Ben and Kenji still blame him for the previous day's events, even as Darius tries to get the group together to go kayaking despite the counselor's absence. Dave and Roxie encourage Darius not to give up when he is discouraged about his chances of bonding with the group, encouraging him to pair up with Brooklynn. In season 2, Sammy continues to bond with her fellow campers, most notably Yasmina. The campers barely escape, managing to close the gate behind them. Everyone is slowly waking up early to start finishing the floor of the tree house as they slept on the ground below huddled up. They eventually find the flowers and a vent underneath, signifying electricity and air conditioning, so they keep searching, this time with a more common topic to talk about. They play more games, but Kash uses cheat codes and tactics to win. Upon reaching Lookout Point, which is on top of a mountain, they use the Sky Gondolas to reach the top. Darius and Ben help Mae with Pierce. While they are attacked by a BRAD, a frightened Yaz successfully knocks it into the water. Brooklyn deciding she'll be a mediator between Darius and Kenji, beginning to bridge the gap between the two friends. As Mitch and Tiff begin to argue, Darius tries to formulate a plan with Sammy on how to escape. But for now, they remain friends. They briefly go inside the hall, before coming out of another entrance shortly after which leads to the woods. Brooklynn decided to test Hap's story that he was trying to help them, and that a boat was at the harbor, but insists he remain tied up. Instead of attacking the children, the two hybrids proceed to attack each other. Later, Darius and the campers would make a long trek to the pier, past the destroyed Visitor Center, the now-dead Scorpios rex, and Blue. This season however, shows him to be gullible and easily manipulated (to an extent), as he bonds with Mitch to the point that he refuses to believe that he and Tiffany are up to something, despite the others (Brooklynn in particular) being suspicious. When Bumpy accidentally kicked an empty coffee cup, Brooklynn scrambles to quietly stop the trash from making noise. Although Darius is obviously the most passionate of the campers and the only one interested in dinosaurs. Mitch and Tiff arrive at the watering hole, as Mitch sets his sights on Blue, about to pull the trigger just as Darius scares them off. While initially admiring the penthouse, she becomes serious about finding supplies after Ben remarks that Bumpy is sensing danger. While Kash is on the phone with his boss, Darius removes the wound from Big Eatie she sustained from Pierce during the fight, and is ready to escape in an elevator but stops when Kash gets off the phone. The group and the small dinos are all attacked by a Ceratosaurus, but they escape. Brooklynn and Darius drive quickly through the jungle, heading for the dock where the ship is. As they enjoy a proper breakfast, Mitch promises them that they'll be home in two days after their boat returns from the mainland, and the campers cheer. The two then find a waterfall that appears to have no water. In the episode "Safe Harbor", Brooklynn wears a 2-piece swimsuit, the upper half consists of a model with white and the lower part consists of a pair of blue shorts. Darius agrees to take them somewhere he knows, even as they are called back to camp when Brooklynn and Kenji set off an alarm trying to sneak into the yurt. Darius and Ben reach a spot by a river, where he pulls out a can of gasoline. The campers changed into bathing suits, swam, and cautiously approached the ship. Darius and Sammy start to run, when they notice Rexy approaching. WARNING: Not all islands are paradiseA new season of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is now streaming on Netflix! As the monorail continues to its destination, Darius laments that Jurassic World is not the place he had envisioned and even mentions his father and the group offer their condolences on his loss and his father's death. After the boat gets stuck in kelp, Darius goes in the water to remove it, but gets stuck in the process, and is being tailed by the Mosasaurus. Darius keeps walking until he reaches the fence and finds that the fence is broken. When they go in the elevator, Darius sees the other 5 and then jumps out, much to Kash's anger. But as Darius prepares to take them to the other campers at the dock, Ben hesitates, claiming he doesn't want to leave the island. