Riku appeared to attempt a disapproving frown, but the corner of his mouth twitched upward, giving him a crooked and unflattering grin. She sat back on the edge of the bed and cradled the jar in her lap. It wasn’t any use trying to fight her about it. It was probably about three in the morning when Roxas got up and crept into Sora’s room, crawled over the lump in the middle of the bed, and tucked himself into the crevice between the lump and the wall. He’s like, ten,” said another. It went ignored. Lea returned his eyes to the TV. Xion left her own shoes neatly by the door. If you didn’t kill anyone, it’s probably fixable. He feared the pain of that thread being pulled too taut. Riku tapped at his thigh impatiently before he returned to press something into his palm--a stack of seed packets held together by an old rubber band. Instead of taking a sip, Larxene tossed a portion of her beer into the fire, causing it to hiss and flare while everyone else hooted. “I don’t think I’ve been a good friend, Roxas,” he announced suddenly. There aren’t a lot of posts yet; yours was the only one in my feed and I kept seeing it pop up and disappear, so I figured you must be somewhere nearby.”, “I never knew high school freshmen could be so creepy.”. The sun looked terribly small and distant, like it really was the size of a quarter and she could just blot it out with her thumb. “I’m almost twelve,” Roxas informed them. “Hand that over,” said Axel just as she was about to pocket it. Riku scrunched up his face when Kairi tried the same. Make better Twitch Clips by using this Chrome Extension. And who introduced you and gave you that bad music for your birthday?”. “Well if we come home empty handed looking all freaked out she’ll be suspicious, but if I… come home bleeding she’ll… be distracted…” He trailed off and sighed into his other hand. This is more about teenagers than it is about the end of the world. “I might as well have shot him in the head,” Lea replied. left door unlocked in case u forgot house keys. Kairi rolled her eyes and shot Riku a look. “Get a clue, Roxas. In barely legible text, the title read I Hate My Friends. “I’m glad you guys could make it,” Roxas said. Everyone was nice to each other the first couple months… then some kind of switch flipped and they suddenly thought destroying crap was super funny.”, ” She growled, ignoring the sweaty fingers holding her back. Lea held his breath. Axel fumbled with something in the pocket of his vest. Sora hovered over her shoulder and tentatively placed a hand on her back, hoping the gesture felt reassuring. You can join the next round,” Pence offered. “Yeah?” Sora answered, staring at the spot on the back of Riku’s neck where his curtain of sheepdog-hair separated and left it bare. It was going to change in an hour, and it was going to keep changing until he died, and then it was going to keep changing long after that. The album art is all you really need to know about it in regards to this chapter. she thought. There was long, long, period of silence between them, with Roxas’ sniffling being the only noise in the house besides the constant hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen. He wondered when they started believing that they shouldn’t need anyone. “If you guys do get hungry, don’t eat from the dishes at the top of the fridge… It’s You can see the two little puncture marks.” She rewrapped the gauze and cotton pad around his arm. But Xion saw a dark sort of understanding in his eyes, and instead he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and said, “Let’s go outside.”. He almost disappeared into shadow, only a silhouette against the porch light falling through the shuttered blinds. Someone must’ve just really got off on seeing The Purge.” She shook her head and began to jog again, but this time she allowed him to keep pace with her. He could continue up the foothills, but he knew that no matter which route he took passing the cemetery was inevitable. “I wanna talk in the backyard.”, He was hardly comfortable sitting outside on the concrete porch--his tailbone hurt and his ass was frozen--but that wasn’t the issue. For the briefest moment, there was something wet on his cheek. “My high school?” Naminé echoed. Sora liked to run south towards the mountains, down where the rich people lived in the neighborhoods that were too posh for sidewalks or streetlamps, and sometimes they’d run up the hill to the coffee shop and get something to drink. “So what’s with the laptops, really?” Xion mumbled from the floor, the sensation of blood in her head beginning to feel like TV static. I have,” she mumbled slowly. The skateboard sound grew louder, heralding a boy in a collared jacket and distressed (ever too baggy) jeans, shock of unruly blonde hair swept across his forehead. Just put your shoes on,” Lea groaned and herded his friends out the door. But--it was good, and with his mouth numb and the smell in his nose, his mind retrieved for him a memory crystallized among the scent of coffee and the clink of ceramic drinkware under the murmur of conversation and the warmth of sunlight through a window. It was gross, disgusting, awful--every manner of bad Roxas could think of, but he was on a mission from god to drink that can as fast as he could and that was what he was gonna do. No. So he kept the feeling to himself. For an agonizingly long time, they sat together in silence until Roxas--who had just woken up and still in his pajamas with sleep crusted over his eyes--wandered all too noisily into the living room. He wanted to give their clothes away; we’d never fit into them anyway, we’re both too short. Without putting her shoes on, she braved the freezing sidewalk to march up to him barefoot and cross her arms. By the time Sora was out of the shower she had the pelts in a pile on the kitchen counter and two tupperware tubs of meticulously divided meat--one placed in the fridge and the other in the freezer. Balled up tissue paper littered the surface of her blankets. Maybe if she stared hard enough, she could make herself clip through it and out of her current plane of existence. Suddenly he was aware of his hands and how he, wanted to wrap his arms around Riku’s chest and squeeze him, but--, The voice belonged to a man—oh jesus fuck, it was an adult. “Oh, Roxas,” she said in a much gentler tone. Sora noticed that some of them carried baseball bats just as he witnessed one of them swing a bat through the window of a car parked across the street. Its round mouth to grow teeth, like a leech or lamprey? Stupid, stupid, stupid. All of a sudden she was being pulled awkwardly over the couch and into the ( very nice smelling ) cardigan of Naminé, head resting against her warm shoulder, fair hair and wool tickling her cheek. I swear I’ll make sure you have a good week. You look a million miles away.”