The Curriculum for Wales is the curriculum which will be taught at all levels of state-funded education in Wales to pupils aged three to sixteen years by 2026. Assessment should not be carried out for the purpose of accountability. The curriculum guidance revisions will be followed by a second set at the end of 2021 to cover: Relationships and Sexuality Education Religion, Values and Ethics Careers and Work-Related Experiences The addition of guidance on enabling pathways A revised 'Legislation' section Additional guidance on the UNCRC and UNCRPD The curriculum has been developed based on a report commissioned in 2014. Working within the Curriculum for Wales framework, overall assessment arrangements at a school or setting level are a matter for individual schools and settings to determine as they design their own curriculum. From September 2022 it is statutorily required in primary and nursery education. Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Legislation Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code Sets out the 27 statements of what matters across the 6 areas of learning and experience. Chemistry in Curriculum for Wales - planning support This role should be supportive, building upon the practices already established at school or setting and cluster level, and should not be about external accountability. Assessment plays a fundamental role in ensuring each individual learner is supported and challenged accordingly. Practitioners should use descriptions of learning to develop a wide range of assessment approaches that help determine whether and how progress is being made. School curriculum overhaul for Wales published - BBC News Having read this guidance, what other schools or settings do you feel it would be helpful to start building relationships with to discuss progression? Progression step 2. We . The assessments must be taken annually in line with the statutory guidance provided in the, Increasing breadth and depth of knowledge, Deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines within Areas, Refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills, Making connections and transferring learning into new contexts, inform communications and engagement activity with parents and carers, support the transition of learners along the 3 to 16 continuum, help practitioners and leaders develop their understanding of progression, review and revise the curriculum and corresponding assessment arrangements, identify where improvement and support are needed as part of the school or settings self-evaluation process, their joint expectations for how learners should progress and how knowledge, skills and experiences should contribute to this in schools and settings curricula drawing on the principles of progression, statements of what matters and descriptions of learning, how to ensure coherent progression for learners throughout their learning journey and in particular at points of transition (for example, across and between primary and secondary school; across and between funded non-maintained nursery settings and primary schools, or schools and EOTAS providers; and from year to year within a school/setting). This incorporates biology, chemistry, physics,computer science anddesign and technology. Draft assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings were made available in summer 2022. The statutory requirements for schools, EOTAS including PRUs, and FNNE in respect of assessment arrangements can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. For the same purpose, schools will engage with funded non-maintained nursery settings as well as PRUs and other EOTAS providers with whom they have relationships to support learner transition and dual registered learners. For each, the guidance offers detail to guide curriculum planning and key questions to consider, including on progression and assessment, which are likely to inform local professional dialogue. This will help learners to develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and to apply them in different contexts. Assessment plays a fundamental role in enabling each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. All maintained schools and settings using the new curriculum and assessment arrangements, ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives, enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work, ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. How might the outcomes of discussions within and between schools and settings feed into the school or settings curriculum and assessment design and self-evaluation processes. Ga naar zoeken Ga naar hoofdinhoud. The priorities for discussions across an academic term/school year, ensuring that progression across the full breadth of the curriculum is covered appropriately on an ongoing basis. . The new curriculum for Wales has removed levels, replacing them with Progression Steps. Assessment will be part of your childs learning every day. This should take into account their developmental stage and any barriers to learning, ensuring that each learner is able to demonstrate progress in line with their individual ability. The full detail of these requirements can be found here with supporting information provided below. Learners progression should be assessed in relation to the breadth of the school or settings curriculum, which is designed to reflect the principles of progression, and informed by the descriptions of learning. When undertaken well, this can aid learner progression by helping parents and carers to understand how they can support learning within and outside the school environment creating a bridge between school or setting and home. Learning will include skills and experiences, as well as knowledge. The National Network will be an opportunity for all interested practitioners to get involved in national co-construction to address our shared challenges and opportunities. Instead, they will be used on an ongoing basis to help practitioners decide whether a learner is on track with their learning progression. Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3; These recommendations are based on Humanism. Teachers will have more freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for their learners. Finding your passion. This helps ensure that learners make continuous progress and supports them to progress over time. The aim is to help practitioners gain a clear picture of a learners achievements, plan appropriately, identify and seek additional support if needed, and report back to parents. These Regulations amend Schedule 17 to the Coronavirus Act 2020 to enable the Welsh Ministers to make a notice to temporarily dis-apply certain curriculum requirements and their associated assessment arrangements. Curriculum for Wales | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES Learner progression along a continuum of learning from ages 3 to 16 is central to Curriculum for Wales. Curriculum for Wales Blog | A curriculum for life As such, assessment for qualifications is separate to this guidance. Something went wrong, please try again later. been dismissed. Assessment and the new curriculum | Curriculum for Wales Blog plenty of opportunity to think like a scientist, but now the curriculum design process is explicit and KS3 - sorry, Progression step 4 - has a vital role in the development of pupils for the . Where possible, schools and settings should engage in professional dialogue beyond their cluster to help increase their understanding of progression. The curriculum is underpinned by the school's Christian vision and associated values. their next steps and the support or challenge . The Draft Curriculum for Wales 2022 This refers to particular elements, in addition to the above, that each school or setting may choose to develop and implement in their own context to support assessment practice. Therefore, to develop and maintain a shared understanding of progression, local authorities must make arrangements to: We recommend that local authorities encourage EOTAS providers to participate in discussions relating to progression when approached by a school to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners. There are 5 Progression Steps covering typical development from 3 years to 16 years. Request a different format. The curriculum sets out "what matters" and "progression steps" for each learning area. . Two Saints offers housing & support services in Berkshire, Hampshire (85%) and on the Isle of Wight. Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. The group, drawing on advice from experts, has developed high-level principles to provide broad direction for assessment at a national level. with practitioners in other schools beyond their cluster(s) to help ensure equity across the education system. . Assessment should not be used to make a one-off judgement on the overall achievement of a learner at a set age or point in time against descriptors or criteria on a best-fit basis. The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. The teacher's role in building careers into the curriculum This incorporates physical health anddevelopment, mental health and emotionaland social well-being. International Women's Day in Wales Powerpoint (Teacher-Made) Discover. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and For further information about transition, please see the next section of this guidance. The understanding a practitioner has of each individual learner, gained from assessment, is essential in supporting this process. For those providing EOTAS education, including PRUs, the, the CAMAU i'r Dyfodol project, a national research project designed to build capacity in understanding and developing progression from 3 to 16 across the curriculum in schools across Wales, primary schools should engage with leaders of funded non-maintained nursery settings, primary and secondary schools should engage with each other, primary and secondary schools should engage with leaders of PRUs, how future progression needs can be supported at home. Curriculum for Wales: History for 11-14 years su Apple Books Curriculum for Wales 2022 - A thorough exploration of CfW 2022 We are therefore introducing a new framework for evaluation, improvement and accountabilityso that they support the realisation of Curriculum for Wales. When schools and settings design and review their curriculum, they should consider what arrangements can be put in place to ensure effective transition. It is important that information and feedback can be easily understood by its intended audience it should be concise and jargon-free. . This statutory guidance should be read in conjunction with the rest of the Curriculum for Wales guidance on curriculum design and implementation. smooth transitions a shared understanding across a school cluster ensures the best possible transitions within and between nursery schools and primary schools and primary and secondary school for learners, as institutions will understand what and how learners have been learning and will be learning and what their next steps in learning should be to support their education and well-being. The Head Teacher Reporting Regulations are being phased out in accordance with the roll out of the new curriculum and the detail will then be set out in the Schedule to the Provision of Information by Head Teachers to Parents and Adult Pupils (Wales) Regulations 2022. Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. Careers education comprises three distinct elements - lessons specifically on careers, embedding careers in the curriculum, and gaining experience of the world of work. January has been chosen to fit best with curriculum planning cycles in schools and settings. Building on strengths and removing barriers - preparing for the Conditions. While the provision of personalised assessment reports to parents and carers is a statutory requirement, this is only a small element of what may be provided and should be considered in the context of the wider communication and engagement process with parents and carers. As schools and settings continue to develop their curriculum and assessment arrangements, they may wish to use these professional dialogue arrangements to share their thinking, approaches and examples. These include the key principles and purpose of assessment as outlined in this guidance along with other statutory guidance published alongside subordinate legislation such as the guidance to Support Transition from Primary to Secondary schools. As part of the learning process, practitioners and learners should develop an understanding of how each learner learns and what their attitudes and approaches to learning are, in order to support their continuing progress and to foster commitment to their learning. The group will review learning resources and professional training in relation to the teaching of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) history, Welsh history and cynefin. Taith360 is a complete planning and assessment tool designed for the new Welsh Curriculum. Where reference is made within this guidance to curriculum, learning and teaching or planning for learning, assessment is implicit. This includes planning to support Year 6 learners transition to secondary school. These cookies are: We would also like to save some cookies to help: You have accepted additional cookies. Schools and settings should encourage and enable parents and carers to: Schools and settings should engage external partners to: The principles of progression and the descriptions of learning, articulated in the Curriculum for Wales guidance, are intended to guide curriculum design and learning and teaching, with assessment arrangements and classroom practice being an integral part of both. Matomo cookies Latest updates on School Self-evaluation, Accountability and Progression Smoking and Vaping Enquiry-Based Learning Activity - Twinkl Evaluation, improvement and accountability arrangements within the education system are separate to assessment arrangements but historically have been seen to influence how assessment is perceived and how it is undertaken. We also recommend that PRUs build on any existing structures that may already be in place with schools, PRUs or other EOTAS to engage in discussions regarding progression. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, There has always been a choral tradition in Wales (some choirs having as many as 2,000 to 3,000 voices). Curriculum for Wales 2022 Following a comprehensive curriculum review, the Welsh Government has developed an exciting new curriculum that aims to create a successful and exciting future for all the children and young people of Wales. For further support, please see Annex 1. Schools and settings should develop and implement processes to support effective two-way communication and engagement with parents and carers. These should include established cluster working but also school networks, relationships with relevant funded non-maintained nursery settings, PRUs and EOTAS providers. Our response to the scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales. This understanding can contribute to processes of self-evaluation and continuous improvement. When implementing their assessment arrangements, their own or those provided by Welsh Ministers, providers of funded non-maintained nursery education (FNNE) will, have to have regard to this guidance. In reality, some discussions between secondary schools and their feeder primary schools may contribute to both developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression and supporting transition arrangements. Tes Global Ltd is As they do so, they will make links across their learning and apply this in new and challenging contexts. A school or setting must put in place a plan which: School/setting leaders may wish to consider including information such as the following in their plan. This article provides an overview of education in Wales from early childhood to university and adult skills.Largely state funded and free-at-the-point-of-use at a primary and secondary level, education is compulsory for children in Wales aged five to sixteen years old. types. Statutory online personalised assessments are part of the wider assessment arrangements and are designed to help the practitioner and learner understand how a learners reading and numeracy skills are developing and what the next steps should be. Details of the statutory requirements for the production of transition plans to support the transition process can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. The context of the review says 'Art is a rich and varied set of practices central to human civilisation. These can be considered as both longitudinal and cross-sectional. Head teachers should ensure that learners are provided with opportunities to contribute to the communication process. It should contribute to developing a holistic picture of the learner their strengths, the ways in which they learn, and their areas for development, in order to inform next steps in learning and teaching. The proposals make it clear that assessment is an integral part of learning and teaching and should not be conflated with external accountability and national monitoring activities. However, decisions relating to the frequency of meetings and engagement opportunities lie with the school/setting leaders. Consideration should also be given to any curriculum and assessment planning that takes place across the cluster. Learner progression along a continuum of learning from ages 3 to 16 is central to Curriculum for Wales. Changes include: In addition, we have included changes to the Humanities Area regarding the history of Wales and the world. Leaders may wish to consider the questions below in doing this. The statutory requirements for sharing information with parents and carers can be found in the summary of legislation section of the Curriculum for Wales guidance. Then choose a task for your pupils or ask them to choose between the two. A summary of how professional learning is changing to meet the needs of the new curriculum. The first teaching of all year groups from primary school to Year 7 will begin in September 2022 and the new curriculum will roll out year-on-year from this point. The proposal is that funded non-maintained settings and schools will be required to provide a The interim report focuses on learning resources. Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign held every March. DOWNLOAD ALL Identifying key chemistry skills The chemistry skills template (progression step 4) offers a template and example, summarising the skills developed during progression step 4, as outlined in the curriculum planning support document. An indication of most appropriate practitioners to contribute to the most relevant discussions in supporting learner progression (depending on the focus of the discussions under consideration). In doing so, they should take into account the diverse needs of individual learners across the breadth of the curriculum. Results of online survey and stakeholder sessions into the mandatory status of English in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill. It will be the schools responsibility, however, to approach the setting to put these arrangements in place. Is your school or setting involved in relevant, If your school/setting would benefit from further support when accessing the Camau AFTF workshops, your. This understanding should be used by the practitioner, in discussion with the learner, to ascertain the next steps required to move learning forward, including any additional challenge and support required. As the new curriculum is built on progression, supporting learner progression is at the heart of the proposals. All assessment activity should challenge and support learners to make progress. The Code sets out the ways in which a curriculum must make provision for all learners. Following a feedback period which ended in July 2019, the refined version will be available in January 2020, which will be used throughout Wales from 2022. If they choose to research an influential Welsh woman (Task 1) they can choose from a list of names including: Rose Mary Crawshay - suffragist who backed education and marriage reform Betty Campbell - Wales' first . Wales' new curriculum and assessment arrangements are being built on