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. After his father's passing, Darius wanted to fulfill their shared dream of visiting Jurassic World. Darius along with Sammy and Yaz leads the pair to a herd of Brachiosaurus. Unsure what to do, the others turn to Brooklynn to advise, who suggests they destroy the drones. Before bedtime, campers see the herbivorous dinosaurs as they are led to their enclosures, and everyone gets a chance to zip-line and settle into their camp bunks that night. Fredrick Bowman eventually passed away. As the laptop is in the process of deleting all of Wu's research, Kenji, who is losing his patients and concerned for Brooklynn's safety, decides to take the laptop himself and hand it over to Wu, the others realizing that Kenji ran off with the laptop and they chase after him. Back at camp, Mitch and Tiff start packing as they prepare to search for Brooklynn and Kenji. Though Darius assures her that they can build a bigger raft to take her with them, Ben reminds her that even if they do, she won't fit in and must stay behind, just like her recent attempt to leave the island. Fortunately the attack and their escape actually causes them to bond. After Ben runs off too find Bumpy, Darius goes after him, which causes Brooklynn, Kenji, Sammy and Yasmina to head back to the boat. Darius determines that if they could get to the northwest dock, they could find gas for the ship. Brooklynn and Sammy Gutierrez helped carry Yasmina Fadoula while fleeing from the dinosaurs, eventually arriving at Main Street. She tells him that Darius did what he did because she asked him to. The group say goodbye to Ben and hug him, as they decide to set sail as another storm approaches. The following morning, the group finds an invisible wall which opens to reveal a metal hallway, much to their shock. Darius uses tape to temporarily patch up the hole, but the six know this won't hold for long. Brooklyn: It's worse than that. They return to the cable car and use one of the gondolas to create a makeshift bomb at the overlook with the gasoline and light it. After Ben sees something shiny, the six head out to find what it is. However, the other campers in the control room manage to distract her by playing a pre-recorded message, as well as messing with the power settings and a hologram distracts Rexy long enough for Darius and Sammy to escape well and truly. While the campers are still drifting, Darius continues to cover the hole with the tape, the rest worry about not having a dock to disembark since the other one is on the other side of the island, but Kenji indicates that he knows of a private dock. The animal decides to leave to heal from his injuries rather than attempt a confrontation. Brooklynn then sneaks away with Darius and Kenji to the Raptor Paddock to what they assumed to be the Compsognathus pen. The group wanders into a desert as a sandstorm begins to form. Brooklynn and the other two who were left behind run away from Rexy, being chased all the way to Main Street, before the dinosaur gets distracted. Almost a month later, the group managed to make a functional shelter, complete with a working shower, that is safe from most predators. After the campers were saved by Hap, Mitch, and Tiff, Brooklynn tried to talk to Hap, but he harshly rebuked her and nearly stole her keycard. They run into Darius first and warn him. The campers flee back to camp only to find that the Indominus has destroyed the camp. Fortunately, Brooklynn realizes her mistake and apologizes, which leads to Sammy agreeing to work with her again. The group stops when Dave and Roxie get out of the vehicle in search of a Compsognathus that got away and crossed the street. They take Rebel back to Sammy, Yaz and Angel (the Spinoceratops that Sammy found and named). His character is voiced by Paul-Mikl Williams. Song: Kaash Paige - Love Songs She wears a pink jacket with a red tank top underneath (see Season 4 trailer). With Brooklynns life on the line, Kenji realized that he has had a crush on her the entire time and season 4 explores if Brooklynn feels the same way back, all while Yaz plays Kenjis wingman. Darius states that despite missing the plane, they did the right thing. As they prepare to leave, the group gathers up broken pieces of wood to defend themselves, while Darius and Sammy notice a Stegosaurus plaque on the ground. Brooklynn is the only camper to have an unknown last name. The campers successfully enter the tower, as Brooklynn used a pitchfork to pick the lock and climb up, apparently relieved to see that the noise was only a Brachiosaurus. After everyone is reunited, the group runs back to the yacht, Kenji managing to distract the Ouranosaurs with roman candles, while the group tries to cover the