. “You’re not gonna stone me with that, are you?”, “I’m makin’ a wish. She shivered despite the warmth of her jacket. Xion could see that his eyes were a deep shade of jade, stark in contrast to his red hair, narrow and catlike. He knew that glint in her eyes. He’d known the both of them for so long that he could imagine life without them as well as he could imagine life without Roxas, who had only granted Sora three minutes of being an only-child before joining him in the waking world. Kairi planted her hands on her hips. You’re back early.” She greeted him with an energetic pat on the shoulder. She continued to stare ahead without making any sound of acknowledgement. Sora sat himself in one of the thrones and rested his backpack between his feet. Roxas wasn’t sure what he’d expected—maybe a new outlook on life and a sense of authority—but turning thirteen felt very much like every other birthday, though it did come with a sort of fanfare in the form of Sora bursting into his room early in the morning and pouncing on the bed, shouting, “Roxas! He drew closer still, until he was tip-toeing into the rubble. He silently blessed his plain brown hair for holding his camouflage and held his breath as he fetched an arrow from his quiver and began to draw it. The storefronts that stood challenging each other along the aisle had been closed and stripped of signage long enough before the mall was abandoned that Sora could not remember what used to be there. When he’d gotten all ingredients in one pot and pulled the lid over it to let it simmer, Riku sat himself in a kitchen chair while Sora paced circles in the living room. Roxas sat himself on the adjacent couch, ignoring his blatant display of “don’t bother me.”, Zexion rolled his eyes, but answered him anyway. I see you.”. “Sometimes, There were things she was allowed, and one thing she wasn’t. It was specifically to build a treehouse, he informed her, and she hid her lips behind her fingers as her eyes went dewy. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. “Speak of the devil.”. She was prolonging her cold, Riku said. He sat up and shoved his feet into the pair of slippers he kept by the bed and slipped on the sweatshirt draped over a chair before treading out into the living room. “These are both for you. Even my own mom still let me eat lunch.”, “Terra was actually the one who insisted he feed me. Lea was waiting for them at the door, swinging it open before Roxas could knock a second time. She’d always found it funny that Sora acted. She gestured to the jar in Xion’s lap. Follow Newsbeat on Instagram , Facebook , Twitter and YouTube . Maybe we can even get hammered.”, “I can’t believe you’re like this. And I don’t have a high school yearbook.”, Xion scanned the crowd of grimacing pubescent faces but failed to recognize any of them. talk Think of it as a second birthday party.”, “Okay. She returned to the kitchen in dry clothes and eyed the pomegranates she’d left on the kitchen table. Then she shuffled around the second floor bathroom organizing the medicine cabinet. Put your shoes on. that were stronger than they had any right to be. You okay?” She thought she heard something that sounded like her name, but it was very quiet. He threw his head back in another groan. Xion squinted at it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He didn’t wait for Riku to say goodbye; instead, he shoved the dolly away and allowed it to roll somewhere further down the parking lot where it was probably doomed to sit forever, rusty and forlorn, and turned away. But who’s to say whether we’re distracting ourselves or not.”. “Let’s get out of here,” Sora said. Suddenly he was aware of his hands and how he Naminé let go of Xion’s hand to gesture at her face. Xion made her way down the stairs and greeted him with a hug. This guy doesn't want to work for a living but he has no problem taking your money in donations. Xion didn’t think she had anything interesting to say, but she talked anyway. “Aw. Xion emptied the contents of her pockets onto the ground. I dunno, Terra, he’s fifteen. pleased I wish my boyfriend was more romantic. I feel like…” He glanced away for a moment. Roxas gingerly seated himself at the other end, leaving a foot of space between them. Kairi made you some ginger tea.”. Sora stuck his lip out at her. He felt Riku smiling against his lips, and the smile grew wider until he started to laugh, too. me. The knot in his chest seemed to come undone all at once and he was… tickled. Ventus lifted his face from his mug. Shut up. Royal frosting was good for only a delicious minute until the powdered sugar taste overwhelmed everything else. They left the rope swing behind them. “Good fucking luck, at this point you’re stuck with me the rest of your life.” Roxas watched him select Fountain of Dreams for the fifth time. His eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were blotchy. Again thank u so much for all the feedback!!! Roxas said something about needing to go home. He climbed the three or so steps to the stage like it hurt him. “My lips are sealed.”