what a sponge-style filter with the air pump looks like? The more items you place in the tank, the more water is displaced. I encourage you to get a larger tank when you can, and for the immediate future I would just turn off the filter while you feed your betta. Is the tank heated and filtered? He is in a fish bowl. I have him in a 10 gallon tank and use the Here’s my guide on acclimation, if you need it. A sponge filter is very easy to set up and allows for both mechanical and biological filtration. The water will be cooked out this way. The only thing that happened now is that one tank started to grow green algae on the walls of the tank. It would be better if the tanks were larger, however, I would recommend a sponge filter with aeration for that size tank and not the HOB filter because it will likely be too strong and cause more problems in a small habitat. Stick around, you'll learn a lot. Let’s start by understanding a betta’s natural habitat, living in rice paddies and shallow bodies of water. Any thoughts on some snails or some type of shrimp that will be fine in a filterless tank? Marimo moss balls will definitely help to remove and process some waste. His tank is unfiltered and has no plants in it. Using your current filter could definitely be an option. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks, Kim! One of the most common ailments in small unfiltered tanks is fin and tail rot. Also wondering what type of thermometer I could position on the glass maybe to make sure indeed the water is at 78 average? And remember to acclimate your betta back into the tank’s new water to prevent shock. The biological filtration element can be supercharged by adding a layer of filter sponge or floss over the filter plates, beneath the substrate. I have read that certain aquatic plants are effective as a “natural filter”. That innovation can be used in marine, brackish, and freshwater tanks too. We recommend adding an air stone to the inside of the sponge filter to lessen the bubbling noise and make the filtration more efficient. It appears to be a very mild current. Alison Page has been an avid fish keeper for over 35 years and has owned many different species of freshwater tropical fish including bettas. Sponge filters are great, I would leave it in. I was wondering if you could recommend the best filter for this size tank due to my 3 year old saying she wants her betta again. As a general rule of thumb, when you place your filter plate under three inches of gravel, the flow rate that you need from your pump is at least 60 GPH (gallons per hour). I did put a fern but want my betta to have enough space to swim. Black racer snails or mystery snails are good options. After 2 days the water seems to be almost clear again. Unless you have an external canister filter or sump that’s hidden underneath your aquarium in the cabinet, you’ll have a bulky, ugly box filter on view in your tank. I’m a true novice. Bryan. This UGF can be used in marine and freshwater aquariums, the materials used are strong and built for longevity, and the system is easy to set up and maintain. That’s not the case with a UGF. I am rushing to get the right supplies for these guys before something even more awful happens. The system comes with two slatted filter plates that you place underneath the gravel on the bottom of your tank. We did two treatments, and have done two 25% water changes. Most vets don’t specialize in fish, so I’m not sure I can help you there, but I think with a little care we can get him back on track. Thanks, Stefi – the 14-gallon will be okay as long as it’s got some hiding places and plants as you said you’re going to add. Over time, that blockage disrupts the passage of water across the bacteria in the substrate and down through the filter plates, depriving the bacteria of oxygen and creating pockets of foul water. Also, doing 20-30% water changes a couple times a week will drastically improve your water quality too in between the weekly change. Heated with an old style rock/sponge filter. After he passed I got another Betta but for some reason he seems to be putting out more waste than the other did so I was looking to get him tank mates of some kind to help keep it clean. These claims are false and can lead to your betta merely surviving. I recommend 2.5-gallons as the minimum size for a betta fish habitat, and power filters only in tanks that are 3-gallons or larger because of strong current concerns. Don’t forget to include hiding spots that inside break up the current and allow it to be relatively still to allow them to have areas they can rest. Nathalie. The filter plates are suitable for use in a regular size tank of 10” x 19” and are designed to be used with a gravel substrate. Hi there. Of the various types of filter systems that are available today, the undergravel filtration system is regarded as somewhat old-fashioned and is often passed over in favor of more complicated technical systems. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In high quantities, these can begin to stress and make your betta sick. After reading the section below, you’ll quickly realize why filtered tanks can be more beneficial for betta fish and easier to maintain. Effortless setup and easy maintenance make this premium undergravel filter a must have for all home aquariums. Also, isn’t 3 gallons quite small for a Betta fish? Water quality, however, quickly declines in low volume unfiltered tanks. So many questions! One of the best and most inexpensive options for smaller tanks are sponge filters (on the left). I was told that they would be fine with a hiding spot, plants, substrate. The super-strong material means that the filter plate won’t degrade if you use it in a marine or brackish tank. You will likely be happier in the long-run than trying to piece together items. Thank you for any info. I have a 10 gallon tank with pathos vines, 1 betta and 2 snails. Him not moving as much lately may be related to his age. Thank you for all the help! If your heater has a built-in thermostat and the switching of the lights means it’s either heating or not, then that’s normal. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to be doing daily water changes of 20% to keep the water clean, clean. He has recently been seeming sad and not moving as much. I got Moonlight as a baby and he is growing well however not sure the heater works great as it keep changing the light red to green. I have been reading your website extensively, and scouring the internet for info on our Betta fish. The materials that are used to make the filter plates are tough and robust, so you can use the system with marine and brackish tanks, as well as freshwater setups. That is a big upgrade in size from what he is used to. If it’s not an adjustable flow, then you can have it close to a wall or break onto a structure. The filter plates come in four separate units that you clip together for the perfect fit. It only measures 3.9 x 2.8 x 5.5 inches and weighs a paltry 12 ounces. After a dismal and frustrating experience with some carnival goldfish, I’m researching so I and any fish I get have a better experience. He does not seem so stress but still. So now I read that I should not do that because that bacteria is actually good for them, right? I would still feed the beta properly. Sure you can, and filtration is up to you, as long as you stay up on proper maintenance a filter isn’t ‘required’, Hi! I bought a new rio 50 pump after reading info on people who have the same aquarium. An undergravel filter consists of one or several flat or slightly graded, plastic plates that are pierced with small holes or slits. We got a 2-gallon tank because it was in our price range, with some lovely plants and hiding places. Undergravel filter systems are typically the cheapest option when compared with the likes of canister filters, box filters, and most HOB systems. Betta fish like filtered tanks because they do best in stable water parameters. As a bonus, you’re provided with two carbon filter cartridges that keep the water crystal clear and free from the unpleasant, sulfurous smell that sometimes afflicts UGFs. The Penn Plax UGF is one of the most popular undergravel systems that you can buy. It’s been a couple months now and he is still very immobile, to the level that he only swims now to come to the top when we provide food to him. Is that bad and what do I need to do? Do I need a filter since it is technically bigger then 2.5g? Learn how your comment data is processed. The unit is suitable for use with 40 and 50-gallon aquariums and is made up of four individual filter plates that clip together. I also made sure to clean her filter by placing it in her tank water I had taken aside of (the portion I was going to replace). I have my Betta in a 3g unfiltered tank. Some people also go longer unless algae or other problems arise. I agreed to a fish and am always worrying about something being wrong. Started with a tiny tank then upgraded him to the TopFin BettaFlo tank but found it difficult to see him and clean due to its cylindrical shape. When I tested the water this morning I was surprised that the ammonia level was at 1.0. Their squat bodies and special features like their double-tails, fancy fins, head growths, bubbles, and telescoping eyes are associated with health problems that reduce their longevity and lifespan. I added a heater that keeps temps at 78 and a few plants. If you forget to perform water changes in an unfiltered tank, things can get bad quickly. I have one idea (Some type of clamp on the tubing) but was wondering if you knew of any better ideas or if there was something specific to use. Remember, the change in habitat can cause some initial stress too. We don’t know his exact age as he was adopted but he should be around a year old [6 months with the earlier owner and 6 months with us now]. Do you have a list of all the products I need to set it up? Also am I supposed to change the water every week even with the filter and I have to replace the sponge every 3 months? We recommend purchasing a tank that’s recommended for betta fish and comes with a filtration unit out of the box. Unlike other filtration systems that have an integrated power source and pump, UGFs do not usually come with one included in the kit. Tankarium is reader-supported. If you can, get one that has an adjustable flow rate and consider a pre-filter sponge for the intake tube. Was able to control the current issue and I do testing on her water. It comes with a filter and air pump. I have him n a 5-Gallon Tetra tank with filter and all the trimmings to go with it. I just bought a Betta and put him in the Tetra Half Moon Starter Kit tank (3 gal). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. That’s quite simply because there’s very little that can actually go wrong in a system that has no moving parts. I ran to the computer and read, and read, and tried to identify his illness. I put aquarium rocks in there. I personally own a Fluval Spec V – 5-gallon and feel it’s perfect. It’s also recommended that you take down the tank completely every 18 months or so to remove and rinse the filter plates, clean the tank bottom, and swill the gravel through in aquarium water to remove accumulated muck. Good little personalities. Compared with other filter systems that offer only a few square inches of media on which bacteria can grow, a UGF utilizes the entire floor of your aquarium! Make sure to acclimate them into the new tank (float them in a bag or cup) for 20-30 minutes to get them used to the new tank’s temperature. Did we do enough and will the algae come back? So make sure the snail looks healthy, complete and intact before selecting. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. 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