hole with duct tape and things from the boat to escape. The three then run to the others, and Mae stops a robotic dog (revealed to be a BRAD) from killing Ben, Yaz, Brooklynn and Kenji. He wears a yellow and black hooded jacket (appears in three episodes of Season 1) which was later replaced by a white t-shirt after leaving it behind at the ruins of the bunkers and he wears it mostly during through Season 1 and 2 while stranded on Nublar. Kenji again puts Darius on the spot to come up with a new plan, and Darius decides to go to the Genetic Lab they had previously visited. When they come across the clinic, the kids start gathering supplies and come across a treasure trove of canned food, even as Darius finds medical supplies for Yaz. According to Hap, she has more sense than Kenji and Ben combined, which seems to be true as seen from the smart decisions she made when regarding Haps loyalty. Just then, the rest of the campers arrive, using vehicles to scare the dinosaurs away from the watering hole. Flying reptiles are hitting the monorail because they are attracted to lights. Brooklynn found a taser prod in a locker and gave it to Yaz as a walking stick. After briefly deliberating on going for the phone or stopping the fight again, he gets the phone and destroys the BRAD. This surprises Darius, but he quickly complies and orders Kenji to come pick him and Sammy up, while he instructs Ben and Yaz to move the dinos away from the watering hole so Mitch and Tiff can't kill them; Lastly, he directs Brooklyn to be his eyes and ears, monitoring everything from the control room. Biography. They run out of fear and hide and then see it with another T. rex. Back at the dock, Darius and Kenji have a conversation on the yacht, with Darius assuring him that Kenji is a good friend to them. The campers ponder the hybrid's possible weaknesses and conclude that the animal has an eye for fire, despite the others' strong doubts that it will work. On their way, they come across a Monolophosaurus. Wu arrives and orders the mercenaries to clear the entrance. Sammy and Yaz volunteer to go with Brooklynn, while Darius and Kenji go to investigate what happened to the water. The next day, Brooklynn confronts the other campers and accuses Sammy of stealing her phone, but Yasmina defends her. They manage to evade him and eventually find and seek refuge in the Genetics Laboratory, finding Eddie, a scientist who had been driven so mad with fear that he had tried to escape the island and the children by driving away in his truck. He is then informed of Roxie and Dave's warnings to stay at the camp. The campers return to the yacht without further incident. Hearing the sirens warning of the evacuation of the park, the campers decide to head to the South Pier to catch the last ferry that leaves in two hours. As they continue on their way, Kenji steps forward and states that he must make decisions as he is leadership material, then quickly delegates all responsibility to Darius. About; British Mark; Publication; Awards; Nominate; Sponsorship; Contact After the incident at Mantah Corp Island, she and the rest of the Nublar Six have kept in contact where it's revealed Brooklynn changed her hairstyle and is currently dating Kenji. Sometime in the year 2015, Darius obtained the Jurassic World VR video game, due to a promotional contest where in the winner would receive a free trip to Jurassic World. Just then, the campers realize that the explosion created an exit passageway, they exit the tunnel branch and run towards the docks only to see that the ferry has already left leaving Darius and the other campers stranded on Isla Nublar and marking the start of Season 2. Unbeknownst to the campers, this was caused by a hybrid called Scorpios rex, created by Dr. Wu and the one Kenji accidentally released from cryogenic sleep in season 2. Darius tells them about the watering hole, how they could get some great pictures because of the variety of dinosaurs. Darius convinced the others that another raft is the only way to get off the island and the group finally decides to do so. Who does Sammy like in camp Cretaceous? However, the two rexes get out of control and attack each other, much to the confusion of Darius, Sammy and Mae, with the latter having a BRAD tranquilize them. The next morning, the campers drive the gyrospheres with the herd. Darius agreed, resting for the night, and waking up in the early morning as he had a sudden inspiration, reaching into his library for background information on how to beat the game. After that Darius and Kenji rush back to camp and the group reunites, as