. “What the fuck was that for? Then he was back, the memory just an apparition he saw manifest itself in that kitchen only for an instant. The lump was awake; it rolled over and shed its blanket so that Roxas could see his brother’s face emerge from under it. Her bad mood, however, seemed to have disappeared for the time being. Their noses were terribly close. Naminé’s eyes grew glassy. The PS2 must have belonged to one of those someones. But immediately the deer began to sway and its legs buckled, and it collapsed. Riku crossed his arms and chewed his cheek. Somehow Demyx had managed to find the only beach in California that was empty on a Saturday afternoon in March. Whether or not it all really started on a Monday, that’s the way he remembered it. Hidden somewhere in the fog, a mourning dove cried. Riku was calling him as he closed the door to Kairi’s room behind him. The green, glowing eyes of the wolf G’mork? It took them longer than they thought it would because Sora’s arms got tired quickly and by the time they’d finished stuffing all of the lumber in the car, his limbs felt like they were floating an inch away from the rest of his body. This is so good and so well written but this is getting weird. Riku sat down. It died anyway, of course. He’d sat with him at the doctor’s office for too long, shoulder-to-shoulder, while Sora stared dazedly straight ahead. It clattered to the floor, where it proceeded to roll under the row of seats and fizzle out. “No, I’m not. Lock the door if you decide to go out,” he told her, and then Xion was all alone in the house before she could ask to join them. He could still see his jaw growing red and swollen, and the mass of scratches etched onto his skin when he wriggled out of his shirt. ‘Night, Rox. And we're in love with all of itWhat can we say, what can we say? “Your hand--” She’d noticed that he’d removed the bandages at some point. “Get ready, ‘cause when I say ‘go,’ I need you to wriggle outta there like the fastest snake on the goddamn planet,” he said. They held their party at the local pool, not even renting out the pool house, just lounging  on the reclining chairs and eating potato chips from the edge of the water. Scattered amid the empty storefronts, fallen skylights, and dark corners were candy machines he believed had not once been refilled between now and his birth. It wasn’t Roxas’ fault. Tree for a break in words. She groaned and pawed at it helplessly as Lea held her back with his hand in her face. What’s the worst thing you’ve seen in an abandoned house?”, Sora opened his mouth, about to tell him the afternoon early last month when he’d entered the master bedroom of a house to find a dead cat curled up in the middle of the bed and it had bothered him so much that Roxas had to sit with him outside on the curb for a half hour while he cried. It was just Xion at the pool ledge now. It was a desolate and melancholy place. “No thanks. Roxas stuffed his phone under his pillow, rolled onto his side, and closed his eyes. My gp had never heard of it and I've never met anyone who had the same problem. She could have been a professional pianist. At some point Sora shuffled out into the backyard where there sat two fruit trees: an orange tree and a persimmon tree. He stood under the awning and ate the muffin as slowly as he could force himself. Xion kept checking her phone. She took a can from the pile every other day or so, and it slowly became nothing special. Fancy. It was almost too dark to see his breath, and his surroundings were illuminated only by the porch light. he wanted to add. His legs were full of jitters and it was unbearable, like when he tried to drink coffee and he was still exhausted but the world was spinning around him at a hundred miles an hour. He removed his shoes and set his skateboard down by the door instead. “S-sorry,” Sora blurted, retrieving the offending hand and clutching it against his chest with the other. Nobody wants Yahoo.”. “Nothing much, really.” Sora fiddled with the zipper of his jacket. Roxas stared at him, exasperated. “We saw the theater, aren’t we done now?”. He gave Kairi a tight squeeze, assured her he wouldn’t be too long, and sprinted across the lawn and down the street. He didn’t really feel like chasing Kairi all over the neighborhood if it wasn’t for fun, but on the other hand, he figured he could use the exercise. “I don’t miss my parents. “Y’know,” he began, drying the stovetop with a towel in big sweeps, “The power really would’ve shut off within a day of not being maintained, but it’s been on this entire time without us having to use the generator. There's a few Roxas-POV chapters in the future, so there'll be more about him and his bad taste in music. “I think it’d be pretty cool to see a space movie by yourself.”. Not very well. Attached was a blurry picture of himself and his brother behind him; they were sitting at the dining room table eating what she assumed to be dinner, but appeared to be bowls of cereal. “Like I said, just a hunch. He held it up to the fire. I hope to see more of this story. When she was not wallowing in the living room she was sitting on the front step with her head in her hands hoping that Roxas might come skating down the sidewalk soon. Your card of the week is the Two of Pentacles reversed. How high was his temperature? She stood in front of him breathing heavily until she calmed down enough to realize that she was uncomfortably sweaty. She actually had to go, so she informed him she would just use the downstairs guest bathroom, though she felt guilty for leaving. “I thought An outburst of dry laughter erupted between them, startling the finches that were chattering amongst themselves upon the fence of a house they’d just walked past. Sora reluctantly slipped off the bed and straightened the blankets under where he’d been sitting. I used to live in this house in the mountains where there aren’t any towns because it’s too rugged. “So, do you think those guys are LARPers whose plot got out of hand?” Said Riku. 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