they returned due to being kicked out of the genetics lab because Brookynn had broken into Dr. Henry Wu's office. Ben tries to help a wounded Mae, while the others try to get Kash's phone and call for help. Finding it locked, they realize they have to get out of the train to access it. The six, Mae and Pierce see a group of BRAD-X's, Kash and the CEO of Mantah Corp approach them. At one point, Darius admits that he's struggling with the idea that he's changed so much from all the life or death situations and being forced to choose between a bad choice or a worse choice. The initial attempt failed, sending Brooklynn and the campers into hiding. She had told Mantah Corp no, but had contacted the agent herself, not wanting her family to lose everything. Darius decides to see if there are any medical supplies at a nearby clinic and tells Yaz to rest. In the morning, campers meet their counselors at Gyrosphere Valley, to get up close to a herd of dinosaurs as park staff lead them out to cool pastures. The storm begins, causing Bumpy to flail and run, even as the group hears a distant howl, and they retreat to the safety of the camp. Brooklynn and Kenji take the Spinoceratops Brooklynn and Yaz found, per Yaz's advise. However, Kenji and the others put too much pressure on Brooklynn who freaks out. Elsewhere, the Scorpios rex attacks a group of Parasaurolophus near the camp, when the rain begins. Luckily Darius and the group manage to get away. The Brachiosaurus that was saved by Ben runs off and is caught by some BRAD-X's and taken to Kash and Darius, where Kash injects the control chip in to control the dinosaur, much to Ben's and Darius's horror. After Kenji turns the power off, Kash leads Darius to the Med bay. The group goes to the observation deck to try to see which animal the sound came from. They come across a group of Compsognathus, as the campers descend and argue amongst themselves. Unfortunately, the Spinosaurus chases them away. Darius and Sammy lead Mitch and Tiff to Main Street. After Wu and Hawkes leave the island, the six campers bid farewell to Bumpy. Darius finds a tranquilizer gun, but Blue quickly starts attacking the car. It's the end of an experience, but Darius is still irked by Kenji's words. Darius and Ben head back to Mae's, while Yaz breaks down before the others, and talks about her nightmares and desire to go home, with Yaz being comforted by Brooklynn, Sammy, and Kenji. The BRAD-X tries to kill Darius, but Darius gets away and the Spino destroys the BRAD-X, and Darius then uses a sleeping gas to knock out the Spino. However, they are shocked to learn that there are two Scorpios rexes. In the morning, Kenji tells Darius that he turned off the engine to conserve the boat's remaining gas as they are drifting, then Darius wonders about the camp mates' absence and the behavior of the Ouranosaurus, even when you notice that the island might be unbalanced. The group decides to try and sneak away while his back is turned, as Darius creates a diversion to lure him out. Brooklynn tries to warn Kenji that it's not the pen, then tries to open the enclosure after Velociraptors attack Kenji and Darius. Except for the fact they had missed the last evacuation departure. They get in an argument about which one of them had a harder childhood, somewhat coming to the conclusion that both of their childhoods were exploited for numbers, whether that be internet followers or track records. Brooklynn and the others use the platform to get to the med bay, but not before being chased by a Spinosaurus and the Saber-toothed Tiger, with the latter being killed by the Spino. Having grown up in a world where dinosaurs (previously extinct) lived and breathed, Darius developed a deep interest and admiration for these magnificent beings. The kids then jack up the vehicle so Blue can get out. He is able to use his infrared vision to see the campers, before he disappears, having climbed to the top of the camp to take them by surprise the hybrid jumps down and the campers try to evade it to no avail, even as lightning strikes a nearby tree, and the fire distracts the predator long enough for them to flee. The group wanders into a desert as a sandstorm begins to form. As Darius, Brooklynn and Kenji exit the Penthouse they are saved by Ben, Yaz and Sammy driving a limousine found in the garage, they manage to escape the dinosaurs with Bumby and return to the dock. However, Darius crashes the gyrosphere, causing it to lose energy. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous tells the story of Darius Bowman and five other teenagers, Ben, Yaz, Brooklynn, Kenji, and Sammy, who all win a trip to the titular Camp Cretaceous on Isla. . Kash tells Darius and the BRAD-X's they need to sweep the biomes. Darius tells him to check here first and says that baby dinos can't work elevators, in order for the others not to be caught. In Season 5 trailer that Brooklynn's hair remains fully dyed bright pink in the finale Season. Darius warns Brooklynn not to touch the yurt, even as Brooklynn calls another group meeting about her suspicions. Despite her anger towards Sammy for stealing her phone, she would forgive her after she realized that Sammy just did what she did to help her family while she herself just wanted to impress angry people on internet. Darius and Kenji trade blame, and the rest of the group begins to argue over who was to blame for the situation, as they resolve to wait out the storm, even as they fortify the camp in preparation to ward off the hybrid. While the six are attacked by some Ouranosauruses, they run back to the boat and use fireworks to scare them away. The five notice that Darius has been captured, and Brooklynn wonders where Darius is being taken. Just as the Mosasaurus is about to pounce on Darius and Sammy, Yaz manages to divert their attention by hitting the platform with an oar and they arrive safely. Brooklynn wants to find the laptop and destroy it, in order to stop him from creating any more dinosaurs. They see their way blocked by security gates, when they realize the park is closing. Darius, Sammy and Yaz with Mitch and Tiff go back to camp only to see Brooklynn and Kenji gone. 2003, Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous: Hidden Adventure, Darius Bowman[1] is the main protagonist of the Netflix series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. The group decides to take the monorail to get to the docks in time, but they are interrupted by Toro's arrival. At the dock, the group boards the boat as Ben stays behind. Ben calls the group to the balcony, seeing that Bumpy is extremely agitated, noting that it is a sign of danger. Brooklynn tells Darius that they all look to him because Darius' light burns bright and no amount of terrible choices can put it out. Kenji and Brooklynn make it to the security ladder, though the rest of the group is still too far away. So bye JPW, stay mad, and stay rad @Therapod king @Narutomaki81890812 (You said cool like six months ago), . They eventually find a genetics lab, and a manilla folder labelled, "E750". After boarding the boat, Brooklynn notices marks on there and remarks that Tiff had unwanted visitors, and the six learn that the boat is low on gas. When they first meet Brooklynn and other campers considered him a nerd, but instead of just calling him a nerd she made up the nickname "Dino Nerd". Darius and Yaz run through the jungle with the laptop, fleeing from the mercenaries. Brooklynn is the first character in the franchise to have gay parents. The group turns when they see a flock of Compys running away and realize that they are now trapped with the Scorpios rex. After heading into another room, the Spinoceratops Brooklynn and Kenji brought in damages the fuse and completely shuts off the power. As night falls, the hunters ready their weapons, even as the group sees a Stegosaurus enter the clearing. They decide to use the Kayaks on the attraction to navigate the river and get to the main park. She also wears dark blue jeans with several small tears and white shoes. As the group rests temporarily, they discuss what to do, with Darius reluctantly stating that they have no choice. Darius and Brooklynn are suddenly startled by the sound of a door opening slightly on the boat, only to be startled when Kenji jumps up in an attempt to surprise them but they weren't surprised. HUGE LOT of 14 Jurassic World Dinosaurs!!! Oh, my gosh. Kenji reveals that he was manipulating Darius, after he confronts him after being caught in a lie about his father. The group then encounter some bioluminescent Parasaurolophus in the underground river, and are then agitated by Bumpy's screams, beginning to attack the campers, before they abruptly flee. Fortunately, Ben leads Darius and Ben into Mae's place and Darius and Ben trap him inside, much to the anger of Kash. The children get out of the vehicle and Darius and the others witness the compys approaching to eat the kidnapper and decide to distract them from Blue. She tried to shake the Baryonyx, and Ben even tries to drew some away, but she can't make much distance between them. He looks even taller than Kenji, making him at least 6 foot. The Ouranosaurs try to board the boat, but the campers manage to scare them off with fireworks, all the while cheering in celebration. As Kenji, Sammy, Yaz, and Brooklynn take the gondola to the top, Darius stays behind with Ben and Bumpy to collect wood from the forest. Darius and Ben help Mae with Pierce, while Brooklyn and Kenji remove the altered food from the T. rex area and uncomfortably see the injured daughter T. rex Little Eatie (Big Eatie's daughter). pack sends Darius and Brooklynn rolling. She screams for the others to run, and is cornered with Darius atop a cage by Limbo. Brooklynn asks Kenji why everyone wants her to call the shots, Kenji says he can't be the leader and hearthrob. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. Paul-Mikl Williams By season 2 her lack of access to hair dye causes her hair to begin reverting back to its natural brown color. Trying not to let go Darius tries to lift Ben however his grip slips and Ben falls off the monorail. However, Blue notices them and chases after them, as the campers run to the safety of a vehicle. After Sammy has successfully recovered thanks to Yaz and the antidote, the campers decide to leave the island as soon as possible and take everything they can to the yacht. After some deliberation and discussion, the group decides to head towards the main street of the park to find help. Initially, Darius seems to conflict with the brash Kenji Kon. However, before they can resolve the conflict, Brooklynn tells them to run as a Baryonyx emerges from the forest to chase them. When the hybrid attacks the tower, the group tries to use the zip line to escape, but the emergency brake is triggered, leaving them stranded in the center. Brooklynn remarks to Kenji that he will make a good dad. Darius Bowman Initially planning to stay where she was, Darius persuades Brooklynn to help bring a lone Sinoceratops to their enclosure. The two Scorpios Rex spin in circles, roaring in agitation, even as Ben and Darius look on in horror to see that there are two of them. Shortly after they manage to evade it using the van and eventually find and seek refuge in the Genetics Laboratory. After overhearing his conversation with the mercenaries, the trio surmised that Wu wanted to retrieve his private laptop containing his Scorpios rex research so he could make more hybrid dinosaurs. Upon entering, the children look at the old place covered with plants and vines, then they see that the friends have placed the compass on the second level and decide to go up there. After being captured by Kash, he pretends to hate dinosaurs and feeds his ego to gain his trust, as well as acts like a spy for his group. The group is distracted by the sound of a dinosaur and decide to head to the observation tower to try to determine where the roar is coming from. Darius trusts Brooklynn for her experience building a shelter, as she made a video about building a barn. Shortly after, the counselors interrupted the activity due to the approaching storm and went out to warn the other employees leaving the campers in their Gyrosphere and behind the pack. Darius makes a plan, in which the group splits up, half to distract Rexy, while the others go to find the beacon. [1] She is Kenji Kon's girlfriend. After running a short distance, Darius climbs a tree and cannot find the fire. Still desiring to help the dinosaurs, Darius tells Mae they are in. There are a few times that show Brooklynn's hair dye fading in the episodes #1, 3, and 4 of Season 5 might be several animation errors. As Bumpy receives a warm welcome, Darius receives a call from Brooklynn informing him of the attack the others had. The six, Mae and Pierce see a group of BRAD-X's, Kash and the boss approach them. The campers then run to the safety of the Kayak River by the pteranadons. Sometime before Season 3, Brooklynn has fixed up her messy ponytail; it's bigger than the original size in Season 1 and her hair dye is still slowly reverting back. After rescuing Brooklynn and saying goodbye to Bumpy as she left them to join the Ankylosaurus herd, Darius and the campers finally left Isla Nublar for good and set off for Costa Rica on Mitch and Tiff's boat, Darius taking a long look at the island while feeling relieved to finally be off the island. They decide to head to the dock to try and find supplies to repair the ship. As Darius becomes disheartened, believing he will never find the beacon, Yasmina encourages him not to give up. The last shot of Brooklyn and the gang have them aimlessly wandering Nublar, in search of a place to try and survive. That Eddie guy who got eaten was level with Dr Wu.